Topological-autoencoders github

Ripser / ripser

Star 187
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Ripser: efficient computation of VietorisRips persistence barcodes
persistent-homology topological-data-analysis computational-topology
  • UpdatedDec 1, 2021
  • C++

scikit-tda /

Star 165
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A Lean Persistent Homology Library for Python
data-science topology notebook cython scikit-learn doi trouble persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda homology ripser
  • UpdatedDec 11, 2021
  • C++

GUDHI / gudhi-devel

Star 140
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[python - SimplexTree] SimplexTree.copy()

Topological-autoencoders github
mglisse commentedNov 6, 2019

It could be useful to have a way to clone a simplex tree, more efficiently than a loop on get_filtration doing inserts (we have a copy constructor in C++).

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enhancement good first issue

[python - SimplexTree] SimplexTree.copy()

mglisse commentedNov 6, 2019

It could be useful to have a way to clone a simplex tree, more efficiently than a loop on get_filtration doing inserts (we have a copy constructor in C++).

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enhancement good first issue

Pseudomanifold / Aleph

Star 79
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A library for exploring persistent homology
machine-learning c-plus-plus-11 persistence persistent-homology topological-data-analysis
  • UpdatedSep 25, 2021
  • C++

BorgwardtLab / topological-autoencoders

Star 60
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Code for the paper "Topological Autoencoders" by Michael Moor, Max Horn, Bastian Rieck, and Karsten Borgwardt.
autoencoder persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda
  • UpdatedSep 8, 2021
  • Python

BorgwardtLab / P-WL

Star 51
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A Persistent WeisfeilerLehman Procedure for Graph Classification
machine-learning persistent-homology topological-data-analysis graph-kernels weisfeiler-lehman graph-classification
  • UpdatedJun 9, 2021
  • Python

rivetTDA / rivet

Star 43
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RIVET is a tool for Topological Data Analysis, in particular two-parameter persistent homology.
data-science data-visualization algebraic-topology persistent-homology topological-data-analysis
  • UpdatedOct 11, 2021
  • C++

c-hofer / torchph

Star 32
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The essence of my research, distilled for reusability. Enjoy!
deep-learning gpu pytorch persistent-homology topological-data-analysis differentiable-persistent-homology
  • UpdatedOct 7, 2020
  • Jupyter Notebook

mtsch / Ripserer.jl

Star 25
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Flexible and efficient persistent homology computation.
topology julia persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda homology ripser cohomology
  • UpdatedJan 5, 2022
  • Julia

rrrlw / TDAstats

Star 23
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R pipeline for computing persistent homology in topological data analysis. See for more details.
visualization data-science ggplot2 cran r topology pipeline r-package joss persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda homology ripser r-packages homology-computation homology-calculations topology-visualization
  • UpdatedNov 23, 2021
  • R

nebneuron / Simplicial.jl

Star 22
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A package for various computations with simplicial complexes, combinatorial codes, directed complexes and their filtrations.
simplicial-complexes persistent-homology tda homology-computation combinatorial-codes directed-complexes polar-complex codewords dowker-complexes
  • UpdatedMay 3, 2021
  • C++

BorgwardtLab / Neural-Persistence

Star 21
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Code for the paper 'Neural Persistence: A Complexity Measure for Deep Neural Networks Using Algebraic Topology'
machine-learning deep-learning neural-networks algebraic-topology persistent-homology iclr iclr2019
  • UpdatedFeb 25, 2019
  • Python

scikit-tda / pervect

Star 17
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Vectorization of persistence diagrams and approximate Wasserstein distance
python topology vectorizer persistent-homology topological-data-analysis wasserstein-metric
  • UpdatedFeb 25, 2020
  • Jupyter Notebook

rodrgo / OpenPH

Star 14
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Parallel reduction of boundary matrices for Persistent Homology with CUDA
parallel-computing cuda gpu-computing persistent-homology topological-data-analysis numerical-computation
  • UpdatedAug 12, 2021
  • Cuda

salimandre / unsupervised-image-segmentation-persistent-homology

Star 13
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Unsupervised image segmentation by applying topological data analysis techniques.
image-segmentation unsupervised-learning persistent-homology tda persistence-diagrams gudhi traversal-algorithm rips-vietoris-complexes covering-tree
  • UpdatedFeb 13, 2020
  • Python

scikit-tda / cechmate

Star 13
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Custom filtration constructors for Python
phat persistent-homology tda filtration persistence-diagrams custom-filtrations boundary-matrices
  • UpdatedDec 23, 2021
  • Python

shizuo-kaji / CubicalRipser_3dim

Star 10
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Persistent homology calculation for 1D (scalar time series), 2D (image), and 3D (voxel) arrays
persistent-homology tda
  • UpdatedDec 29, 2021
  • C++

BorgwardtLab / fMRI_Cubical_Persistence

Star 10
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Code of our NeurIPS 2020 publication 'Uncovering the Topology of Time-Varying fMRI Data using Cubical Persistence'
persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda neurips cubical-complex cubical-complexes neurips-2020
  • UpdatedOct 22, 2020
  • Python

Pseudomanifold / pyper

Star 8
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Python-based persistent homology algorithms
persistent-homology topological-data-analysis
  • UpdatedAug 31, 2021
  • Python

mtsch / Ripser.jl

Star 8
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Simple Ripser wrapper in Julia
julia persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda computational-topology homology
  • UpdatedJun 3, 2020
  • Julia

rrrlw / ggtda

Star 7
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ggplot2 extension to visualize persistent homology.
visualization ggplot2 cran r barcode tidyverse rstats persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda ggplot-extension ggplot2-geom ggplot2-stat persistence-data vietoris-complex
  • UpdatedNov 14, 2021
  • R

giotto-ai / pyflagser

Star 7
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Feature request: Allow (read only) access to the directed flag complex via python

Topological-autoencoders github
flomlo commentedDec 18, 2020


The implementation of the data structure needed for the directed flag complex seems to be quite memory efficient in the flagser code. The same holds true for the generation of the directed flag complex.
Despite betti-numbers and simplex counts, which are currently ava

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enhancement good first issue

Feature request: Allow (read only) access to the directed flag complex via python

flomlo commentedDec 18, 2020


The implementation of the data structure needed for the directed flag complex seems to be quite memory efficient in the flagser code. The same holds true for the generation of the directed flag complex.
Despite betti-numbers and simplex counts, which are currently ava

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enhancement good first issue

shizuo-kaji / TutorialTopologicalDataAnalysis

Star 6
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Tutorial on Topological Data Analysis
nlp tutorial jupyter-notebook persistent-homology tda
  • UpdatedOct 4, 2021
  • HTML

trneedham / IntroductionToTopologicalDataAnalysis

Star 5
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persistent-homology topological-data-analysis tda
  • UpdatedMay 30, 2019
  • Jupyter Notebook

shizuo-kaji / HomologyCNN

Star 5
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Homology assisted CNN for image classification
cnn image-classification persistent-homology tda
  • UpdatedMay 19, 2020
  • Python

Pseudomanifold / TML

Star 5
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Experiments in topological machine learning
machine-learning topology machine-learning-algorithms persistent-homology
  • UpdatedSep 25, 2021
  • Python

Pseudomanifold / enchiridion-tda

Star 4
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An enchiridion for instructing mortals in the hidden arts of topological data analysis
topology data-analysis persistent-homology graph-kernels
  • UpdatedSep 23, 2021
  • Python

gjkoplik / pers-hom-examples

Star 4
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A placeholder repo to hold widgets for my Towards Data Science persistent homology medium article.
persistent-homology tda
  • UpdatedOct 29, 2019
  • HTML

mtsch / PersistenceDiagrams.jl

Star 4
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Persistence Diagrams in Julia
persistent-homology persistence-diagrams bottleneck-distance wasserstein-distance
  • UpdatedJan 5, 2022
  • Julia

rrrlw / visual-tda

Star 3
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R code associated with preprint proposing flat persistence diagram for better visualization of persistent homology.
r data-visualization data-visualisation persistent-homology topological-data-analysis
  • UpdatedOct 25, 2019
  • R