IELTS Listening practice test idp 2022

These pages provide you with  IELTS listening test practice with a number of online tests.

Use these to practice and prepare yourself for the test.

In the test there are four sections, and each one is more difficult than the last so you will find the test gets harder as it goes on.

In the test you can write on the question sheet and you then have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

Full Practice Listening Test One

  • The first listening test is on this page [scroll down].

Full Practice Listening Test Two

Full Practice Listening Test Three

Full Practice Listening Test Four

Full Practice Listening Test Five [Video]

If you want to know what your listening band score would be for each full test that you do, keep a note of your raw score for each section, then put your total score into the IELTS Band Score Calculator.

Online IELTS Listening Test One

In this free online test, you can input your answers onto the question sheet in the same way as the test [use the tab button on your computer to move to the next box]. The answers are at the bottom [you don't need to transfer your answers in this test].

Make sure you DO NOT refresh the page or leave the page during the online test or you will lose your answers.

Start the Test

This is what you will hear at the start of the test:

You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you have a chance to check your work.

All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answersheet.

Changes from January 2020

You should note that though you still have an example answer at the beginning of the test, the actual beginning of the audio is no longer played twice as of January 2020. Now the test begins and does not stop.

Also, 'sections' are now called 'parts' and references to page numbers are not give. 


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Online IELTS Listening Test Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4

Complete the notes below:

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


Example answer:
Name of club: ..........Kingswell

End of IELTS Listening Test ________________________________________________

IELTS Listening Test - Answers

Your answers must be EXACTLY the same as they appear in this answer sheet or they will be wrong.

Mistakes with spelling and grammar will be wrong.

Capitalization however does not matter. So for example you can have Monday or monday.

If a word is in brackets, this means it is correct whether you have this word or not.

Once you have worked out your 'raw score', follow this link to convert it to a band score -

Section 1, Questions 1-10

  1. [a] Keep-fit [studio]
  2. swimming
  3. yoga [classes]
  4. [a] salad bar
  5. 500
  6. 1
  7. 10 [am], 4.30 [pm]
  8. 180
  9. assessment
  10. Kynchley

Section 3, Questions 21-30

    1. A
    2. in advance
    3. nursery
    4. annual fee
    5. tutor
    6. laptops [OR printers]
    7. printers [OR laptops]
    8. report writing
    9. marketing
    10. Individual

Section 2, Questions 11-20

    1. B
    2. G
    3. C
    4. A
    5. E
    6. D
    7. [October [the]] 19th
    8. 7
    9. Monday, Thursday
    10. 18

Section 4, Questions 31-40

    1. feed
    2. metal / leather [IN ANY ORDER]
    3. restrictions
    4. ships
    5. England
    6. built
    7. poverty

Listening Practice Test 2 >>>

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It is always better to be well prepared before your test, as it helps if you’ve familiarised yourself with the computer-delivered format format before you head into it. Try out these sample materials will give to have you an idea of what to expect in the your computer-delivered IELTS Listening test.

Computer-delivered IELTS Listening test

There is no difference in the content, format or level of difficulty and scoring of the computer-delivered IELTS test. The type of Listening questions asked, thus, remain the same as in the paper-based test:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Plan/Map/Diagram Labelling
  • Form Completion
  • Note Completion
  • Table Completion
  • Flow-chart Completion
  • Summary Completion
  • Sentence Completion
  • Short Answer Questions

You can be asked any of these question types may appear in any of the four parts of the your Listening test. Given below is a A selection of sample Listening test questions for you to practice is given below. Once you’ve attempted these sample tests, you can refer to the answer keys and transcripts of the recordings are also provided for you to check your answers.

While attempting the sample tests, In each sample, you will have some time to look through the questions before the recording starts, and some time at the end to check your answers.

Please ensure you are using Chrome or Firefox to launch the sample texts. You can download Chrome for free here or Firefox for free here.

  • Audio recording

  • You are required to match a numbered list of items from what you hear in the listening audio to a set of options on the question paper. The set of options may be criteria of some kind. 

    Matching assesses the skill of listening for detail and whether you can understand information given in a conversation on an everyday topic, such as identifying different types of hotel or guest house accommodation. It also assesses your ability to follow a conversation between two people. It may also be used to assess your ability to recognise relationships and connections between facts in the listening text. 

    You will need to complete labels on a plan [e.g. of a building], map [e.g. of part of a town] or diagram [e.g. of a piece of equipment]. You can usually select your answers from a list on the question paper. 

    This matching task assesses your ability to understand, for example, a description of a place, and to relate this to a visual representation. This may include being able to follow language expressing directions [e.g. straight on/turn left/opposite]. 

    • Sample questions

    • Audio recording

    In this completion task, you are required to fill in the gaps in an outline of part or of all of the listening text. The outline will focus on the main ideas/facts in the text. It may be: 

    1. A form: used to record factual details such as names, addresses, telephone numbers 

    2. A set of notes: used to summarise information using the layout to show how different items relate to one another 

    3. A table: used to summarise information which relates to clear categories – e.g. place/time/price, 

    4. A flow-chart: used to summarise a process which has clear stages, with the direction of the process shown by arrows. 

    You will select the missing words in either way: 

    • From a list presented in the question paper 

    • From the recording 

    You must keep to the word limit stated in the instructions and use the exact words you hear from the recording. 

    You should read the instructions very carefully as the number of words or numbers you should use will vary. A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’. If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so check the word limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t’. Hyphenated words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’. 

    This gap completion task focuses on the main points which a listener would naturally record in this type of situation. 

    • Sample question

    • Recording

    • Sample questions

    • Audio recording

    • Answers

    In this sentence completion task, you are required to read a set of sentences summarising key information from either: 

    • all the listening text

    • from one part of it.  

    You will then fill a gap in each sentence using information from the listening text. A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER’. 

    You should read the instructions very carefully as the number of words or numbers you should use will vary. A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’. If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so check the word limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t’. Hyphenated words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’. 

    Sentence completion focuses on your ability to identify the key information in a listening text. You must understand functional relationships such as cause and effect. 

    • Sample question

    • Audio recording

    In the short-answer question type, you are required to read a question and then write a short answer using information from the listening text. Sometimes test takers are given a question which asks them to list two or three points. 

    A word limit is given, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’. If you use more than the word limit, your answer will be marked as incorrect so check the word limit carefully for each question. Contracted words will not be tested, e.g. ‘don’t’. Hyphenated words count as single words, e.g. ‘police-man’. 

    Short-answer focuses on the ability to listen for concrete facts, such as places, prices or times, within the listening text. 

    There is no shortcut to success and practice is the first step to the journey. Explore a variety of free and paid practice material on IELTS Prepare to give yourself the best chance of securing a high band score in your IELTS Listening test.

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