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Các nội dung trên Kho tri thức số được phân loại thành các cấp độ đồng, bạc, vàng, bạch kim, kim cương. Thành viên thuộc loại nào sẽ truy cập được nội dung loại đó và các loại có cấp độ thấp hơn

1. I _____ [be] a student.
2. My father __________ excuses when I feel like going to the cinema.

  • A. make always
  • B. make always
  • C. always makes

3. His students ________ [not, speak] German in class.
  • A. don’t speak
  • B. doesn’t speak
  • C. not speak

4. She ________ [not, be] six years old.
  • A. isn't
  • B. not is
  • C. are not

5. John ________ [work] in a supermarket.
  • A. works
  • B. working
  • C. work

6. The flowers _______________ [be, normally] watered by Bob.
  • A. are normally
  • B. normally are
  • C. normally is

7. Danny ________ [phone] his father on Sundays.
  • A. phons
  • B. phones
  • C. phone

8. I ___________ [not, know] what you mean.
  • A. doesn't know
  • B. not know
  • C. don't know

9. My husband and his colleague __________ golf whenever they are not too busy.
  • A. play
  • B. plays
  • C. are playing

10. John always __________ on time for meetings.
  • A. arrives
  • B. are arriving
  • C. is arriving
11. Barbara usually __________ dinner for her husband after work.
  • A. cooks
  • B. are cooking
  • C. is cooking

12. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to work together every day.
  • A. drive
  • B. drives
  • C. are driving

13. My parents normally __________ breakfast at 7:00 a.m.
  • A. eat
  • B. are eating
  • C. is eating

14. My best friend ________ to me every week.
  • A. write
  • B. writies
  • C. writes

15. John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
16. The bank ________ at four o'clock.
  • A. closes
  • B. will close
  • C. is close

17. It ________ almost every day in Manchester.
  • A. rain
  • B. rains
  • C. raines

18. My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.
  • A. watch
  • B. watchies
  • C. watches

19. Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.
  • A. pass
  • B. passes
  • C. is passes

20. My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
  • A. is frying
  • B. is fry
  • C. fries




Ex 1: Choose the best answer.

1] It ... a lot in Britain.a. rain

b. rainsc. is rain

2] I ... pizza very much.a. like

b. likesc. is like

3] I ... English very well.a. no speak

b. not speakc. don't speak

4] My sister ... to the cinema very often.a. don't go

b. doesn't goc. goes not

5] They always ... TV in the evening.a. are watch

b. watchesc. watch

6] I ... married.a. 'm not

b. don'tc. isn't

7] English people ... animals.a. likes


c.is like

8] The banks ... on Sundays.a. doesn't open

b. don't openc.is opend. do open

9] My sister ... in London.a. lives

b. livec. is live

10] Your brother ... tennis very well.a. play

b. is playc. plays

11] They ... the answer.a. don't know

b. doesn't knowc. aren't know

12] I ... understand.a. no

b. notc. don't

13. I _______ know the correct answer.a. am not

b. notc. don`td. doesn`t

14. They _______ agree with my opinion.a. are


15. Kathy usually __________ in front of the window during the class.a. sits

b. sitting
c. sitd. is sit

16. What does this word ________?a. means

b. meaningc. meand. is mean

Ex2: Choose the right answer

1. He ______ do anything to help me.a. don't do

b. isn'tc. notd. doesn't

2. I come from Canada. Where ______ you come from?a. are

b. doc. isd. not

3. Jane ____________ tea very often.a. doesn't drink

b. drink
c. is drinkd. isn't drink

4. How often __________ you play tennis?a. do b. are

c. is d. have5. Rice _______ in cold climates.a. isn't grow


c. aren't growd. doesn't grow

6. Vegetarians __________ meat.a. ate b. eat

c. don't eat d. doesn't eat

7. How often ______ you have English lessons?a. are b. got

c. do d. is

8. We ________ our teeth after breakfast.a. clean

b. are cleanc. cleaningd. cleans

9. My father ___________ get up early at the weekends. a. isn't

b. doesn'tc. don'td. aren't

10. Our lessons ___________ at nine o'clock.a. starts

b. startingc. are startd. start

11. The people in Brazil ___________ speak Spanish. They speak Portuguese.a. aren't

b. doesn'tc. don'td. isn't

12. He________________ a shower in the morning.a. doesn't have


d. don't has

13.______ the library open at half past nine?a. Do

b. Are
c. Wered. Does

14. They ___________ the bus to work at eight o'clock every day.a. catch

b. are catchc. catchesd. catching

15. Susan ____________ a lot of time surfing the net every day.a. spend

b. doesn't spendc. don't spendsd. doesn't spends

16. They really ___________ travelling, so they ________ to go abroad as often as possible.a. enjoys/ tries

b. enjoy/ triesc. enjoy/ tryd. don't enjoy/ try


1. How many books __________ you read in a year?

a. are b. were c. did d. do
2. He is good at football but he _____ want to play now.


d. don't

3. He is talking for hours but I _______ understand anything. a. don't

b. wasn'tc. isn'td. am not

4. How often ______ you go to the cinema?a. are

b. doc. wasd. does

5. She ________ like playing tennis. So she _______ plays tennis.a. doesn't/ always

b. doesn't/ neverc. isn't/ neverd. isn't/ hardly ever

6. One of my friends _____ read newspaper.a. doesn't

b. doesc. neverd. isn't

7. How many students ________ English? a. knows

b. are knowingc. does knowd. know

8. Kate ________ like martial arts.a. isn't

b. doesn'tc. don'td. do


a. Dob. Isc. Doesd. Are

10. He ____________ tennis with his friends.a. often plays

b. often playc. plays oftend. play often

11. A: Does your father watch soap operas? B: No, he ________.a. isn't

b. doesc. don'td. doesn't

12. How ________ do you wash your car?a. usually

b. oftenc. muchd. sometimes

13. Do your parents ___________ in the country?a. living

b. livesc. lived. lived

14. Ross doesn't ______ listening to music.a. like

b. likesc. likingd. liked

15. Sarah and Jessica _____________ playing computer games.a. doesn't like


c. isn't like
d. don't like

16. She hates washing the dishes. She ________ does it.a. always

b. usuallyc. neverd. every time

Ex 2:

1. David __________ to the library on Saturday mornings.a. go

b. goingc. is god. goes

2. Where _______ she ______________?a. was/ live

b. does/ livec. do/ livesd. is/ lives

3. Emilia ____________ every evening.a. washes up

b. wash upsc. wash upd. is wash up

4. She __________ French.a. don't study

b. doesn't studiesc. isn't studyd. doesn't study

5. My parents ________ work on Saturdays.a. isn't


d. wasn't

6. What time _______ your father go to work?a. is

b. doesc. dod. was

7. He __________do his homework every day.a. doesn't

b. don'tc. isn'td. is

8. When does he __________ his room?a. tidying

b. tidiesc. tidyd. does tidy

9. Some teachers ____________ much homework.a. give

b. givesc. are gived. is give

10. Taylor and Adam __________ good friends.a. be

b. isc. ared. do

11. _______ your parents let you go to bed late?a. Are


12. My sister ________ in a schoola. teach English

b. teaches Englishc. is teach Englishd. All a, b, c are correct.

13. My life ______so boring. I just _____ TV every night.
a.is/ are

b.is/ watchc.am/ watchd.am/ watches

14. Sometimes, I ________badminton after school.a. play

b. isc. amd. plays

15. Nam __________ice cream.a.is

b. likec. likesd. is likes

16. There_____many flowers in my garden.a. are

b. isc. dod. does


Ex 1: 1.b 4.b 7.b 10.c 13.c 16.c 2. a 5.c 8.b 11.a 14.b

3. c 6. a 9.a 12.c 15.c



Ex 1: 3. a 6.a 9.c 12.b 15.d

1. d 4. b 7.d 10.a 13. c 16.c2. c 5. b 8.b 11.d 14. a

Ex 2: 3. a 6.b 9.a 12.b 15.c

1.d 4. d 7.a 10.c 13. b 16.

2. b 5. c 8.c 11.c 14.a

Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp 6 tại đây:

Anh lớp 6 Unit: //vndoc.com/tai-lieu-tieng-anh-lop-6 //vndoc.com/tieng-anh-pho-thong-lop-6 //vndoc.com/test/mon-tieng-anh-lop-6

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