Turn laptop into desktop Reddit

Build Help!

I have an older Lenovo laptop, it's beyond repair but the processor is still good. Can I pull out its i7 processor and load it into a PC motherboard?

EDIT: Holy smokes!! Thank you for the crazy great feedback! I’ll be sitting down a bit later tonight to answer as many questions as I can!

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Turn laptop into desktop Reddit


I made a huge mistake of purchasing a lenovo gaming laptop. The laptop has good specs but overheats easily and is just a big hassle in general. I was wondering if it would be plausible to take apart the laptop and transfer the parts to a desktop case. Obviously I wouldn’t get all the parts just from the laptop, but was wondering if I could salvage the i7 processor and GeForce 970. Sorry for text wall on mobile

So my friend's ASUS gaming laptop (n71j) has been having progressively worse overheating issues. We've dismantled it and applied thermal paste, clean it regularly, etc, but it always starts overheating quickly again. The fans all work etc.

It's three years old, so I'm sure that's a factor.

To eek out some extra usability from the laptop while he builds a new PC, we were wondering if it was possible to move the laptop's internal components into a mini-ATX tower? Does anyone have any experience doing this? If it's possible, we can run some better cooling and hopefully set the resulting unit up as a media center or something.

Just an idea, thanks to anyone who read / has experience doing this!

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Posted byu/[deleted]9 years ago

Turn laptop into desktop Reddit


I have no idea how reddit works, do I just post a link to photos hosted elsewhere? https://imgur.com/a/uFs73bQ

So I have this ultra small form factor optiplex 790 sitting around collecting dust (really, it's filthy) and I think it would be a perfect candidate for portabilizing. It has a really small mainboard, and the cutest PSU ever made. While it does have a laptop optical drive, it uses desktop DDR3 modules so it isn't as miniaturized as it could be, however with an LGA1155 socket and the cooling assembly it is not really an issue. It has exactly none slots for any sort of upgrades, so I don't have to worry about luxuries such as GPUs.

The objective is to build a self-contained, portable unit. Sure I could just toss this in a shopping bag with a UPS but I think we can do better. There are some considerations I'm hoping to get some input on.

Power- this PC has a PSU and plugs straight to a wall outlet like a standard desktop, and I need it to be able to run off a battery. UPS are rather hefty and not the most efficient, is there a better alternative? I've seen DC-DC mentioned before but have never used anything like that, is it something I should look into for this? Ideally I'm looking for something that can get me at least 2 hours of use off a charge.

Monitor- I have a 19" 16:10, nothing flashy but it's good quality and I like it. It is a little on the bulky side, however. Would prefer to keep it if at all possible.

Optical drive- if it fits then cool, if not then who cares. Priority level: 0

Case- what can I cram it all into? Compactness is a priority, and it needs to be something that can be purchased and modified. Building from scratch isn't an option. Needs to fit into a backpack. Also needs to look cool.

Money- I don't want to spend a lot, looking to budget about $150. Probably going to be srounging, recycling, CL hunting, and the like.

If you have any links to cool portable builds I'd love to see them. Don't bother telling me not to do it, I've already disassembled the computer and lack any motivation to fit everything back.

Hi !

I chose to buy a OMEN 15 laptop back in December 2018 because I wanted a powerful computer for gaming and I needed it to be a laptop to attend my university courses. Sadly, after a year or so, the laptop started overheating and I stopped using it in my classes because of how noisy it was. Now that Covid happened, my university classes are all online so I basically use my laptop as a desktop PC, but the overheating problem still annoys me so I was thinking of buying a desktop PC when I get the money.

Then I thought: what if I turn my laptop into a desktop PC ? For the moment, I am satisfied with it's performance. So would it be wise to just dismantle the laptop and build a desktop PC with it ? I could then use a huge a** passive cooling heatsink and boom ! The heat and noise problems are no more !

I couldn't find anyone online that did this (turning a laptop into a desktop pc), so I wanted to ask you guys if there was any reason I shouldn't do this.

Since r/laptop is no more, I figured I'd ask it here.

I have been using my recently purchased Dell Inspiron 15R SE (7750) directly from the wall, hooked up with a 23" HD monitor for almost two months now. I have popped out the battery and stored it in a airtight packing. Every 10 days or so, I drain out the battery until it's at 20%, recharge it completely, and store it again.

I want to know the apparent disadvantages of using laptop as a desktop replacement. The placement is pretty well ventilated, so in most cases, the heat is well under control. What drawbacks or losses is my laptop is likely to suffer if I keep using it like this?

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Turn laptop into desktop Reddit


Hey this might be a strange question to ask and its got 2 parts to it. I had a Lenovo Legion Y720 whose battery just died and its causing a lot of heating problems. I've been wanting to get a PC for a long time as well.

Would it be possible to reuse the motherboard, CPU, Graphics card and all the other components into a desktop?

If so what power supply would I need?This is the amazon link to my current laptop in case you need additional information I did not list to answer the questions. Thanks so much for any help!

Edit: I realize the hardest part will be finding a case to support it but I'm willing to DIY the case but am more worried about if I need to solder the motherboard to the power supply or can I just connect it directly.

So basically, I have a laptop with s somewhat decent setup, except for the gpu. It’s trash, and I can’t run my quest 2 on it. It says I need a gtx 1060 and I have an mx 130. Since I don’t wanna spend way too much money on a new computer, I just wanna turn my faithful laptop into a sweet, sweet desktop. Recommendations please!

Any suggestions on cases, or fitting components into a mini case?

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Turn laptop into desktop Reddit