tankies là gì - Nghĩa của từ tankies

tankies có nghĩa là

A hardline Stalinist. A tankie is a member of a communist group or a "fellow traveller" (sympathiser) who believes fully in the political system of the Soviet Union and defends/defended the actions of the Soviet Union and other accredited states (China, Serbia, etc.) to the hilt, even in cases where other communists criticise their policies or actions. For instance, such a person favours overseas interventions by Soviet-style states, defends these regimes when they engage in human rights violations, and wishes to establish a similar system in other countries such as Britain and America.

The term is used to distinguish the rare individuals with these kinds of beliefs from communists more broadly (including Communist Party members), whose adherence to Soviet doctrine and attachment to existing "socialist" states is somewhat weaker.

It is always more-or-less abusive in the sense that those termed tankies do not use the term themselves, but it doesn't have any particular bite (unlike, say, Trot).

The term derives from the fact that the divisions within the communist movement first arose when the Soviet Union sent tanks into communist Hungary in 1956, to crush an attempt to establish an alternative version of communism which was not embraced by the Russians. Most communists outside the eastern bloc opposed this action and criticised the Soviet Union. The "tankies" were those who said "send the tanks in".

The epithet has stuck because tankies also supported "sending the tanks in" in cases such as Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Bosnia and Kosovo/a (in the case of the Serbian state), and so on (whereas the rest of the communist movement has gravitated towards anti-militarism).


I wouldn't be surprised if the tankies even defend Saddam Hussein.

Some of the people round George W Bush used to be left-wing, but they haven't really changed their views much; they were mostly tankies.

tankies có nghĩa là

Slang for someone who supports militant communism, as opposed to the subversive, political, or economic warfare variants of communism. Generally, though not always, a Stalinist.


Only tankies would actually want to spread the revolution though military might.

tankies có nghĩa là

A Thomas The Tank Engine fandom member


Look, it's a tankie.

tankies có nghĩa là

1 Communists who are anti-american imperialism to the extent that they defend cartoonishly bad people/countries as long as they claim to be socialist and challenged the interests of the U.S. or some other western nation. They can be found defending Joseph Stalin, Bashar al-Assad, and North Korea. It began as an insult to members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB), who supported the Soviet Union's response to the Hungarian Revolution (1956) and the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia (1968) 2 People who fetishize the aesthetics of 20th century socialist states and treat communism like a social group rather than a political ideology; not everyone who calls themself communist on Twitter is a tankie.


Tankie: "I try not to argue with people Lenin would have shot."
T: "Come back after you've read theory, radlib."
T: "Happy birthday, Stalin! 🎉🎊"

tankies có nghĩa là

Apologists for some of humanity's most brutal regimes, including (but not limited to) the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea. Most Tankies are hardcore Stalinists who want a totalitarian Stalinist regime established in their home country. Tankies claim be to be left-wing politically and are (rightfully) shunned by other left-wing groups (Progressives, Socialists, Social Democrats, Anarchists, etc) due to their love of dictators.


That guy's a Tankie. He wants to replace the government with a Stalinist dictatorship and build gulags.

tankies có nghĩa là

A very authoritarian socialist/ communist.


Have you seen the Video of Ushanka Kid? When he said Stalin would be better than Trump he was a real Tanky

tankies có nghĩa là

another way to say "thanks", because "thanks" is so played out. {taken from the hit show "Gullah Gullah Island"}


Here's some more sweet nourishing apple juice.

Tanky tanky.

tankies có nghĩa là

Authoritarian 'communist' often class reductionist likes to larp as a revolutionary and adamantly plays defense for the USSR, CCP and North Korea.
Often Marxist-Leninist (not all MLs though) however sometimes outright Stalinist. often call others rad-libs if they disagree about existing 'socialism' (CCP/USSR)


John: The Uighur genocide is a horrible crime against humanity.
Caleb Maupin: wow cringe CIA propaganda rad-lib
John: Go away Tankie

tankies có nghĩa là

Used to describe a member of a Communist subculture on the internet who genuinely believes that countries such as China and North Korea are global champions of social justice and Communist utopias. The group has particular traction amongst 2nd generation Asian migrants in the west who incorporate these regimes into their own identity struggles.


If you believe China is a global force for anti-racism and equality, and put a hammer and sickle in your twitter handle, you're a Tankie.

tankies có nghĩa là

the act of thanking a homie.


Tankies for the blunt foo.