No rendered photo exists on disks lr lỗi năm 2024

The original photo (CR2) definitely exists on the disk and I am able to export in other formats. I'm attempting to export into the same folder as the original photo.

Update: Seems it was a permissions error with the export folder. Once I adjusted the permissions in the folder it work.

Keywords disappeared on LR 5.6 Reinstall

August 28, 2014, 4:22 pm

A hard drive disaster caused me to reinstall LR 5.6. My image folders and the LR index were on a different hard drive. I imported those folders. In the process, all my keywords disappeared as did the image modification history.

LR 5.6 Import from Card Reader: Duplicate Folders

August 28, 2014, 4:27 pm

I have imported from a card reader to designated labeled folders for a couple of years. I had to reinstall LR 5.6 due to a hard drive crash. Now I get subfolders designated by year month date beneath the designated folder. I can't delete the duplicate subfolders without deleting the main folder. Alterations in the main folder are reflected in the subfolders. (1) How do I keep LR from creating these subfolders? (2) How do I eliminate the subfolders it's created?

Re: Can LR Export to a Custom Color Working Space?

August 28, 2014, 4:32 pm

Lou Dina wrote:

As far as I know, LR can only open RAW files into Photoshop using sRGB, Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB.

Is there a way to add different RGB working spaces to that short list so the file opens in a different working space?

No, it would be useful if you could select any working space like you can in Export. But if you wanted to use BetaRGB and Edit in, you could select ProPhoto RGB, then in Photoshop, set your Color Settings to Convert to Working RGB, specify BetaRGB and turn OFF the profile mismatch warnings. Photoshop would convert as it opens the file to BetaRGB from ProPhoto which is basically what Export is doing (there is a difference in the gamma).

Re: LR applying outdated metadata preset on folder sync.

August 28, 2014, 4:32 pm

There's the key piece of info. So LR remembers different import presets based on file type?

Running two experiments.

First, I'm importing a folder of JPGs that I know already have 2014 copyright via the Import GUI (not synchronizing folder.) The import interface opened, and the "Apply During Import - Metadata" drop-down was set to my 2014 copyright. If LR remembers import defaults based on file type, then I would have expected to see it set to my 2013 metadata preset.

Just for science, I'm importing a folder of DNG files that are also already set to a 2104 copyright. For these files as well, LR defaults to my 2014 copyright.

Am I not running the test the way you intended? Any other ideas on why doing a folder sync would apply an old metadata preset?

Re: LR applying outdated metadata preset on folder sync.

August 28, 2014, 4:36 pm

In both tests above, when I backed out and did a folder sync instead, LR adamantly reset my copyright to 2013.

Re: Working in Lightroom 4.2 on a MAC

August 28, 2014, 4:40 pm

I messed up. No backups of the catalog.

Lightroom 5 serial numbers for installing

August 28, 2014, 4:47 pm

I've purchased LR5 online, downloaded it and now can't open it.

I'm being asked for a serial number, which has been provided. I'm also being asked for the original S/N??

I was only given have the one... this is the prompt I get back after entering the first "This is an upgrade serial number.The serial number from your previous version of Lightroom is reqiured'. It's a new computer and I've never owned LR before......

Can someone please tell me whats's going on here?

Re: Lightroom 5 serial numbers for installing

August 28, 2014, 5:04 pm

Yes. You bought an "upgrade" version of Lightroom. You wanted to buy the non-upgrade version. You'll have to get in touch with Adobe's Customer Support and explain the problem and get them to help you.


Re: Custom crop size inconsistencies

August 28, 2014, 5:12 pm

You don't mention the versions of LR you all are using. This applies in 5.6 but I don't know about any other.

when I entered your dimensions in inches in the custom crop category, it was there after using it and closing and reopening LR to crop another image. I don't have enough custom sizes saved to see if LR deletes the oldest, but why don't you delete all of your custom presets, close and reopen LR and try setting the 3x2.2 one you want...

Hope this works


Re: Should i load Lightroom onto my SSD, or just the catalogue and previews, or both?

August 29, 2014, 12:18 pm

If the SSD is the primary drive then thats where you will put any applications.

Keeping the Catalogs and preview on the SSD will be the fastest option.

With Photoshop your limitation is going to be in the Scratch Disk space available on 128GB drive. I would choose an alternate drive if available and internal especially if you plan on working larger or multi layer files.

Re: Should i load Lightroom onto my SSD, or just the catalogue and previews, or both?

August 29, 2014, 12:19 pm

This is pretty much what I was thinking. I am starting to realizze that maybe a 128GB SSD might be too small as it will have Windows 8 on it as well.

Images of course will be remaining on their original magnetic HDs

Re: Can't open Lightroom after hard shut down

August 29, 2014, 12:20 pm

Try opening a backup catalog, if you have one.

Try reinstalling Lightroom

Re: How do you change the dpi on photos?

August 29, 2014, 12:21 pm

Re: Should i load Lightroom onto my SSD, or just the catalogue and previews, or both?

August 29, 2014, 12:24 pm

My OS runs on a 128GB SSD with all my apps.

My Catalogs are on the SSD along with Previews (almost 10gb)

I try to keep my SSD with at least 15-20GB free (empty downloads folder regularly)

My PS scratch is on an internal 2TB drive as my files range up to 2GB at times.

All images are stored on internal Spinning drives

Re: Recent update 5.6 causing my computer to lock up when importing photos. The program is not responding

August 29, 2014, 12:24 pm

Hi Jim

Thanks for responding. I don't use the mobile features either. I did sign

into the mobile feature and that seems to clear up the issue. It must be a

glitch with the softwsre5

Re: Catalog back up

August 29, 2014, 12:28 pm

Is the folder measuring 5.4GB or the catalog file? If its the folder then I suspect you have a previews file in there too.

If its just the catalog file I would be interested in knowing how it got so large.

I dont recall but perhaps back then the backup was in fact including previews albeit not in a separate file.

Re: Pixelated Images when Importing from SD Card

August 29, 2014, 12:42 pm

The screen capture indicates that the image IS at 1:1. Dragging further right will increase to 11:1

There IS a Loupe view in the import dialog.

Question NathLee What happens when you actually do import?

Re: Pixelated Images when Importing from SD Card

August 29, 2014, 12:54 pm

I've seen complaints here of wee, tiny thumbnails when importing. I cannot remember what (if anything) was the answer to the problem.

Are you using a card reader or the camera to transfer the images to LR?


Re: Catalog back up

August 29, 2014, 12:58 pm

The backup was made in Lightroom 3 when exiting the program each day.

I do not think I need this backup because most of the info I have says that users usually only keep about 4 copies of their catalog backups. I had recently deleted a large number of these backups but had stopped at this one.

The concern that I have is the size of this one backup 5.4 GB and all of the others are around 1.6+ MB. In addition will I be loosing any of my catalog information.