greenwichs là gì - Nghĩa của từ greenwichs

greenwichs có nghĩa là

Here, in the richest town in the U.S., everyone owns houses bigger than most apartment complexes and drive cars that are more expensive than houses in "the rest" of America. 99% of the town is white, and all the girls wear lacoste and ralph lauren polos and oxfords (collars popped -- that's a given), j. crew classics, "real" juicy couture, and accessorize with prada. Knockoffs? What are those?! After lacrosse or field hockey practice, they all top off their polka-dot hair ribbons with eliza b. or rainbow flip flops. Don't even think about wearing just red or blue, it's all "nantucket red" and "lagoon" or "ocean spray".
Now onto the boys they date:
All wear seersucker or madras shorts/pants, and have long, stylishly unkempt hair. They all sail and play lacrosse, and are exceptional at both, when they aren't stoned or drunk. Their families attend yacht club parties every saturday night, where all the men have names like "tyler" and preppy little nicknames.
For fun in Greenwich, girls shop 'til they drop on "the Ave", where the most popular stores include "Rags" and "Wishlist", where you can pay $70 for a faded shirt that has been "professionally aged" so that the buyer can pretend to be ghetto and poor. And "ghetto" is a word used often in Greenwich. Preppy kids dressed to impress often say things like, "woah, man, your BMW is sooo mad ghetto". For the cash it takes to buy the sportscars that are cruising around Greenwich, you could buy and refurbish a ghetto.
Bottom line: Greenwich is preppy to the max, a prime example of a community so sheltered that most of the people there have an incredibly skewed perspective of wealth.


Greenwich, the home of the plastics.

greenwichs có nghĩa là

A very rich town in Connecticut where even the seven black people that live there can't be considered black, and excessive drug use is commen, due to the lack of things to do. There is very little that the youth can use to entertain themselves, so everyone knows exactly where to buy heroin.
The style consists of brightly colored Lacoste shirts, usually layered, Khakis, and a looley placed visor on males, and a Jean skirts, a dress shirt over a polo, and flipflops for females, year round.
Mostly everyone owns more than one house, and a boat.


Girl: So, what do you want to do tonight?
Boy: Big party on my boat. Bring your bong.
Girl: Awesome. What time?
Boy: Doesn't matter, if you miss us, we'll send my assistant to get you in the Grady.

greenwichs có nghĩa là

greenwich is a wealthy town, no doubt about it. you can add a whole list of other things- preppy, predominantly white, etc. but the definitions here are "a bit" exaggerated. the reality of greenwich has been fabricated here and there, and suddenly it sounds like a TV show or something...everybody is described as an inarticulate, snobby, fantastically rich druggie who acts ghetto. there are people who are some of these things, but not all of greenwich is this way. the greenwich stereotype has been taken to a new level, and greenwich is, in truth, not at all as extreme as it has been portrayed.


this is a true story: i was talking with a woman who had recently moved to greenwich (approximately 6 months ago), and she said she had encountered none of the snobbery that greenwich was famous for. this is not to say that greenwich is free of snobbery, but that for the most part, it is rarely present.

greenwichs có nghĩa là

While Greenwich is one of the nation’s wealthiest towns, it is clear many of the teens posting on here have exaggerated the lifestyle. Yes, the people in this town are living better then 97% of the nation’s population, but many of you have simply glamorized the town and the lifestyle that the people lead.


I cant tell if these definations are tongue and cheek or if they are actually serious

greenwichs có nghĩa là

An extremely stereotyped town in Southern Fairfield County, Connecticut. Because the property values are high, and there are some areas with mostly large houses, people from Greenwich are tagged as stuck up and ignorant. Although less goes on there than in alot of major cities, that doesn't mean there are no nice people. Look past your preconcieved notions when you are there.


Man1: Look! Their liscence plate says "Honda of Greenwich" they must be rich scumbags!"
Man2: Yeah! lets tailgate them.
Man1: Good idea!

greenwichs có nghĩa là

greenwich, CT is one of the wealthiest towns in the United States, but as a person who lives in greenwich, most of these definitions are skewed and presumptuous. I don't sail, play lacrosse, wear polo's or lacoste. I am not white,and although I am the minority there is a lot of us in Greenwich, at least 90+ Argentine families, which is where i am from. There definately is the preppy group but to tell you the truth it isnt the majority of the people. While there is a lot of drug addicts and drunks in greenwich the amount of people who smoke between classes (in a school of 3,000 kids) is less than 50, and i personally have never smoked. I just wanted to give people a different view from all the ones that i have been reading which are mainly assumptions and stereotypes. The descriptions other people wrote are true in some ways but still, to a much lesser extent.


Greenwich is something people assume really isn't.

greenwichs có nghĩa là

A town in Connecticut about which certain people who don't live there love to make generalizations in order to feel better about (or simply mask) how white, privileged, racist, and stuck up they themselves are.

Greenwich is actually home to a wide variety of people. Its working class quarried the stones that built the Brooklyn Bridge. Greenwich residents have served in all America's major wars from the Revolution to Iraq. In fact, a Greenwich man was the first American soldier to die in World War I.

Sure, I could go on a long rant about the town's many faults, but it's home. Unless you've lived there, shut the fuck up.


"Wow - everyone who lives in Greenwich evidently rides flying Ferraris made of solid gold mined by African children and powered by the tears of displaced Native Americans. Guess I can absolve myself of all my white guilt now."

greenwichs có nghĩa là

Greenwich (UK) is a Borough in South East London, which is famous for Greenwich Mean Time The former Royal Naval College, The National Maritime Museum and Greenwich Town centre (among Other Things). Despite the borough's significant place in British naval and scientific heritage, it is one of the most deprived areas of London.


Greenwich is one of the most deprived broughs of The East Thames Corridor.

greenwichs có nghĩa là

A town filled with rich juul fiends who buy 12 packs at once on their daddy's card. While this might seem like everyone's a pretentious douchebag, Greenwich is split into 6 areas with pretty different people. First there's Old Greenwich/Riverside, which is where all of the people go to live right on the water, they get Upper Crust Bagels every morning and think Garden Catering is better than Chicken Joes, these are the humblest rich kids in Greenwich. Next to that is Cos Cob, this area is mixed between rich and middle class, everyone here gets high as fuck at "pomy"/"monty" (forests where adults walk there dogs and kids smoke weed), Cos Cob is the most normal you'll get in Greenwich. Then there's Glenville/Byram, these two are the areas that kind of stick to themselves, if you aren't from one of them, chances are you aren't friends with kids there. It's the capitol of potheads in Greenwich, if you wanna get high, you're probs copping from some kid who lives there. Last is Back Country, which consists of enormous multi-million dollar homes owned by Wall Street commuters and their lacrosse player sons who are legacies UMich, they do coke and rip their bongs in their guest houses. It takes 30 minutes to drive to literally any part of Greenwich, so chances are your 1am booty calls never pull through. No matter what part of Greenwich you're from, you probs have a severe drinking problem and know at least 5 kids who've been to rehab, and at least 3 who have gone more than once.


Girl: "Hey I'm copping from Byram, can you give me a ride? I'm in Back Country Greenwich."
Boy: "Sorry I gotta full tank of gas, I'll run out."

greenwichs có nghĩa là

As someone from Back Country, I can attest to a lot of this. A very very wealthy part of Greenwich where houses sell for 4.5 million and over. Most kids here go to boarding schools such as Loomis Chaffee, Deerfield, Choate, and Phillips A+E. Kids here get their first car when they're 15. All the girls wear van cleef, Cartier and go yachting in with their dads yacht on the weekends. You'll commonly see preps here, boys only play lacrosse, hockey and football.... Moms are usually stay at home moms, and dads work as lawyers, surgeons, executives or CEOs in Manhattan


Oh she is really preppy.... must be from back country greenwich