Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 8 câu tường thuật

Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu

  1. 1. “Open the door,” he said to them   →He told them............................................................................................................................. 2.  “Where are you going?” he asked her   →He asked her where................................................................................................................... 3. “Which way did they go?” he asked → He asked.................................................................................................................................. 4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her   →I told.......................................................................................................................................... 5. “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us   →She told..................................................................................................................................... 6. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her   →I asked her                                                                                                                                                7. “He’s not at home”, she said   →She said that                                                                                                                                    8. “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked   →The girl wanted to know........                                                                                                    9. “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said   →Tom told Ann............................................................................................................................             10. “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her   →He asked                                                                                                                                                      11. “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked   →Thomas asked Jean ...........................................................................................................        12.  Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said   →I told Mary                                                                                                                                                13. “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said   →She said that ........................................................................................................................     
  2. 14. “I’ll pay him if I can” she said   →She said that                                                                                                                                            15.  “What are you going to do next summer?” she asked   →She asked us                                                                                                                                              16. “I’ll phone you tomorrow,” he told Jack   →He told Jack that                                                                                                                                  17.  “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked   →Tom asked Jean                                                                                                                                      18. “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said   →He said that                                                                                                                                            19.  “Don’t keep the door locked,”  he said to us   →He told us                                                                                                                                              20. “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him   →I asked him how long..........................................................................................................       21. “Are you going by train?” she asked me   →She wanted to know.....                                                                                                              22. “Don’t use too much hot water,” she said to us   →She asked us..............................................................................................................................             23. “Will you come to my party?” she said to me   →She invited me                                                                                                                                  24. “Don’t do it again,” she said to them   →She told them                                                                                                                                     25. “ Did Mr Brown send the potatoes to you?” she asked   →She asked                                                                                                                                             26. “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys,” she said   →She told                                                                                                                                                    
  3. 27. “What do you want for lunch today, Peter?” Mary asked   →Mary asked                                                                                                                                               28. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter   →Peter asked if                                                                                                                                                29. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager   →The office manager wondered                                                                                                                           30. “You had better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth,’’ said John   → John advised Elizabeth                                                                                                                                   31.  “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said John   →John accused                                                                                                                                                    32. “ You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Mary   →Mary accused                                                                                                                                                   33. “When was your little boy born?” said the nurse to Mrs   Bingley   →The nurse asked Mrs Bingley                                                                                                                          34. “You should take more exercise, Mr   Robert,” the doctor said   →The doctor advised                                                                                                                                           35. “Will I find a job?”, Tim said to himself   →Tim wondered                                                                                                                                                  36.  “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number,” said Paul to Susan   →Paul apologized                                                                                                                                                37.  “When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked   →Martha asked Peter when                                                                                                                                 38.  “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother   →Anna asked                                                                                                                                                      39. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William”, his mother said   →William’s mother told                                                                                                                                     
  4. 40. “Don’t bite your nails,” said Mrs   Rogers to her son   →Mrs   Rogers told                                                                                                                                             41. “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary” said George   →George said                                                                                                                                                      42. “I’m sorry, Angela,” said Martin, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car   →Martin apologized                                                                                                                                            43. “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked us   →The landlady asked                                                                                                                                          44. “ John, please don’t tell anyone my new address,” said Mary   →Mary asked                                                                                                                                                      45. “Breakfast will not be served after 9   30” said the notice   →The notice said that                                                                                                                                          46. “Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?” →I asked                                                                                                                                                              47. “Don’t forget to bring your passport with you tomorrow” →She reminded me                                                                                                                                             48. “Do not write on the wall,” said the teacher to the boys   →The teacher told the boys.......................................................................................................... 49. How many jobs have you had since 2000?” the interviewer asked Mr. Simpson. →The interviewer asked..............................................................................................................  50. “Why didn’t you report the incident to the police?” the officer asked the frightened witness. →The officer wanted to know......................................................................................................

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Mời các bạn tham khảo tài liệu Bài tập Câu tường thuật Tiếng Anh lớp 8 sau đây để biết được những dạng bài tập chính thường được ra về câu tường thuật, thông qua đó nâng cao kỹ năng giải bài tập về câu tường thuật nói riêng và nâng cao kiến thức về ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh nới chung.

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Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 8 câu tường thuật

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