animation memes là gì - Nghĩa của từ animation memes

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is a trend in the animation community where an animator makes an animation of a character, usually an OC (original character), set to a clip from a song. The original animation is made for the purposes of being mimicked and spread, as a regular meme would. One takes part in the meme by creating their own animation using their OC, or character of choice, using the same song clip as the original, and giving the animation a similar theme.


Hey Ben, did you see that animation meme I sent you? Yeah! Pretty cool. Maybe I should try making my own.

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is a trend in the animation community where an animator makes an animation of a character, usually an OC, set to a clip from a song. The original animation is made for the purposes of being mimicked and spread, as a regular meme would. Animation memes are not by default cring, but do tend to spawn a large amount of edgy and cringy content. One takes part in the meme by creating their own animation using their OC, or character of choice, using the same song clip as the original, and giving the animation a similar theme.


Me: Yo Dave did you see that animation meme I sent you?
Dave: Yeah, It made me want to drink bleach.

animation memes có nghĩa là

In YouTube, many animators make these memes called animation memes, such as "I Do Love You" and "Aftermath". These aren't normal Internet memes, rather ocs (Original Characters), tv characters, etc. dancing to songs. Each meme is usually the same, and how the characters dance or what they do is usually similar. Originals are usually the best. There are many, MANY animation memes, big and small. A few are Hot Milk, Papito, Soul on Fire, Do You, Burnt Rice, Marble Soda, Pop Culture, Pusher, Pork Soda, and Trauma.


Look at all these animation memes! My favorite one is Pork Soda because the song is really catchy (IT IS)

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is montage of 5-100 frames of content mass produced by cringy elementary-middle school girls. They usually consist of edgy to extremely annoying music while an animation loops in the background making the characters appear to do an autistic dance to the beat of music. If you see these people stay away from them


Sarah "Hey josh look at this animation meme i made"
Josh " Please dont ever talk to me again"
Sarah "YOUR JUST A STUPID DUMB FURRY HATER!!!!" ----------- gary "Atleast the furry community doesn't have cringy little kids"
Josh "You're wrong, Search up animation meme on youtube"

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is a usually short 10-30 second animtion, usually looping. The more simple ones are usually more detailed, and the longer, less. This is a great way to start an animation career especially if you are young and wanting to be one in the future. There are many animatiors in this community; Baked Potonion, Kitten Cloudy, Cocoa's Animations, Reeel Bias, and much more.


What animation meme are you making?
Which animation meme are you watching?
Ooh, I love the character in this meme.

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is an animation that often loops and moves to the beat of a song. The original meme is always the template of that meme and other animator can add their own twist and characters to the meme.


- Animation memes are usually very short and simple
- always the same setup as the original meme.

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is an animation that often loops and moves to the beat of a song. The original meme is always the template of that meme and other animator can add their own twist and characters to the meme. even tho it's called a meme, it's not a meme. the reason it's not a meme is because there's only one context that work with that template and can't be more developed than that.


animation meme is not a meme, I dare you to change my mind

animation memes có nghĩa là

The 10th circle of hell.


Person: Finally, I have made my animation meme. Now all i need to do is wait for the views to come in-
Satan: Welcome to hell!

animation memes có nghĩa là

An animation meme is a trend in the animation community (Primarily on Youtube) where an animator makes an animation of a character, set to a clip from a song. The original animation is made for the purposes of being mimicked and spread, as a regular meme would. This is the distinguishing factor that separates an animation meme from a regular animated music video. The animations vary in complexity, from simple looping dances, to narrative story driven music videos.


Hey, did you see that animation meme I sent you? Yeah! I think I will make my own!

animation memes có nghĩa là

the biggest waste of talent. they usually make something like "EMO BOY animation meme 16+" they just use their talent to make softcore furry porn or edgy "Memes" these people abuse i- ah- um and don't forget the 3 edgy dots so best to not socialize with these weirdos(the community) I have nothing against the creators at all, some of the "memes" can be cringe and edgy they use weird music that was made by nightcore or The Living Tombstone it sounds really creepypasta yandere type music.


girl: OMG NEW VIDEO emo boy!! I love animation memes.
Girl 2: omg yes bestieee 3> YEE!
The squad: 😄😃😀😁🙂😐🙁😕☹️(sad trollface)