Windows 11 Remote Desktop not working

Remote desktop not working in Windows 11 in intel devices

I will keep this succinct.

Windows 11 education 21h2 is in 3 different computers. Each has different generation chipset, but all intel graphics and processors.

Using RDP from any other computer to any of these fails with 0x3 error, 0x11 extended error. Event viewer logs say very little as far as anything going wrong. Socket error in one instance.

Using shadow RDP succeeds

Using any RDP to a virtualized Windows 11 education 21h2 succeeds

Using SCCM remote control succeeds

This behavior persists whether computer is on our domain or not. Event viewer indicates authentication succeeds, but connection fails immediately after the prompt for credentials is satisfied.

This behavior is similar to 20h2 where wddm needed to be disabled to fix. WDDM cannot be disabled despite policy in Win 11.

I either need a fix, workaround, or the ability to see more detailed information about what RDP is doing and why it is failing.


Update: I have installed the newest updates as of 10-27 with no change. I saw a mention of RDP fixes, but it doesn't seem to have an effect.



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Christo-5758 · Oct 29, 2021 at 06:56 PM

I can confirm experiencing the same problem, also on a machine running Intel igfx. Been driving me insane because RDP worked fine for the first two days of running Windows 11.

It’s a headless home server so a real pain in the butt to connect a display and kbm to access stuff. Alternatives like Teamviewer run at low resolutions, unlike RDP which has adaptive virtual display sizes.

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How to enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11

On Windows 11, the ability to enable Remote Desktop lets you access a computer from another location using the Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP] to offer assistance or control another device without being physically present at the site using the modern “Remote Desktop” or legacy “Remote Desktop Connection” app.

If you must connect to a device remotely, Windows 11 includes multiple ways to configure the feature using the Settings app, Control Panel, Command Prompt, and even with PowerShell commands.

In this guide, you will learn how to enable Remote Desktop to manage a computer or access files and apps remotely on Windows 11. [See also this video tutorial in the Pureinfotech YouTube channel to watch the process on how to set up the feature.]

Important: Remote Desktop is not a feature available on Windows 11 Home, only on Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise. If you have the Home edition of Windows 11, you can use the Chrome Remote Desktop as an alternative.

Fix 1 – Change the resolution

Changing the resolution has fixed the issue for many users.

1. At first, type “Remote Desktop Connection” in the search box.

2. Then, tap on the “Remote Desktop Connection” to access it.

3. Now, click on “Show Options” to view all the available options.

3. When the Remote Desktop Connection opens up, go to the “Display” tab.

4. After that, slide the ‘Resolution’ slider to a lower value than the full resolution.

5. Finally, click on “Connect“.

6. If the screen is still appearing to be black, slide down the resolution further to use a lower resolution.

7. Then, tap on “Connect” to connect to the remote system.

This time the remote desktop should appear just normal.


Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11

Here is How to enable remote desktop on Windows 11 –

Way-1: Through the Settings app

  1. Press – Win+I.
  2. Click – System from the left pane on the Settings app.
  3. Go to the right, select Remote Desktop.
  1. Click on the toggle for Enable Remote Desktop.
  1. You will come across a pop up – You and users selected under User accounts will be able to connect to this PC remotely. Click – Confirm.
  1. When you enable, 2 options show up.
  2. Check the option – Require devices to use Network Level Authentication to connect [Recommended]. You can see the Remote Desktop Port number there. After enabling this [NLA] option, you will have to authenticate the incoming connections to ensure there are no protection concerns.
  1. Now click the Search from taskbar and type control. Press Enter to open Control Panel.
  2. Click – Network and Sharing Center.
  3. On the next window, click – Change advanced sharing settings from the left pane.
  4. Check the radio box for Turn on network discovery.
  5. Click – Save changes.

You can see – How to Disable, Enable Remote Desktop From Windows 10 Settings App.

Way-2: Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11 via Control Panel

  1. Press – Winkey.
  2. Type – advanced system settings.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  1. On System Properties window, click on Remote tab.
  2. Check the box for – Allow Remote Assistance Connections to this computer.
  3. Go down to the Remote Desktop section.
  4. Also, select – Allow Remote Connections to this computer.
  5. And check – Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication [recommended].
  6. Click Apply and OK to save the settings changes.

How to connect to Remote Desktop in Windows 11

1] Using Legacy Remote Desktop connection app

  1. Click Search from the taskbar.
  2. Type – remote desktop.
  3. Press – Enter.
  4. When a Remote Desktop connection app will appear, type the name of the computer you want to add. Note that the name of computer in written just under “How to connect to this PC” in “Remote Desktop Settings” page.
  5. Click – Connect.
  1. If you want to use the username then click on – Show options.
  2. And check – Allow me to save credentials in case you desire.

Further, see – How to Add or Remove User that can Remotely Access This PC in Windows 10

2] Through Remote Desktop Store app

  1. Download Microsoft Remote Desktop from this link.
  2. When Installation is completed, launch the app.
  3. Click +Add from the top menu bar.
  4. Select PCs or Workspaces whatever you need.
  1. If you have selected PCs type the Formal name or IP address of your PC.
  2. Click on – Save.
  1. Click on the Computer name to start remote connect.

You can read – Windows 10 – How to Establish Remote Desktop Connection

Alow the remote connections in Firewall

Using the above methods, you allow access to another computer to remotely connect to yours in Windows 11 but sometimes Windows Defender Firewall blocks the incoming connection. Therefore it’s better to configure firewall settings beforehand setting up a remote connection using the below steps –

  1. Press – Win+S.
  2. Type – Control.
  3. Hit – Enter.
  4. Select – Window Defender Firewall.
  1. Click – “Allow an app or feature through Window Defender Firewall” from the left pane of the next window.
  1. Now, click on – Change settings.
  2. In the Allowed apps and features, in the Name column, find Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance.
  3. Check the boxes for Private and Public for both the apps.
  4. Click on – OK.

That’s all!!

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