Export all playlists iTunes

Export iTunes Playlists

A script to export playlists from iTunes to a folder. Includes the song files and an m3u playlist file.

Created to easily export playlists and media from iTunes to Android.


  • This script will work only with iTunes on OS X and macOS. It's written in AppleScript, a language built into the Mac operating system since Mac OS 7.

  • Tested with:

    • macOS 10.11.6 - 10.14.6
    • iTunes 12.4.3 -

How to use

The script

  1. Compile the script. This can be done in various ways:
    • Use the Makefile; or
    • Compile and export as an application from the Script Editor app
  2. Run the app.

Integrate into iTunes

  1. Compile the script
  2. Move the app to ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/
    • The make deploy command compiles the script and moves the app to the correct location.
  3. Open iTunes.
  4. The script can be run by opening iTunes's Script menu [scroll icon] and selecting the script's name.


Rule Description
make Build an app, and save it to this directory
make deploy Build an app, and move it to ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/
make exportplaylists Build an app from the ExportPlaylists script
make clean Remove all apps from this directory
make clean-deploy Remove the app from ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/


The options that can be set before exporting:

  • The playlists to export [one or more can be chosen].
  • The location in which to export.
  • The method in which to export multiple playlists:
    • Same folder - Creates a new folder and places all songs from all playlists there. All m3u playlist files are saved to a subfolder.
    • Different folders - Makes separate subfolders for each playlist. The m3u playlist is saved in this folder, and a further subfolder is made for the media files.
  • The folder structure and filename rules to use for the media files.
    • Can use the iTunes metadata. Available attributes are: [album], [album artist], [artist], [composer], [track name], [track number], [disc number], [playlist order number], [original file name].
    • These attributes can be used to form the folder structure and filename.
      For example: [artist] > [album] > [track number] - [track name]
      - This will create //[artist]/[album]/file.extension.
      - The file will be renamed to [track number] - [track name], and its original extension will be kept.

Why use the script?

iTunes already has an option to export a playlist. This creates a playlist file in several formats [m3u, xml, etc.], but doesn't export the actual media files, which can make it difficult to use the exported playlists on other devices.

The script makes a copy of all media files in a playlist alongside the m3u file. However, m3u is the only format supported.

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