Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance

B) graphic rating scaleC) LikertD) MBOE) constant sum rating scale

Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance

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  • School Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
  • Course Title HR,MA EG.106
  • Pages 21
  • Ratings 100% (19) 19 out of 19 people found this document helpful

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10) Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employeeperformance?A) alternation rankingB) graphic rating scaleC) forced distributionD) constant sum rating scaleAnswer:B

11) Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance values foreach trait?B

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12) Wilson Consulting is a management consulting firm with seventy employees. As associatevice president of marketing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conducting performance appraisalsof the twelve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans to use a graphic rating scaleto evaluate the performance of her subordinates.Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a graphic rating scale is the most2

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Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance

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Social Psychology and Human Nature


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appropriate performance appraisal tool for Suzanne to use?C

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13) All of the following are usually measured by a graphic rating scale EXCEPT ________.B

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14) Which performance appraisal tool requires supervisors to categorize employees from best toworst on various traits?A) graphic rating scaleB) critical incident methodC) alternation ranking methodD) electronic performance monitoringAnswer:C

15) The most popular method for ranking employees is the ________ method.B

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16) Kendra needs to rate five of her subordinates. She makes a chart of all possible pairs ofemployees for each trait being evaluated. Then, she indicates the better employee of each pairwith a positive symbol on the chart. Finally, she totals the number of positive symbols for eachemployee. Which method of performance appraisal has Kendra most likely used?C

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Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance

The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

Social Psychology and Human Nature


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The forced distribution method is the simplest and most popular technique for appraising performance. In the paired comparison method, the manager places predetermined percentages of ratees into performance categories.
Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance?
Graphic rating scale
Answer» b. Graphic rating scale
Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for ...mcqmate.com › discussion › which-of-the-following-is-the-easiest-and-mos...null
Certainly, the most popular method of evaluation used in organizations today is the graphic rating scale. One study found that 57 percent of the organizations surveyed used rating scales, and another study found the figure to be 65 percent.