Which distance of personal space is involved when giving a verbal report to a group of nurses quizlet?

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Expresses concern/caring, connection, promote healing, affection, emotional support, encouragement, tenderness, attention,

Ask permission
holding hands, gentle or firm,

What does the communication tool SBAR stand for in professional communication among team members?
Symptoms, Background, Alignment, and Referral
Site, Benefits, Agreement, and Resolution
Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation
Situation, Background, Assignment, and Reconciliation

"I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
"I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
"I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients."

The nurse should introduce himself or herself by giving his or her name and status, such as nursing student, RN, or LPN. It is important that the nurse avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute, because this approach would be demeaning to the patient. The nurse should avoid terms of endearment such as "honey," "dear," "grandma," or "sweetheart" while addressing patients, even with close nurse-patient relationships. Using first names is appropriate for infants, young children, and patients who are confused or unconscious, as well as close team members. Addressing patients by the last name is respectful in most cultures; nurses usually use a patient's last name in an initial interaction and then use the first name if the patient requests it.

Consent zone

In the consent zone, the nurse needs permission to touch patient`s mouth, wrists, and feet.
In the social zone, the nurse does not need permission to touch the patient's hands, arms, or shoulders.

In the intimate zone, great sensitivity is needed in the areas of genitalia and rectum. In the vulnerable zone, the nurse takes special care to handle the patient`s face, neck, and front of body.

Consent zone

In the consent zone, the nurse needs permission to touch patient`s mouth, wrists, and feet.
In the social zone, the nurse does not need permission to touch the patient's hands, arms, or shoulders.

In the intimate zone, great sensitivity is needed in the areas of genitalia and rectum. In the vulnerable zone, the nurse takes special care to handle the patient`s face, neck, and front of body.



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Terms in this set [154]

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching the licensed practical nurse [LPN] about the elements of professional communication while interacting with patients. Which statements by the LPN indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.
1. "I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
2 "I should address the patient by their first names during initial interactions."
3 "I should address a patient with a confused cognitive status by their last names."
4 "I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
5 "I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients."


1. "I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
4 "I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
5 "I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients."

The registered nurse [RN] is interviewing patients who are breast cancer survivors and asking them to share their views on how they went through treatment and how their family members supported them. Which type of communication is suitable in this situation?
1 Orientation
2 Termination
3 Preinteraction
4 Narrative interaction

4 Narrative interaction

What is Narrative Interaction

In a therapeutic relationship, it is helpful to encourage patients to share personal stories, a process called narrative interaction. Through listening to the patients' stories, the nurse understands the context of patient's lives, their concerns, experiences, and challenges.

What is the orientation phase

phase of the helping relationship, the nurse and patient meet and get to know one another/get acquainted.

What is the termination phase

phase of the helping relationship, the nurse reminds the patient that termination is near and evaluates goal achievement with the patient and relinquishes responsibility for patient care

What is the preinteraction phase

phase of the helping relationship, the nurse talks with other caregivers who have information about the patient; the nurse reviews available data, including medical and nursing history

What is the working phase

the nurse and patient work together to solve problems and accomplish goals

Which critical thinking attitude motivates the nurse to communicate and know more about a patient?
1 Curiosity
2 Creativity
3 Perseverance
4 Self-confidence

1 Curiosity


motivates the nurse to communicate and know more about a patient.


Creativity and perseverance are attitudes conducive to communication, because they motivate the nurse to identify innovative solutions.


attitudes conducive to communication, because they motivate the nurse to identify innovative solutions.


this is important, because the nurse who conveys confidence and comfort while communicating can more readily establish an interpersonal caring relationship.

In the communication process, who is the receiver of the message?
1 The person who encodes a message
2 The person who decodes a message
3 The person who delivers a message
4 The person who seeks feedback

2 The person who decodes a message

Communication is

an active process between a sender and a receiver.


the person who decodes a message and also provides feedback to the sender.


also seeks both verbal and nonverbal feedback.

Which form of communication is appropriate to assess understanding and clarify misinterpretations when the nurse is teaching a patient about a health concern?
1 Public communication
2 Small-group communication
3 Intrapersonal communication
4 Interpersonal communication

4 Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication

is one-on-one interaction between a nurse and another person that often occurs face-to-face. This interaction is useful to assess understanding and clarify misinterpretations when teaching a patient about a health concern. .

Public communication

is interaction with an audience. Nurses often speak with groups of consumers about health-related topics; This level of communication may involve the RN speaking to a group of nursing students about patient care

Small group communication

occurs when a small number of people meet. This type of communication is usually goal directed and requires an understanding of group dynamics.

Intrapersonal communication

is a powerful form of communication that you use as a professional nurse. This level of communication is also called self-talk.

Which distance of personal space is involved when giving a verbal report to a group of nurses?
1 2 ft [61 cm]
2 3 ft [92 cm]
3 9 ft [274 cm]
4 13 ft [396 cm]

3 9 ft [274 cm]

While giving verbal report to a group of nurses, a socio-consultative zone of 9 to 12 feet [274 to 366 cm] is appropriate.

group reporting distance

a socio-consultative zone of 9 to 12 feet [274 to 366 cm] is appropriate.

Patient history or teaching distance

While taking a patient's nursing history or teaching an individual patient, a personal zone of 18 inches [46 cm] to 4 feet [122 cm] is followed.

Community forum distance

While speaking at a community forum, a public zone of 12 feet [366 cm] or more is typical.

According to the circular transactional model, which element motivates one person to communicate with another?
1 Channels
2 Message
3 Referent
4 Environment

3 Referent

According to the circular transactional model what is reverent?

motivates one person to communicate with another, initiating the communication process.. Environmental distractions are common in health care settings and interfere with messages sent between people.

According to the circular transactional model what is Communiication channels?

are means of sending and receiving messages through visual, auditory, and tactile senses. The message is the content of the communication. It contains verbal and nonverbal expressions of thoughts and feelings

According to the circular transactional model what is reverent?

the setting for sender-receiver interaction.

The environmental distractions are

common in health care settings and interfere with messages sent between people.

The nurse modifies and updates a patient's care plan. Which phase of the nursing process does this situation indicate?
1 Planning
2 Evaluation
3 Assessment
4 Implementatio

2 Evaluation

The nurse is observing the nonverbal cues of a patient who has a quick and purposeful gait. What does the patient's gait indicate?
1 The patient is attentive.
2 The patient is nervous.
3 The patient is depressed.
4 The patient is confident

4 The patient is confident

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a group of nursing students about the care of patients in the intensive care unit [ICU]. Which level of communication is applicable in this situation?
1 Public communication
2 Electronic communication
3 Small-group communication
4 Interpersonal communication

1 Public communication

What does metacommunication include?
Nonverbal communication skills
All factors influencing communication
Communication skills used for individuals who are hearing impaired
Communication skills used for children

All factors influencing communication

The nurse is changing a patient's surgical dressing. Which zone of personal space is the nurse entering?
1 Public zone
2 Intimate zone
3 Personal zone
4 Socio-consultative zone

2 Intimate zone

Which special zone of touch is involved during teeth replacement?
1 Social zone
2 Consent zone
3 Intimate zone
4 Vulnerable zone

2 Consent zone

The nurse manager is providing a verbal report to a group of team members. Which zone of personal space is indicated in the nurse's action?
1 Public zone
2 Intimate zone
3 Personal zone
4 Socio-consultative zone

4 Socio-consultative zone

Which special zone of touch requires special care?
1 Social zone
2 Consent zone
3 Intimate zone
4 Vulnerable zone

4 Vulnerable zone

The nurse is recalling a funny shared experience with a patient shortly before the patient is discharged from the hospital. Which phase of the helping relationship does this action indicate?
1 Working phase
2 Orientation phase
3 Termination phase
4 Preinteraction phase

3 Termination phase

Which phase of the helping relationship is involved when the nurse and a patient meet and become acquainted?
1 Working phase
2 Orientation phase
3 Termination phase
4 Preinteraction phase

2 Orientation phase

Which is a nontherapeutic communication technique?
1 Sympathy
2 Focusing
3 Clarifying
4 Summarizing



Someone who can share someone elses' feelings.


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


Nurses may take patient feelings on as their own, which may hinder the nurse's ability to be objective and help the patient process their feelings


a therapeutic communication technique that involves centering a conversation on key elements or concepts of a message


a therapeutic communication technique to check whether you understand a message accurately by restating an unclear or ambiguous message to clarify the sender's meaning


a therapeutic communication technique that involves a succinct review of key aspects of an interaction.

Vulnerable zones of the body

the face, neck, and front of the body require special care

Social Zones of the body

hands, arms, shoulders, and back do not need any permission for touching

Consent zones of the body

the mouth, wrists, and feet and needs permission for touching

Intimate Zones of the body

Great sensitivity is needed while touching these zones of the body, like the genitalia and rectum.

Electronic communication

is the use of technology to create ongoing relationships with patients and their health care teams

Small group communication

occurs when a small number of people meet

orientation phase

the nurse and a patient meet and become acquainted

working phase

the nurse and patient work together to solve problems and accomplish goals

Termination phase

the nurse evaluates goal achievement with the patient and relinquishes responsibility for patient care

Preinteraction phase

the nurse reviews available data, including medical and nursing history.

The nurse is instructing a patient's visitors to avoid talking loudly inside the hospital. Which zone of personal space is involved in this interaction?
1 Public zone
2 Intimate zone
3 Personal zone
4 Socio-consultative zone

4 Socio-consultative zone

Socio-consultative zone

may involve giving directions to visitors in the hallway

Public Zone

may involve speaking at community forum

Intimate Zone

may involve changing a patient's surgical dressing

Personal Zone

may involve taking a patient's nursing history

What does metacommunication include?
1 Nonverbal communication skills
2 All factors influencing communication
3 Communication skills used for individuals who are hearing impaired
4 Communication skills used for children

2 All factors influencing communication

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching the licensed practical nurse [LPN] about the elements of professional communication while interacting with patients. Which statements by the LPN indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.
1 "I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
2 "I should address the patient by their first names during initial interactions."
3 "I should address a patient with a confused cognitive status by their last names."
4 "I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
5 "I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients.

1 "I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
4 "I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
5 "I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients.

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching the licensed practical nurse [LPN] about the elements of professional communication while interacting with patients. Which statements by the LPN indicate ineffective learning? Select all that apply.
1 "I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."
2 "I should address the patient by their first names during initial interactions."
3 "I should address a patient with a confused cognitive status by their last names."
4 "I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."
5 "I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients.

2 "I should address the patient by their first names during initial interactions."
3 "I should address a patient with a confused cognitive status by their last names."

The nurse is observing the nonverbal cues of a patient who has a quick and purposeful gait. What does the patient's gait indicate?
1 The patient is attentive.
2 The patient is nervous.
3 The patient is depressed.
4 The patient is confident

4 The patient is confident

Which special zone of touch requires the nurse to get permission to touch patient`s wrist?
1 Social zone
2 Consent zone
3 Intimate zone
4 Vulnerable zone

2 Consent zone

Which factors influence the relational context of communication? Select all that apply.
1 Expression of feelings
2 Customs and expectations
3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants
5 Growth and development status

3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants

Expression of feelings

is a factor related to situational context

Customs and expectations are

sociocultural elements that affect an interaction.

Growth and development status is

the internal factor of communication related to psycho-physiological context.

The nurse notices tension on the face of a patient before going to the operating room. The patient says, "I don't mind going in for surgery." The nurse acknowledges the patient's nonverbal indications of stress and prompts the patient to elaborate on his or her feelings. Which type of communication is the nurse exhibiting?
1 Metacommunication
2 Nonverbal communication
3 Intrapersonal communication
4 Nontherapeutic communication

1 Metacommunication

The nurse manager calls a meeting of members of the nursing team to resolve problems surrounding patient complaints of slow and sometimes discourteous responses to requests. What role does problem resolution play in this communication?
1 Relational context
2 Situational context
3 Environmental context
4 Psychophysiological context

2 Situational context

Which situational context factors influence communication? Select all that apply.
1 Privacy levels
2 Emotional status
3 Expression of feelings
4 Information exchange
5 Balance of power and control

3 Expression of feelings
4 Information exchange

The nurse and a patient are talking about a baseball game. Both of them are using the word baseball to refer to the sport. Which best describes the use of the word baseball in this context?
1. Denotative
2 Connotative
3 Intonation
4 Metacommunication

1. Denotative

While taking the history of a patient, the nurse states, "I see you haven't eaten anything." Which therapeutic communication technique is the nurse exhibiting through this statement?
1 Sharing hope
2 Sharing humor
3 Sharing empathy
4 Sharing observations

4 Sharing observations

Which nontherapeutic communication technique is the nurse using when saying, "Don't worry; everything will be all right" to a patient?
1 Sympathy
2 False reassurance
3 Giving personal opinions
4 Asking personal questions

2 False reassurance

Sympathy definition

feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

False reassurance

something a nurse might give to a patient in an effort to comfort or encourage them, but in reality is not based in fact either.

What does the term referent mean in the communication process?
1 A primary healthcare provider who refers a patient
2 A patient who is being referred
3 A service to which the patient is being referred
4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

Which nontherapeutic communicative statement indicates a defensive response?
1 "No one here would intentionally lie to you."
2 "This work is incomplete, and it's all your fault."
3 "Things are bad, and there's nothing I can do about it."
4 "How can you say you didn't sleep when I heard you snoring all night?

1 "No one here would intentionally lie to you."

Stating that no one would intentionally lie indicates what type of behavior?

defensive behavior

Blaming someone for incomplete work indicates what type of behavior/response?

an aggressive response

Stating that things are bad and nothing can be done is what type of response?

passive response

.Asking how someone can claim not to have slept when he or she was heard snoring is what type of response?

indicates disapproval.

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a nursing student about nonverbal skills that facilitate attentive listening while interacting with the patient. Which statement by the nursing student indicates the need for further teaching? Select all that apply.
1 "I should sit facing the patient."
2 "I should maintain eye contact."
3 "I should lean away from the patient."
4 "I should be relaxed and comfortable."
5 "I should keep my arms and legs crossed.

3 "I should lean away from the patient."
5 "I should keep my arms and legs crossed.

A patient is admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. The nurse immediately notifies the primary health care provider using the SBAR [Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation] technique. Which statement by the nurse demonstrates "background"?
1 "The blood pressure of the patient is 150/90 mm Hg."
2 "The patient has severe perspiration and chest pain."
3 "The patient has a history of congestive heart failure."
4 "The nurse requests an order from the primary health care provider to treat the patient.

3 "The patient has a history of congestive heart failure."

Which activity does the nurse carry out while maintaining a zone of personal space?
1 Teaching or educating a patient
2 Making rounds with a physician
3 Performing a physical assessment
4 Exchanging patient information at nurses' station

1 Teaching or educating a patient

A patient is admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. The nurse immediately notifies the primary health care provider using the SBAR [Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation] technique. Which statement by the nurse demonstrates "background"?
1 "The blood pressure of the patient is 150/90 mm Hg."
2 "The patient has severe perspiration and chest pain."
3 "The patient has a history of congestive heart failure."
4 "The nurse requests an order from the primary health care provider to treat the patient."

3 "The patient has a history of congestive heart failure."

The nurse and a patient are talking about a baseball game. Both of them are using the word baseball to refer to the sport. Which best describes the use of the word baseball in this context?
1 Denotative
2 Connotative
3 Intonation
4 Metacommunication

1 Denotative


A word that has the same meaning for all people who speak the same language is considered

A connotative meaning is

influenced by the thoughts, feelings, or ideas of individuals.


refers to the tone of voice.

Metacommunication refers to

all factors influencing communication.

The nurse notices tension on the face of a patient before going to the operating room. The patient says, "I don't mind going in for surgery." The nurse acknowledges the patient's nonverbal indications of stress and prompts the patient to elaborate on his or her feelings. Which type of communication is the nurse exhibiting?
1 Metacommunication
2 Nonverbal communication
3 Intrapersonal communication
4 Nontherapeutic communication

1 Metacommunication

The nurse is caring for a patient with breast cancer and says, "You are a brave person and you will find a way to face this illness." Which type of therapeutic communication technique was involved in this interaction?
1 Sharing hope
2 Sharing feelings
3 Sharing empathy
4 Sharing observations

1 Sharing hope

Sharing hope

the therapeutic technique that involves the nurse recognizing the patient's condition and giving encouragement and positive feedback while fostering self-confidence, which is essential for healing.

Sharing feelings

involves helping patients share emotions by encouraging openness and modeling healthy self-expression.

Sharing empathy

the ability to understand and accept another person's reality, accurately perceive feelings, and communicate this understanding to the other individual.

Sharing observations

involves commenting on how the other person looks, sounds, or acts.

While the nurse explains the steps of a procedure to a patient, the patient frequently nods and says, "I see." Which element of the communication process is the patient displaying?
1 Channel
2 Referent
3 Feedback
4 Interpersonal variable

3 Feedback


is the verbal and nonverbal messages that the receiver sends indicating whether or not he or she has understood the sender's message.

EX: the feedback indicates whether the patient has understood the meaning of the nurse's message


of communication are means of sending and receiving messages through different aids, such as visual, auditory, and tactile senses.


a process that helps motivate one person to communicate with the other. such as educational, developmental, and socio-cultural background, and values and beliefs are characteristics of both the sender and receiver that influence communication.

Interpersonal variables

things such as educational, developmental, and socio-cultural background, and values and beliefs are characteristics of both the sender and receiver that influence communication.

Which activity does the nurse carry out while maintaining a zone of personal space?
1 Teaching or educating a patient
2 Making rounds with a physician
3 Performing a physical assessment
4 Exchanging patient information at nurses' station

1 Teaching or educating a patient

While taking the history of a patient, the nurse states, "I see you haven't eaten anything." Which therapeutic communication technique is the nurse exhibiting through this statement?
1 Sharing hope
2 Sharing humor
3 Sharing empathy
4 Sharing observations

4 Sharing observations

The nurse manager calls a meeting of members of the nursing team to resolve problems surrounding patient complaints of slow and sometimes discourteous responses to requests. What role does problem resolution play in this communication?
1 Relational context
2 Situational context
3 Environmental context
4 Psychophysiological context

2 Situational context

Which factors influence the relational context of communication? Select all that apply.
1 Expression of feelings
2 Customs and expectations
3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants
5 Growth and development status

3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants

What does the term referent mean in the communication process?
1 A primary healthcare provider who refers a patient
2 A patient who is being referred
3 A service to which the patient is being referred
4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

The pediatric nurse finds that one of the mothers in the unit is not able to console her infant who is crying, so the nurse holds the infant. Which zone of personal space does this gesture belong to?
1 Social
2 Public
3 Personal
4 Intimate

4 Intimate

Which nontherapeutic communicative statement indicates a defensive response?
"No one here would intentionally lie to you."
"This work is incomplete, and it's all your fault."
"Things are bad, and there's nothing I can do about it."
"How can you say you didn't sleep when I heard you snoring all night?

"No one here would intentionally lie to you."

While the nurse explains the steps of a procedure to a patient, the patient frequently nods and says, "I see." Which element of the communication process is the patient displaying?
1 Channel
2 Referent
3 Feedback
4 Interpersonal variable

3 Feedback

The nurse manager calls a meeting of members of the nursing team to resolve problems surrounding patient complaints of slow and sometimes discourteous responses to requests. What role does problem resolution play in this communication?
1 Relational context
2 Situational context
3 Environmental context
4 Psychophysiological context

2 Situational context

Which nontherapeutic communicative statement indicates a defensive response?
1 "No one here would intentionally lie to you."
2 "This work is incomplete, and it's all your fault."
3 "Things are bad, and there's nothing I can do about it."
4 "How can you say you didn't sleep when I heard you snoring all night?

1 "No one here would intentionally lie to you."

The nurse is performing a mental rehearsal on how to deal effectively in difficult situations with increased confidence. Which level of communication is exhibited by the nurse?
1 Public communication
2 Small-group communication
3 Intrapersonal communication
4 Interpersonal communication

3 Intrapersonal communication

While interacting with a woman who underwent a mastectomy, the nurse says, "I'm worried that you might feel devastated after your surgery." Which nontherapeutic communication technique does the nurse exhibit?
1 Sharing humor
2 Sharing feelings
3 Showing sympathy
4 Giving personal opinions

3 Showing sympathy


feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

Which activity does the nurse carry out while maintaining a zone of personal space?
1 Teaching or educating a patient
2 Making rounds with a physician
3 Performing a physical assessment
4 Exchanging patient information at nurses' station

1 Teaching or educating a patient

While interacting with a patient, the nurse comments on positive aspects of the patient's behavior and response. Which therapeutic communication technique does the nurse exhibit?
1 Sharing hope
2 Sharing feelings
3 Sharing empathy
4 Sharing observations

1 Sharing hope

The nurse is performing a routine health checkup for a patient and reports abnormal vital signs to the primary health care provider. Which phase of nurse-patient relationship is involved in this scenario?
1 Working phase
2 Orientation phase
3 Termination phase
4 Preorientation phase

1 Working phase

Which factors influence the relational context of communication? Select all that apply.
1 Expression of feelings
2 Customs and expectations
3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants
5 Growth and development status

3 Balance of power and control
4 Shared history of participants

While taking the history of a patient, the nurse states, "I see you haven't eaten anything." Which therapeutic communication technique is the nurse exhibiting through this statement?
1 Sharing hope
2 Sharing humor
3 Sharing empathy
4 Sharing observations

4 Sharing observations

The pediatric nurse finds that one of the mothers in the unit is not able to console her infant who is crying, so the nurse holds the infant. Which zone of personal space does this gesture belong to?
1 Social
2 Public
3 Personal
4 Intimate

4 Intimate

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a nursing student about the personal zones of space while communicating with patients. Which statements by the nursing student indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.
1 "I should be in the personal zone while counseling the patient."
2 "I should maintain a distance of 9 ft [274 cm] while taking patient history."
3 "Speaking at a community forum generally involves the public zone."
4 "I should ask for permission before assessing the patient's wrist or feet."
5 "I should be in the socio-consultative zone while performing physical assessment."


1 "I should be in the personal zone while counseling the patient."
3 "Speaking at a community forum generally involves the public zone."
4 "I should ask for permission before assessing the patient's wrist or feet."

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a nursing student about interacting with a patient in the orientation phase. Which statements by the student nurse indicate the need for further learning? Select all that apply.
1 "I should encourage and help the patient set goals."
2 "I should begin to make inferences and judgments about patient messages."
3 "I should achieve a smooth transition for the patient to other caregivers as needed."
4 "I should set the tone for the relationship adopting a warm, empathetic, caring manner."
5 "I should closely observe the patient and expect to be closely observed by the patient."


1 "I should encourage and help the patient set goals."
3 "I should achieve a smooth transition for the patient to other caregivers as needed."

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a nursing student about interacting with a patient in the orientation phase. Which statements by the student nurse indicate an appropriate understanding? Select all that apply.
1 "I should encourage and help the patient set goals."
2 "I should begin to make inferences and judgments about patient messages."
3 "I should achieve a smooth transition for the patient to other caregivers as needed."
4 "I should set the tone for the relationship adopting a warm, empathetic, caring manner."
5 "I should closely observe the patient and expect to be closely observed by the patient."

2 "I should begin to make inferences and judgments about patient messages."
4 "I should set the tone for the relationship adopting a warm, empathetic, caring manner."
5 "I should closely observe the patient and expect to be closely observed by the patient."

What does the term referent mean in the communication process?
1 A primary healthcare provider who refers a patient
2 A patient who is being referred
3 A service to which the patient is being referred
4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

4 An event that motivates a person to communicate with another

Which situational context factors influence communication? Select all that apply.
1 Privacy levels
2 Emotional status
3 Expression of feelings
4 Information exchange
5 Balance of power and control

3 Expression of feelings
4 Information exchange

Expression of feelings and information exchange are what type of factors that influences communication.

situational context factors

Privacy level is what type of factor that influences communication.

environmental context factor
that influences
Privacy level is an

Emotional status is what type of factor that influences communication.

psychophysiological context factor

Balance of power and control is what type of factor that influences the communication.

relational context factor

The registered nurse [RN] is teaching a nursing student about assertive behavior when interacting with patients and coworkers. Which statement by the nursing student indicates effective learning?
1 "It helps the nurse avert ethical dilemmas."
2 "It helps to resist intentionally imposed guilt."
3 "It helps the nurse move beyond superficial care."
4 "It may result in an environment conducive to lateral violence."

2 "It helps to resist intentionally imposed guilt."

The nurse is caring for a Spanish-speaking patient with a hand fracture. Which approaches are likely to be ineffective when communicating with the patient? Select all that apply.
1 Assessing the patient's level of fluency in English
2 Incorporating the patient's communication methods
3 Providing written information in English and the primary language
4 Designating a family member of the patient as an interpreter
5 Perceiving patient nodding or statements such as "OK" as indications of effective understanding

4 Designating a family member of the patient as an interpreter
5 Perceiving patient nodding or statements such as "OK" as indications of effective understanding

The nurse is reviewing the available data, including the medical and nursing history, of a patient. Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse performing?
1 Working phase
2 Orientation phase
3 Termination phase
4 Preinteraction phase

4 Preinteraction phase

While communicating with a patient, the nurse keeps arms and legs uncrossed. What message does this convey to the patient?
1 The nurse is open to what the patient says.
2 The nurse is feeling uncomfortable with the patient.
3 The nurse is involved and interested in the interaction.
4 The nurse is listening and interested in what the patient is saying.

1 The nurse is open to what the patient says.

The registered nurse [RN] is planning to follow AIDET technique to provide accurate and timely communication, and to deliver excellent patient service. In what order is AIDET followed?
1. Notify the patient about the role of the nurse.

2. Tell the patient how long the test procedure is.

3. Describe the test to be performed to the patient.

4. Express gratitude to the patient for coming to the organization.

5. Convey a positive attitude and help the patient feel comfortable.

1. Convey a positive attitude and help the patient feel comfortable.
3. Notify the patient about the role of the nurse.
5. Tell the patient how long the test procedure is.
4 Describe the test to be performed to the patient.
2. Express gratitude to the patient for coming to the organization.
2. Express gratitude to the patient for coming to the organization.

What does AIDET, stand for?

Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explain, and Thank you.

The registered nurse [RN] is communicating with a patient in the surgical unit. Which statement by the RN indicates the technique of sharing hope?
1 "You seem to be cheerful today."
2 "You are a fighter and I know you can find a way to face this condition."
3 "I understand that you may be frustrated that you are bedridden for a month."
4 "You have to walk for five minutes, as directed by the primary health care provider."

2 "You are a fighter and I know you can find a way to face this condition."

Which nontherapeutic communicative statement indicates a defensive response?
"No one here would intentionally lie to you."
"This work is incomplete, and it's all your fault."
"Things are bad, and there's nothing I can do about it."
"How can you say you didn't sleep when I heard you snoring all night?"

"No one here would intentionally lie to you."

A patient is sitting with arms and legs crossed during an initial interview. What does this behavior indicate?
Mild pain in the abdomen
Interest in listening to the nurse
Confidence in facing the interview
A defensive attitude

A defensive attitude

Which behaviors foster the development of trust? Select all that apply.
1 Answering the call light promptly
2 Calling the patient by first name unless requested otherwise
3 Completing all care as quickly as possible and leaving the room so the patient can rest
4 Answering questions honestly
5 Demonstrating competence when implementing treatments

1 Answering the call light promptly
4 Answering questions honestly
5 Demonstrating competence when implementing treatments

The nurse explains to a patient that self-talk can improve self-awareness and help build a positive self-concept. To which level of communication does this refer?
Small-group communication

1 Intrapersonal

A 35-year-old athlete becomes aggressive when not allowed to be ambulatory due to a fractured leg. The patient tries to get out of the bed unattended and falls. The nurse talks to the patient, who states, "I'm frustrated. I want to get out of here." The nurse encourages the patient to express concerns freely. Which techniques should the nurse utilize to actively listen to the patient? Select all that apply.
1 Stand away with hands folded.
2 Lean forward towards the patient.
3 Sit erect facing the patient with uncrossed arms.
4 Make eye contact.
5 Pace up and down the room.
6 Close eyes and listen.

2 Lean forward towards the patient.
3 Sit erect facing the patient with uncrossed arms.
4 Make eye contact.

The nurse is explaining the elements of professional communication to nursing students. The nurse states that being self-directed and independent is essential for accomplishing goals. Which element of communication is the nurse describing?
1 Empathy
2 Autonomy
3 Courtesy
4 Assertiveness

2 Autonomy

The nurse is caring for a patient who is unable to communicate properly due to laryngeal cancer. Which could be the consequences of diminished ability to speak in this patient? Select all that apply.
1 Anxiety
2 Stomach pain
3 Social isolation
4 Ineffective coping
5 Difficulty in movement

1 Anxiety
3 Social isolation
4 Ineffective coping

The nurse is talking to a patient who has recently been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. The patient informs the nurse that the diagnosis has completely changed her life and then suddenly becomes silent. How should the nurse respond?
1 Leave the room.
2 Break the silence.
3 Allow the patient to break the silence.
4 Immediately try to distract the patient

3 Allow the patient to break the silence.

The nurse works in a nursing home and understands that most of the elderly patients have varying degrees of hearing loss. Which interventions would help the nurse to communicate with these patients? Select all that apply.
1 Speak clearly and slowly.
2 Check for the patient's hearing aids.
3 Make the patient aware while talking.
4 Speak quickly and move to the next task.
5 Avoid facing the patient while speaking.

1 Speak clearly and slowly.
2 Check for the patient's hearing aids.
3 Make the patient aware while talking.

The nurse is practicing active listening when conducting a patient interview. The nurse sits facing the patient with legs and arms crossed. The nurse leans towards the patient and maintains intermittent eye contact while listening. What can be concluded about the nurse's active listening skills?
1 The nurse has very good active listening skills.
2 It is inappropriate to lean towards the patient.
3 It is inappropriate to cross legs and arms.
4 It is inappropriate to maintain intermittent eye contact.

3 It is inappropriate to cross legs and arms.

An elderly patient who is critically ill asks the nurse about assisted suicide. The nurse is ethically opposed to assisted suicide. Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?
1 "You should not think about it."
2 "I don't want to talk about it."
3 "This is a bad idea and you should not talk about it."
4 "You have been thinking about it; let us discuss more about how you feel."

4 "You have been thinking about it; let us discuss more about how you feel."

A patient on initial assessment reports a cough for 3 days that is getting worse. The nurse says, "Tell me more about your cough." The patient says, "I wish I could, but that is why I'm here. You tell me what's wrong!" Which would be most appropriate response to enhance communication?
1 "I'll examine you and figure out later what the problem is."
2 "I don't know what's wrong. You could have almost any disease."
3 "After 3 days, your cough has gotten worse. Have you had a fever?"
4 "I'd like to hear more about your experiences. Where were you born?"

3 "After 3 days, your cough has gotten worse. Have you had a fever?"

The nurse is caring for a patient with aphasia. Which precautions should the nurse take when communicating with this patient? Select all that apply.
1 Ask simple questions.
2 Avoid using visual clues.
3 Use communication aids.
4 Listen attentively and patiently.
5 Assume the patient's answers without disturbing.

1 Ask simple questions.
3 Use communication aids.
4 Listen attentively and patiently.


loss of ability to understand or express speech, caused by brain damage.

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