Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

The images in a web page make the page much more attractive, descriptive, and help improve user experience. In this web development tutorial, we will talk about how to work with images in HTML, and, specifically, background images, inline images, image insertion paths, and the most important attributes of the HTML

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

In this example I used the absolute source attribute and the ALT attribute to describe details related to the images used.


Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

To use the relative path, we will link to the example above, showing you only the lines you can use to change the path. Therefore:

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

Read: Some of the Coolest, Lesser Known HTML Tags

The height and width Attributes in HTML 

We will now learn how to use the and attributes of the HTML

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Panoramic image of the mountain
Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?
Panoramic image of the mountain

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

In the example HTML code above, we stylized the images a bit, framing them in a square that has a border. We further used the hover selector so that when you hover your mouse over the image you can select the chosen item.

Read: HTML Formatting Tags

How to Insert GIFs in HTML

HTML also allows web developers to use animated gifs. Here is an example showing how to insert a GIF in HTML:


Example of using animated image

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

If you run this example in an HTML editor, you will see the efect!


How to Insert a Background Image in HTML 

HTML also allows web developers to set a background image on the web page, using the background image property. Here is an example:


Background image on a page


To set a wallpaper, use the background-image property, indicating the path, and the background-size property, to set the size of this wallpaper.


Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

How to Use the HTML picture Element

Next, we will use the HTML element, which allows web designers to display different images for different screen sizes or for different devices, as is common in responsive web design. The principle of operation is simple, namely: it contains several elements of type , specifying the images through the attribute, which the browser displays according to the image that matches the device used. Let’s look at an example of how to use the HTML element for responsive web design:


Example of using the PICTURE element

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

In this example several dimensions are used, and if we resize the browser, we will be able to see different images at different sizes, taking the images from the srcset attribute.


Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

And after we resized browser

Which attribute refers to the images folder when specifying the location of an image to display?

Read: How to use the HTML a Tag

Final Thoughts on Working with HTML Images

HTML images are an effective way to provide non-textual information, to improve user experience, and, last but not least, to improve the visual appeal of developed web pages. We hope this web development tutorial helps you understand how the HTML tag works with its attributes, so you can use it in all your future web design projects.

Read more HTML web development tutorials and web design guides.

What attributes is used to display an image?

The tag has two required attributes: src - Specifies the path to the image. alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image, if the image for some reason cannot be displayed.

Which attributes identify image location?

The 'src' attribute.

Which tag specifies the location of the image?

src is an attribute of the tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed.

Which of the following attributes is used to specify the location of an image in the IMG element?

1 Answer. The attribute you need to get an image to display on a Web page is the src attribute. In the src attribute of the tag, you can specify the path of the image that you want to add to the Web page.