What are the goals of a negative message?

  • Apply the three-step writing process to negative messages
    • Five goals of negative messages
      • Give the bad news
      • Ensure acceptance of the bad news
      • Maintain reader's goodwill
      • Maintain organization's good image
      • Minimize or eliminate future correspondence on the matter, as appropriate
    • Analysis, investigation, and adaptation help you avoid alienating your readers
    • When preparing negative messages, choose the medium with care
    • Appropriate organization helps readers accept you negative news
  • Explain the differences between the direct, and the indirect approaches to negative messages, including when it's appropriate to use each one
    • You need to consider a variety of factors when choosing between the direct and indirect approaches for negative messages
    • Use the direct approach when your negative answer or information will have minimal personal impact
  • Identify the riska of using the indirect approach, and explain how to avoid such problems
    • Use the indirect approach when some preparation will help your audience accept your bad news
    • A well-written buffer establishes common ground with the reader
    • A poorly written buffer may mislead or insult the reader
    • Phrase your reasons to signal the negative news ahead
    • Don't hide behind "company policy" when you deliver bad news; present logical answers instead
    • Well-written reasons are
      • Detailed
      • Tactful
      • Individualized
      • Unapologetic if no one is a fault
      • Positive
    • To handle bad news carefully
      • De-emphasize the bad news visually and grammatically
      • Use a conditional statement, if appropriate
      • Tell what you did do, not what you didn't do
    • Don't disguise bad news when you emphasize the positive
    • A positive close
      • Builds goodwill
      • Offers a suggestion for action
      • Provides a look toward the future
    • Expectations for the handling of bad news vary from culture to culture
    • Compared to external audiences, internal audiences often expect more detail in negative messages
    • You may need to adjust the content of negative messages for various external audiences
  • Explain the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and ettiquette when delivering negative messages
    • Employees who observe unethical or illegal behavior may face the challenge of whistleblowing to bring appropriate attention to the situation
    • Negative situations can put your sense of self-control and business etiquette to the test
    • When turning down an invitation or a request for a favor, consider your relationship with the reader
    • Your approach to bad news about business transactions depends on the nature of the transaction and your relationship with the customer
    • If you've failed to meet e
    • Expectations that you set for the customer, you should consider including a element of apology
    • Use the indirect approach in most cases of refusing claims
    • When refusing claims
      • Demonstrate your understanding of the compaint
      • Explain your refusal
      • Suggest alternative action
    • You can help avoid committing defamation by not responding emotionally or abusively
    • Negative organizational messages to external audiences can require extensive planning
    • Give people as much time as possible to react to negative organizational news
    • Ask for legal help and other assistance if you are not sure on how to handle a significant negative announcement
  • Explain the role of communication in crisis management
    • Anticipation and planning are key to successful communication in a crisis
    • Prepare for trouble ahead of time by identifying potential problems, appointing and training a response team, and preparing and testing a crisis management plan
    • Get top management involved as soon as the crisis hits
    • Set up a news center for company representatives and the media that is equipped with phones, computers, and other electronic tools for preparing news releases and online updates.
    • Tell the whole story openly, completely, and honestly
    • Demonstrate your company's concern through your statements and your actions
  • List three guidelines for delivering negative news to job applicants, and give a brief explanation of each one
    • Poorly written rejection letters tarnish your company's reputation and can even invite legal troubles
      • Choose your approach carefully
      • Clearly state why the applicant was not selected
      • Close by suggesting alternatives
    • An important goal of any performance evaluation is to give the employee a plan of action for improving his or her performance
    • Address performance problems in private
      • Confron the problem right away
      • Plan what to say
      • Deliver the message in private
      • Focus on the problem
      • Ask for a commitment from the employee
    • Carefully word a temination message to avoid creating undue ill will and grounds for legal action

What are the purposes of negative messages?

Negative messages are verbal or nonverbal communication that includes information that is unfavorable, disappointing, or harmful. The purpose of negative messages is to reduce conflict between the sender and receiver, decrease the impact of bad news, or reinforce a negative consequence.

What are the goals you should keep in mind when delivering negative messages?

There are seven goals to keep in mind when delivering negative news, in person or in written form: Be clear and concise in order not to require additional clarification..
Avoid abusive language or behavior..
Avoid contradictions and absolutes..
Avoid confusion or misinterpretation..
Maintain respect and privacy..

What are the strategies for writing negative messages?

Negative Messages.
Be clear and concise to avoid being asked for additional clarification..
Help the receiver understand and accept the news..
Reduce the anxiety associated with the bad news as much as possible by expressing sympathy or empathy..