The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Service on local computer started and then stopped ,Some services stop automatically if there are not in use by other services or programs

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

Reason: Event Viewer log files are probably full.


  • right click on “My Computer”
  • choose Manage
  • -----------------------------
  • Windows Server 2003/XP

  • System tools > Event Viewer
  • right click on Application
  • choose Properties
  • Windows Server 2008/Windows 7

  • Diagnostics > Event Viewers
  • click on Application and Services Logs
  • choose Properties on the right panel
  • -----------------------------
  • change Maximum log size to bigger value
  • check “Overwrite events when needed”
  • reboot computer
  • Loading

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped © Vo Hung Tuan Blogs 2022 | la.plume

service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some service stop automatically if they have no work to

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  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    I installed a Windows Service which worked fine,untill i attached my source code (VS2005) and tried debugging and kept changing the trigger time in the datatbase, which infact worked servel times and now all of a sudden stopped working.

    I checked the service and it seems to have stopped and cannot restart it.

    I tried resintalling it with different name , rebooted the machine, added a code to sleep for some seconds on the OnStart() event nothing seems to be working. There is no Exception message in the event log.

    Anyone has a clue to sort this out??

    Following is the message

    the <> service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some service stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example the Performance logs and Alert Service





  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Hi Gauls,

    I had the same problem for a long time and finally find the solution that is to clear the Application Log. It might help you to resolve this problem as well.


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  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Use the debugger and trace the execution of the OnStart() method.

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  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Use the debugger and trace the execution of the OnStart() method.

  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Hi Gauls,

    I had the same problem for a long time and finally find the solution that is to clear the Application Log. It might help you to resolve this problem as well.


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  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Hi Biglari,

    Yes after quite a struggle i did fiqured out clearing does help most of the times.




  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Hi All,

    One of the causes of the error is "Check if you have enough disk space where the service is installed". If the disk space left is very less or No disk space it throws the same error. Free some disk space, then the service will start,(if it's not relating to programming issue) like your service was running fine suddenly it stops and whenyou try to start again it shows this message.That is the reason why when you clear Application Log you're able to start service again. i.e(When clearing Application log it gets enough disk space required)



  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    HI I got same problem but i solved my problem to follow below steps

    Here is the complete solution

    It may usefull.


  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    It is not necessary to use local account on production box new user account could be used. This kind of error could occur if the user doesn't have proper rights on the database/file depends what's servicedoes. Cache and logs are also a gud point to look at as mentioned in previous posts.




  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Check the 'Event' logs as Gauls suggested. I was using a wrong 'Service behaviour' name. The issue resolved just like a charm after the change. Restarting the service may not sometimes help you, uninstall and install service again.

    Error: Service cannot be started. System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: There is no service behavior named

  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    Hi guys,

    i have this problem with squid,when i start squid,this error appeare:


    The Squid service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.


    i am using windows 7.

    any clean solution?



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  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    I also got the same issue, while i m try to start the service.

    solution is if you use event log to store service log then clear that all log before start the service.

    i have tried and it's working for me.


    Mayur Moradiya

  • The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

    The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped


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    ...tks Biglari. It's my wish...:)

Running Redis as a Windows Service

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

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The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

The Redis service on local computer started and then stopped

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CPOL5 min read

A utility to run Redis, or other executables, as a Windows Service.

  • Download source - 1.3 MB
  • Download - 20.5 KB

Automatically restart the Redis Windows Service if it crashes or is accidentally shut down. Ensure that your in-memory database is always available to serve your applications.

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store supporting common data structures. The Microsoft Open Technologies port can be installed as a Windows Service for 24x7 operation. Here it is in services.msc:

To protect the Redis service with Service Protector 5.0 and later:

  1. Download and install Service Protector, if necessary.

  2. Start Service Protector.

  3. Select Protector > Add to open the Add Protector window:

  4. On the General tab, select the Redis service in the Service to protect dropdown. You will notice a green circle on the left if the service is already running, as pictured below.

  5. If you are interested in monitoring Redis and detecting when it stops responding to network requests on its TCP/IP port, click over to the Monitor tab. We'll set up a failure detection command to tell Service Protector when Redis is not accepting requests.

    1. Check the Whenever it fails a "sanity check" box and click the "..." button to open the Configure Sanity Check window.

    2. Enter the full path to our ConnectToSocketSanityCheck.exe utility, which can be found in the "SanityCheck" folder inside your AlwaysUp installation directory, followed by "localhost" and your Redis port number. If you installed AlwaysUp in its regular location and stuck with the default Redis port number (6379), the full command line to enter will likely be:

      "C:\Program Files (x86)\AlwaysUp\SanityCheck\ConnectToSocketSanityCheck.exe" localhost 6379
      Be sure to quote your exe path if it contains a space!
    3. Change the Every controls to 5 minutes or set it to any value that you find appropriate. More time means less frequent checks (and less poking of the server), but it also means that errors can linger undetected for a longer period.

    4. Press the OK button to save your sanity check settings.

  6. Click the Save button. In a couple of seconds, an entry for Redis will show up in the Service Protector window. Protection should have started and the shield icon should be green to indicate that Redis is being watched by Service Protector. Your Redis service is now safe from accidental shutdowns!

  7. Note that you can use Service Protector's icons to gain some insight into the Redis service and how it is being protected.

    Click on the green circle in the "Service State" column to see key information on the Redis service itself:

    Or click on the green shield in the "Protection" column to reveal a popup showing when protection started:

  8. That's it! Next time your computer boots, Redis will start as normal and Service Protector will begin monitoring the service to promptly restart it if it fails or stops for any reason.

    We encourage you to edit Redis in Service Protector and check out the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment. For example, send an email when the service fails, cycle Redis during the early-morning hours to keep performance snappy, restart the Redis service if it gets stuck starting, and much more.

“The [Service name] Service on Local Computer Started and Then Stopped. Some Services Stop Automatically If They Are Not in Use By Other Services or Programs” – Windows Error Message (TEKLYNX Software)


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