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  • Is there a reason you are creating multiple images that are the same?  Or maybe I misunderstood?

  • If you need to do the same things to multiple machines at the same time.... shouldn't that be part of the software image rather than something you do afterwards?

    I understand what you want to do but have never seen anything that might accomplish it, sorry!

  • Another thought - have you looked into MDT?  It's free and it automates a lot of the steps.  Maybe whatever it is you are doing the same, on each machine, doesn't even need to be manually done.

  • DragonsRule​: I'm not creating multiple images, I'm imaging multiple machines.

    JoeWilliams​: I'm not on the imaging team, so I don't know that any of this stuff can be done as part of the image.  It mostly consists of things like removing the garbage apps (because for some reason we didn't go for the LTSB version  >.<), setting up how File Explorer looks, Pinning things to the task bar, installing agency-specific software items, setting certain folder permissions that we need, and so on.

    DragonsRule​: we already use MDT for our imaging process, this is about post-MDT actions that still need to be completed on each machine.  Basic process runs: 1) wipe machine, 2) run MDT image, 3) log in as admin and perform various actions, 4) deliver to user, 5) log them in.  We're concerned here with step 3: logging in as admin and performing a series of actions that are, for the most part, identical on each machine but not covered by MDT.

  • If you need to log in as admin for configuration your imaging team is not doing their work correctly.

    This is on them.

    Remote Desktop double mouse cursor
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  • Greg Strickland wrote:

    3) log in as admin and perform various actions,

    This is what I was talking about when I mentioned automation.  If it's the same steps over and over, it should be part of the MDT task sequence.

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  • tulioarends​ They've done what they can, which is provide a base image with selectable options in MDT for each agency as specified by our requirements and that agency's national-level input.  After which, I do the state-level inputs from whichever agency i'm imaging for at the time.  MDT has done their job properly, and regardless that isn't relevant to the question at hand.

    DragonsRule​ See above for why it's not part of the MDT sequence.  If it could be scripted, that would be fine too, but I'm not sure that powershell can actually do all the things I need done, especially since Microsoft changes where things are on each update, meaning I'd have to keep rewrite the script every six months.  Might still be faster, but my previous attempts at that haven't met with much success, again because MS keeps moving things.

  • Greg Strickland wrote:

    tulioarends​ They've done what they can, which is provide a base image with selectable options in MDT for each agency as specified by our requirements and that agency's national-level input.  After which, I do the state-level inputs from whichever agency i'm imaging for at the time.  MDT has done their job properly, and regardless that isn't relevant to the question at hand.

    DragonsRule​ See above for why it's not part of the MDT sequence.  If it could be scripted, that would be fine too, but I'm not sure that powershell can actually do all the things I need done, especially since Microsoft changes where things are on each update, meaning I'd have to keep rewrite the script every six months.  Might still be faster, but my previous attempts at that haven't met with much success, again because MS keeps moving things.

    Your workflow is a problem. It's not giving enough granularity to the images. The goal of imaging is having to do zero manual config afterwards.

    The only suggestion I can give you is to use something like AutoIt Team AutoIt​ to script the tasks.