nice girls là gì - Nghĩa của từ nice girls

nice girls có nghĩa là

the kind of girl you could take home to mom, but won't because it's easier to sleep with a whore than foster a relationship.


- hey, i heard she was a nice girl. should i go out with her?
- no way man. go for the whore.
- you're right man. what was i thinking?

nice girls có nghĩa là

A sweet female who knows how to talk to a male, and is usually quiet, smart and doesn't talk too much, but is ignored by them because she is not as attractive as the smug bitches wearing thongs. Like nice guys, but female.


The nice girl was very sweet and would never disrespect a man, but she was ignored by the boys because they would rather have a moronic bitch that's hot than a smart, sweet one who's not the hottest thing in the world.

nice girls có nghĩa là

1. The self-labeled female equivalent of the “Nice Guy”. A woman who will spend most of her time whining about how men “just want to date sluts”. Oblivious to the fact that no one finds people who feel sorry for themselves attractive, much less people who blame others for their lack of success. To stupid to figure out why men don’t find them attractive, they conclude that in order to be in a relationship they must act promiscuous and trashy.

They tend to befriend men who are already in relationships [sometimes who are in relationships with other men! Or who are married!]. Often misrepresenting their intentions and trying to use emotional manipulation and the facade of friendship as an excuse to get closer to the man and start a relationship with him.

2. Sometimes, however nice girl just means a girl who is sweet and kind. And thus, has no negative meaning like my definition #1.


1. Nice Girl: How come won’t you date me?
Her male friend: Because, I already have a boyfriend!

2. Brandi is a nice girl, she is always sweet to me

nice girls có nghĩa là

A girl who believes she's the best choice for a girlfriend. She doesn't understand why guys only go for "sluts" or "whores" when she can "cook and clean" and also she's "ugly so it's not like I can ever cheat on you!!!!!!" Nice Girls have self-esteem issues and throw passive-aggressive fits on social media when they get rejected. Nice Girls believe that you can tell whether or not a girl has morals by looking at the size of her butt. Nice Girls are self-centered, jealous girls usually in their teenage years, but some occasionally last up until 30s. Others never grow out of their Nice Girl phase.


Nice Girl: "Ugh, why doesn't Brad notice me?! I'm super cute, obsessively loyal, and all I ever do is read books and play video games! I'm not like other girls, I'm special!!!"
Nice Girl: "Stacy is such a slut. I can't believe Luke turned me down for her! Her butt is so big, she probably doesn't even know how to keep her legs closed. Guys are so stupid."

nice girls có nghĩa là

A girl that is generally nice. She hangs out with a majority of guys and plays video games and is basically one of the guys. But she can also be girly and do girl things; shop, makeup, ect. But for some reason can never get a boyfriend. One, because the guys seem to only see her as one of the guys and she never gets noticed. Two, she sticks arounds listening to all her guy friends problems with their current sluts and gives advice. Three, she is always taken for granted and lets herself be taken for granted, hoping that one day a guy will notice how wonderful she really is. But that will obviously not happen anytime soon since all guys seem to be attracted to are easy girls, with caked on makeup, skimpy clothing, and probably a million unknown STDs.


-Dude Jen is so good at guitar hero!
-Yah i know! and she's a pretty nice girl.
-you're right maybe you should ask her out
-Fuck no she's like one of the guys!

nice girls có nghĩa là

"Nice girls" want to be loved but all they do is scare people away with their manipulative nature


I am being nice to you!Why don't you love me? Someone:You are such a fucking basic nice girl!

nice girls có nghĩa là

female friendzone


"I wouldn't go out with her she is a nice girl"

nice girls có nghĩa là

A complete bitch who thinks she's better than anyone because she is a "Nice" Girl when in reality she's a horrible human being who tries to get people to pity her into dating her


Nice girl: oh I really like you we should go out.
Guy: sorry i'm already dating someone
Nice girl: OMG like I didn't even like you LOL your just some fat ass loser with a small dick.
Guy: Wtf I'm dating someone Nice girl: I'm not like the other girls i can cook and clean and I'm not a whore, Fuck you.

nice girls có nghĩa là

these things that r called 'human' 'girls' which makes my stick rise


*me walking in school* * i see a nice looking girl* *my weeenee goes up*

nice girls có nghĩa là

girls who claim to be nice when they really aren't


nice girl: I like you
Guy: Uh, thanks but I have a girlfriend
Nice girl: I don't know why you go for girls who are ugly w*ores Nice girl: Leave me alone
Guy: Leaves*
Nice girl: Ugh, you're so dumb and useless Nice girl: If a girl cheats on you it's your fault Random person: What if a guy cheats
Nice girl: Then he is an idiot

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