mikeys là gì - Nghĩa của từ mikeys

mikeys có nghĩa là

sweet and swoll, often essential to people's lives; often likable and personable


me: Wow, that kid has a lot of great qualities.
you: Oh, you mean like a mikey?

mikeys có nghĩa là

the most amazing thing that could ever happen to you, he may disagree and tell you otherwise, but hes perfect in every way. Once you fall for him theres no turning back, and all you want to do is be with him. His eyes are usually a sparkly brown ; and when he stares into your eyes you hope that the moment will last forever because its the most amazing feeling, having him looking back at you. When he sings to you, its like your world is on pause and everything that should matter, doesnt. Because he lets you forget, and all your troubles fade away, and when your together anything is possible. He is so loveable, there is nothing you wouldnt do for him. And you know he feels the same , i suck at this, but its how you feel.


god, id give anything to be with mikey. im in love with mikey. mikey is such a goof <3< div>

mikeys có nghĩa là

A super-sweet person, very hard to stay mad at a Mikey. A Mikey will brighten up yor day. Responds well to cuddles and affection, not so well to chest punches and abuse. Muscly and good-looking, extremely kind and generous, willing to do anything for those he loves. Great fun to be around, gives the best hugs. Has slight addiction to drinks such as Lucozade. If he was a super-hero he'd be Superman.


Studies have shown that when breaking up with boyfriends, 69% of girls use this:
Well if you were more like a Mikey, this wouldn't have happened. Look at Mikey and Chloe, they're perfect together!

mikeys có nghĩa là

The love of life and the one who will have a girl's heart forever. She is not ashamed of his love, and he is not ashamed of her's. He likes to cuddle and be held, occasionally scratched behind the years.
Be warned, Mike may think he is a horrible bad person, when in fact he is only deeply in love and attempting to change himself for the better, with the help of this author.
Because of his efforts and love for others,including but not limited to his love of his life, he is a genuine and caring person who is a desperate need of some major love-making.


"You are such a mikey sometimes...but I love you anyways" "You are the sweetest mikey I've ever seen."

mikeys có nghĩa là

Mikey is the gentleman of all gentlemen. At your lowest moments, he has the ability to bring a smile to your face while you momentarily lose yourself in his eyes. He can make you laugh with the most trivial of stories that he elaborately shares with his mesmerizingly beautiful lips… lips that make your heart beat out of your chest when he curls them into his signature smile... Smiling as he focuses all his attention solely on you as the whole world around you stops. A single glance can make you blush. He is considerate, kind, and quite adorable, despite his stubborn resentment towards the adjective. He takes your every word into consideration as plans his next endeavor to melt your heart resulting in an impression that can never be forgotten nor replaced. His only flaw? Falling for inconsiderate and evil women that cannot comprehend, accept, nor are they deserving of the amazing love that his is willing to offer. He deserves a happily ever after with someone that can give him what he truly deserves... everything.


Mikey is not the one you deserve, but he is the one you need. Mikey is and always will be my hero.

mikeys có nghĩa là

Mikey is a kind hearted, well spirited person. He always knows just what to say. You can loose yourself in his crystal blue eyes. His smile is so contagious and his jokes can make you fall to the floor laughing. He will always be there to protect you and makes it very easy to love him. He’s literally the best person in the world but doesn’t realize it and that’s what makes him so cute. His goofy sense of humor and odd jokes will forever make you smile. He’s always willing to do what’s necessary to make you happy again. You will never forget him smiling and laughing at even the most stupid of things. Thank you for evyerything you do Mikey.


je t'aime Mikey.

mikeys có nghĩa là

Mikey is what you could call perfection. Everything they does is perfect, from the way they sings to the way they draws. Mikeys are very modest and don't even realise that everyone loves them. Mikeys aren't all that good at academics (like maths and English) but they are very talented in other areas. Mikeys usually have amazing brown eyes, brown hair and maybe long arms. Mikeys are truely amazing and unique. Sometimes they can be shy though like a mouse. Mikeys are one of the best people you could ever meet. If you ever meet a Mikey, you are very lucky.


Person 1: Mikey is amazing
Person 2: I know right
Person 1: MIKEY
Person 2: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Mikey: *doesn't realise*

mikeys có nghĩa là

One of the best people you will ever meet a Mikey will make you laugh upon meeting him first impretions are key to Mikey's success in been popular everyone wants a Mikey to be close with.
Mikey's are strange people but you will learn to love it after spending a short time with a Mikey you will want to be his best friend.
Mikey's have a open hart and are prone to hartbrake Mikey's go well with aiden's.
Mikey's strong points are music and his eyes


Reece:who's your best mate
Aiden: Mikey he couldn't be any better :)

mikeys có nghĩa là

Pronounced 'Mike-ee' - Slang abbreviation for Microwave.


'Ere Baz, bung it in the mikey, I paid 50 knicka for that mikey, 800W, Sanyo, bung it in the mikey Baz.'

mikeys có nghĩa là

A state of extreme drunkeness.
Symptons may include talking nonsense, instability, memory loss and singing badly.


I was totaly Mikeyed last night