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IELTS Listening Matching Questions and Answers


Updated On Dec 15, 2021

Listen to the audio and answer the questions below:

IELTS Material · Match Questions Audio

Match the solutions given by the tutor against the problems faced by the student.

Problems faced by the student:

  1. Course
  2. Time

Solutions given by the tutor:

  1. Make weekly or monthly plans
  2. Arrange regular meetings with the tutor
  3. Use language learning materials
  4. Form a mutual support group
  5. Enjoy yourself
  6. Adjust your schedules


Section 3

Professor: I see. Take control of this time and organize it carefully. Time that is not organized can disappear very quickly, leaving you rushing to catch up on your work or even running out of time all together. Learn the essentials of time management. First, make weekly or monthly plans that set out your study targets for the week or month ahead. Schedule time for reading and work out roughly how much you want to read in each session. Plan time to research and write your essays or prepare projects, so that you do not have to stay up late doing them at

the last minute. Have you made such a plan?

Student: No, I haven’t. That’s obviously something I should do. I can easily fill that free time with extra studies.

Professor: No, No. That’s not what I mean. Don’t plan to spend all your extra time studying. Remember to leave some time free for hobbies, sports, seeing friends or simply relaxing. If you do not take time to enjoy yourself your work will suffer and you will miss out on many other worthwhile experiences. Make a timetable for your free time, if you like. Plan when to see your friends, play your favorite sport or just hang out. Don’t forget to revise your plans If you need to. As you progress through your course, you will get a better idea of how much time you need for different activities. Adjust your schedules and keep them realistic.

Student: So you’re saying that I need to keep a balance between work and play and keep an eye on things to make sure that I’m not doing too much or too little.

Professor: That’s right. Feel free to show me your plan when you’ve made one.

Student: Thank you. My next problem is coping with my course. Living abroad in a new environment makes studying more challenging than usual. I’m worried about my progress and about how I will cope with examinations.

Professor: These concerns are natural but do not let them overwhelm you. Here are two simple ways, you can stay in control of your studies. First, ask for regular meetings with your tutor. In your case, ask me to review your progress and discuss any problems. You’re doing that now, so you’ve taken the first step. Let me know, if you are having any language difficulties, though in your case, that seems doubtful. As you are probably aware, there is a language center here where all students can use language learning materials but is probably not of much use to you. Second, why not try to form a mutual support group with other International students to discuss common challenges and to share useful ideas. This can be particularly helpful if you find the teaching methods very different from those you have experienced before. Another type of support group could be other students in your subject

area. Get together with students on similar courses to discuss the issues. Swap ideas and give each other support.

Student: Yes. The second idea is particularly good.


Match the solutions given by the tutor against the problems faced by the student.

Problems faced by the student:

  1. Course
  2. Time

Solutions given by the tutor:

  1. Make weekly or monthly plans – B
  2. Arrange regular meetings with the tutor – A
  3. Use language learning materials – A
  4. Form a mutual support group – A
  5. Enjoy yourself – B
  6. Adjust your schedules – B

Explanation for the answers:

For the first question, it is clear from the conversation which goes thus :

Professor: I see. Take control of this time and organize it carefully. Time that is not organized can disappear very quickly, leaving you rushing to catch up on your work or even running out of time all together. Learn the essentials of time management. First, make weekly or monthly plans that set out your study targets for the week or month ahead. Schedule time for reading and work out roughly how much you want to read in each session. Plan time to research and write your essays or prepare projects, so that you do not have to stay up late doing them at the last minute. Have you made such a plan?

So the answer is Time which is “B”

For the second, third and fourth questions , it is clear from the conversation which goes thus :

Professor: These concerns are natural but do not let them overwhelm you. Here are two simple ways, you can stay in control of your studies. First, ask for regular meetings with your tutor. In your case, ask me to review your progress and discuss any problems. You’re doing that now, so you’ve taken the first step. Let me know, if you are having any language difficulties, though in your case, that seems doubtful. As you are probably aware, there is a language center here where all students can use language learning materials but is probably not of much use to you. Second, why not try to form a mutual support group with other International students to discuss common challenges and to share useful ideas. This can be particularly helpful if you find the teaching methods very different from those you have experienced before. Another type of support group could be other students in your subject area. Get together with students on similar courses to discuss the issues. Swap ideas and give each other support.

So the answer is course which is “A” for 2, 3 and 4

For the fifth and sixth questions, it is clear from the conversation which goes thus :

Professor: No, No. That’s not what I mean. Don’t plan to spend all your extra time studying. Remember to leave some time free for hobbies, sports, seeing friends or simply relaxing. If you do not take time to enjoy yourself your work will suffer and you will miss out on many other worthwhile experiences. Make a timetable for your free time, if you like. Plan when to see your friends, play your favorite sport or just hang out. Don’t forget to revise your plans If you need to. As you progress through your course, you will get a better idea of how much time you need for different activities. Adjust your schedules and keep them realistic.

So the answer is time which is “B” for 5 and 6

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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