jonas brothers là gì - Nghĩa của từ jonas brothers

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

1. the worst musicians ever to hit planet earth.

2. basically put, they repeat the same shitty guitar riff and sing in their nasal voices the most fucking nonsense lyrics ever to come out of a fudge packers mouth.


hannah montana is almost as bad as the jonas brothers.

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

proof that god hates the human race


god hates us so he sent down the jonas brothers

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

dumb ass mother fuckers who dont know wut the hell good music is


jeremy: dude, my girlfriend lyks the jonas brothers...wut do i do? jarrett: wtf? they dumb as hell, tel ur gf to listen to better music or dump her ass!!

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

the act of dropping the soap in prison on purpose.
the act of writing bad songs
listening to them may cuz: explosive diaria blood coming out of your ears suicide and even massive amounts of radiation for some reason???


nick jonas: drops the soap in prison''oops!! i droped the soooaaap!!!! totaly by accident!! im just going to go BEND over and go pick it up sloooowwllyy....." prisioner1: pssshhh ur so gay i wouldnt wanna fuck if u were the last guy in the shower u stupid gay peice of shit!!"
nick jonas:come on man do you know how long i have been in here
prisoner1:its been 2 weeks ok fuck off or ill fuck u up
nick-this is my 2nd guess sos this is my 2nd geuss sos
Prisioner1-hhmmm those stupid ass lyrics can suck my dick dude ok there the last thing that humanity will her u stupid fuck!!!!!! nick-jeez guys im so fukkin bored on writing these stupid ass songs. joe-i totally agree man...
joe- oh i know lets have a threesome!!!!
Nick-fuck YEEEAAAHHH!!!!
(three long gay hours later with the jonas brothers)
nick- ooohh lets make a song called S.O.S cuz i think my condom broke.
kevin-now we should make a song called paranoid cuz idk if im gonna be preganant joe-YEEEAAHHH!!!
(3 hours later with stupid ass songs getting made up and the 1st time they played the END OF EVERYONES HEARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

being at jonas brothers concert is like having your dick sawed off with a rusty steak knife.


Origin: upon birth, Nick Jonas' penis was accidentally caught in the revolving door leaving the hospital and was suibsequently rendered useless. Immediately after, his parents had the shriveled half-cock cryogenically frozen in the event that doctors would some day be able to reattach it. The Jonas Brothers now wear purity rings to hide Nick Jonas' slaughtered masculinity.

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

A word to describe any homosexual activity Also a boy band happen to be called Jonas brothers and they happen to fit in the description of a Homo
they are also "life unworthy of life" Adolf Hitler


why are you doing the jonas brothers on him Jimmy?

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

A trio of gay brothers that your fucking annoying little sister probably loves because she's a dumbass snotty brat and isnt smart enough to realize that the sounds they emit with their instruments and 10 year voices are torture to normal people's ears. These girls should get a life and boyfriend that will actually be able to see in person and not in some gay video or pictures. To imitate Jonas Brothers is to be a fag that listens to gay music,pretends to like girls, molest you brothers and suck huge cocks. Get a life.Go listen to some Zeppelin or Pink Floyd.


Jonas brothers:Just fags.

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

pretty much a boy band which consists of joe, kevin, and nick jonas. they ain't that great. most of their fans are little girls that think they're going to marry one of the jonas brothers, but i bet they probably wouldn't even make eye contact.
they also think that they have "ANGELIC" voices, even though i think they sound like squealing pigs, or screaming when they get their balls chopped off.


jonas brother's fan: OH EM JAAAYYY! I LAAHVE THE JONAS BROTHERS, THEY HAVE VOICES LIKE ANGELS! non-jobro fan: need help bitch.

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

a fuck-tarded pop band that think their so cool and awwwwsome and claims "their" "music" is "rock" and dont forget they share their fans with justin beiber ! the "band" and and their fans (10-year-old whores) cant even imagine a time where you actually had to sing GOOD to be a singer . dont be fooled by the "purity rings " kids they gang bang eachother when there not on set because they love being incest !


1. jonas brothers: "awww yeah we are so cool with our afro haircuts and our rock music !!!!!!!111!!!!!ONE!!!!1" 2.jonas brothers : "hey justin bebier your so cool and gangsta just like us so we will give you some of our 10-year-old whor....uh i mean fans 3. jonas brothers fan: "whuuuuut that cant be there wasn't auto-tune when music was actually good their had to be RIGHT!!?!?!?!?!?!!111???!!?!?!ONE?!?!?!?" 4.jonas bitch #1 : "oh yah jo bro bitch #2 and #3 mom and uncle was right being incest really does feel good "

jonas brothers có nghĩa là

a. Just another Disney channel money making tool that will make Disney money and like most Disney stars, be tossed aside when they starts to fall short of the marketing profits. b. A band of preppy males who are targeted only towards the tween audience, and have been endorsed by Disney channel. c. Tween music D. Need I say more?


A. Bill: How long you give the Jonas Brothers? Dave: I would say 3 or 3.5 years. Disney's stars are just getting worse and worse. B. Joe: Jonas brothers? Who are they? Chris: It's better not knowing. Disney Channel stars are just money makers for the Disney channel scumbags. C. Kid: YAY!! Jonas Brothers!!! Me: Jonas brothers? *Vomits* D. Disney channel stars, nuff said.