Hướng dẫn bộ lọc góc trên vây cn10 năm 2022

Hướng dẫn Soạn Công nghệ 10 Bài 8 ngắn nhất Sách mới [KNTT, CD, CTST] với đầy đủ 3 bộ Sách mới: Kết nối tri thức, Cánh diều, Chân trời sáng tạo. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo!

Sách Kết nối tri thức: Soạn Công nghệ 10 Bài 8. Bản vẽ kĩ thuật và tiêu chuẩn trình bày bản vẽ kĩ thuật

Mở đầu

Hình 8.1 biểu diễn hình dáng và kích thước của một chiếc bàn. Em hãy mô tả chiếc bàn đó. Trong quá trình mô tả, em có gặp khó khăn gì không? Hãy quan sát và cho biết trên các Hình 8.2 a, b, c, d thể hiện hoạt động gì và liên quan như thế nào đến bản vẽ kĩ thuật.

Khám phá

I. Khái niệm, vai trò của bản vẽ kĩ thuật

Trả lời câu hỏi trang 45 sách giáo khoa Công nghệ 10

Mở đầu

Hình 8.1 biểu diễn hình dáng và kích thước của một chiếc bàn. Em hãy mô tả chiếc bàn đó. Trong quá trình mô tả, em có gặp khó khăn gì không?

filter that is too small for your fish tank can also cause it to become clogged easily. This is due to the filter filling up with wastage faster since it has to filter more with a shorter capacity. 

In order to prevent these issues from occurring, you’ll want to make sure to have an appropriately sized filter, one that is made for the size of aquarium you have. Also, you’ll want to ensure that you clean or replace the filter regularly. It is recommended to replace the filter cartridge every three weeks and clean the filter once a month.

How Do You Unclog a Top Fin Filter?

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To begin cleaning your filter, you’ll want to unplug the filter first. Once it is unplugged, remove the filter from the aquarium. Next, disassemble the filter.

Using room temperature water or water from the aquarium, add in a water conditioner and begin cleaning the filter media with the conditioned water. The media should not be cleaned thoroughly because you will want to leave some bacteria behind. This is beneficial to the health of your aquarium. Avoid using brushes or sponges to clean the media. 

if[typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined']{ez_ad_units.push[[[336,280],'sealifeplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',114,'0','0']]};__ez_fad_position['div-gpt-ad-sealifeplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'];Once you have cleaned the media, move on to cleaning the rest of the filter. Scrub it with a brush or sponge and rinse it to remove all the algae and debris. This can be done with warm water. Avoid using hot water. 

With everything nice and clean, reassemble the filter and place it back into the aquarium. Plug it back in to check if it works or not. If your filter still doesn’t work, it may be time to replace it instead. 

How Do You Replace a Top Fin Filter?

Replacing a Top Fin filter means replacing the cartridge.

To do this, you’ll first want to ensure that the filter is turned off and then unplug it. Remove the filter’s lid. Take out the old cartridge and dispose of it. 

Take the new filter cartridge and rinse it with cold water to remove any dust particles. Place the new filter cartridge into the filter slot then add a small bucket of water into the filter. 

Put the lid back on, ensuring that it is secure, and plug the filter back in.

Power Supply Issues 

Power supply issues can come in the form of an unsuitable plug-in, insufficient power supply, or power surge issues. Your filter may not be plugged into the outlet properly or the outlet may have an internal issue resulting from a power surge. 

To test whether or not you’re facing a power supply issue, check the connectors or try plugging your filter into another outlet. 

Problems with the Impeller 

The impeller is a vital component to keeping your filter working. It helps with water flow and suction. If your filter is no longer working and you have checked the filter and power supply issues with no luck, it may be due to the impeller being broken, loose, or blocked by waste.

Be sure to check the impeller and either clean or replace it if necessary. If you notice any damage to the impeller, it is best to replace it, even if the damage is small. 

Improper Water Flow 

Improper water flow is often the result of an incorrect size and capacity of the filter in your aquarium. To prevent a water flow issue, ensure that your filter is the correct size and capacity for your specific tank. 

Why is My Fish Tank Filter Not Blowing Bubbles?

There are a few reasons why your filter may not be bubbling. First, it may be because of a dirty or clogged filter, so be sure to check your filter first and clean it if needed. 

Another reason is that the air pump may have been unplugged, loosened, or blocked, or that the membrane may no longer be in working condition, so be sure to check the pump out as well. 

A faulty air pump is detrimental to your aquarium and can cause your filter to no longer bubble. These faults can be caused by broken rubber bladders, kinks in the tubing, and incorrect placement of the pump. Make sure to check all of these aspects to ensure that the air pump is working effectively. 


There are several reasons why your Top Fin filter may not be working and several solutions to get it to work again. Worst case scenario is that you’ll need to replace the filter, which should be done occasionally regardless; otherwise cleaning the filter, making sure there’s an adequate power supply, and ensuring that the impeller is working should do the trick of fixing your filter issues.


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Mở và đóng có nghĩa là gì trên bộ lọc vây trên cùng?

Bộ lọc có thể được sử dụng một trong hai cách, tùy thuộc vào nhu cầu của bể của bạn.Nếu đóng, bộ lọc này sẽ chỉ kéo từ dưới cùng của bể. Nếu mở, bể sẽ lọc nước trong các độ sâu khác nhau của bể.If closed, this filter will pull from the bottom of the tank only. If opened, the tank will filter water throughout the different depths of the tank.

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