How many ways can a 3 person sub committee be selected from a committee of 7 people?

A committee of #4# people be selected from a group of #7# people in #35# ways.


As the order of people does not matter, it is #\C_4^7#

i.e. #(7xx6xx5xx4)/(1xx2xx3xx4)=(7xxcancel6xx5xxcancel4)/(1xxcancel2xxcancel3xxcancel4)=35#

Hence, a committee of #4# people be selected from a group of #7# people in #35# ways.

Natalia P.

asked • 11/24/15

How many ways can a 2-person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 7 people? I need help with this problem please


1 Expert Answer

How many ways can a 3 person sub committee be selected from a committee of 7 people?

Omari S. answered • 11/24/15

Johns Hopkins Grad Student and MCPS Math Teacher w/ Eng. Background

Use the combination rule of n!/k!(n-k)! where n is the number of options (7) and k is the number of slots (2).

Do this if the order does not matter.

7!/2!(7-2)! = 7*6*5*4*3*2*1/2*1*(5*4*3*2*1) = 7*6/2 = 21

If, however, the order does matter, then use the permutation rule of n!/(n-k!) with n = 7 and k =2 giving 7*6 = 42.

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The first selection can be any one of 7 people.

The second one can be any one of the remaining 6.

The third one can be any one of the remaining 5.

So the subcommittee can be selected in (7 x 6 x 5) = 210different ways.

But ... there aren't that many different subcommittees that can be formed.

Whether you select ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, or CBA, you still have the same 3 people

on the subcommittee. You can form the subcommittee in 210 different ways, but

each group of the same three people gets selected six times, in different ways.

So there are only (210/6) = 35 possible different subcommittees.

How many ways can a 3 person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 8 people?

3 person subcommittee combinations can be be chosen in 8!/(5!)( 3!) = 56 ways.

How many ways can a 2 person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 7 people?

Answer and Explanation: (A) a 2 person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 7 people is 21.

How many ways can a 4 person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 7 people?

A committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people in 35 ways.

How many ways are there to select a subcommittee of 3 members from among a committee of 10?

Example 1.7. How many ways can one choose a committee of 3 out of 10 people? ) = 120.