Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 trang 13 Unit 2

a].........................                  b].........................                 e]..........................

c].........................                  d].........................

Đáp án:

a] come in                       c] open your book                  e] close your book 

b] sit down                      d] stand up

2. Write the sentences - Viết câu

Đáp án:

a] come in                                         c] stand up                                 e] sit down

b] open your book                            d] close your book

3. Find the words in the boxes: come, stand, close, open, in, sit, up, down. - Tìm các từ sau trong bảng





































































































































Đáp án:

4. Complete the missing letters. Hoàn thành những chữ cái còn thiếu

a] g_ _db_e

b] s_ _nd

c]  _ow_ 

d] s_t

e] 0_ _n

Đáp án:

a] goodbye

b] sound

c] down

d] sit 

e] open

  • Giải bài 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 trang 185, 186 SGK Sinh...
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Page 2

1. Read the first part of a text about dating and fill each gap with a word or a phrase from the box.

Đọc phần đầu tiên của một văn bản về hẹn hò và điền vào mỗi khoảng cách với một từ hoặc một cụm từ trong hộp.

hopeless              partner                 settle down

married                trust                      identity

stable                   serious

Max and Carol's wedding is to be held next week, never thought he could find the woman of his dreams. He became a successful businessman at the age of 37. He has worked hard all his life to get through university and then set up a company to provide a [1]______ income. The problem was that meetings and hard work made it difficult for him to meet a suitable [2]_______ . Last year, when he wanted to [3]______ , he looked around and found that all his old friends and female colleagues were already [4] _______ .

Some friends suggested going to bars or dance clubs. However, he thought the girls who went to these places were not mature or [5] _______ enough. Another suggestion was to look for a partner online. In fact, Max had a lot of online friends, but he did not [6]_______ them, as they usually hid their real [7]______ . He was beginning to feel lonely and [8] ______ when he saw an advertisement about the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre.

Đáp án:

1. stable                   2. partner

3. settle down           4. married

5.serious                   6 trust

7. identity                 8.hopeless

2. Read the second part of the text and answer the questions.

Đọc phần thứ hai của văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.

When Max went to the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office, he thought they could help. After completing a survey form about I age, education, religion, likes and dislikes, he was invited to a get-togetf with other nine men and ten women. There, he spent about six minu with each woman, talking about things like jobs, hobbies, families a children. At the end of the evening, he made a report stating wh women he wished to see again. Luckily, Lucy, the woman that he cho was also interested in him. They had a meeting the following we Max and Lucy had many things in common, but he did not really f attracted to her. Lucy felt the same, and they agreed to remain frien A month later, Lucy invited Max to her birthday party and introduced h to her friends. Fate was kind to Max this time as he met Carol there, and they fell in love with each other at first sight.

1. Why did Max go to the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office?

2. What was he asked to do first?

3. What did he do at the get-together organised by the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office?

4. Who did he choose to meet again?

5. Why did Max and that person decide to remain friends?

6. Who was Carol? Where did Max meet her?

Đáp án:

1. He wanted to find a partner.
Anh ấy muốn tìm một người bạn.

2. He was asked to complete a survey form about his age, education, religion, likes and dislikes.
Anh được yêu cầu hoàn thành mẫu khảo sát về tuổi, trình độ học vấn, tôn giáo, sở thích và không thích của mình.

3. He talked to ten women at the get-together, spending six minutes with each one.
Anh nói chuyện với mười người phụ nữ tại buổi gặp gỡ, dành sáu phút cho mỗi người.

4. He chose Lucy.
Anh chọn Lucy.

5. They had many things in common, but they didn't feel attracted to each other.
Họ có nhiều điểm chung, nhưng họ không cảm thấy bị thu hút bởi nhau.

6. Carol was Lucy's friend. Max met her at Lucy's birthday party.
Carol là bạn của Lucy. Max đã gặp cô ấy tại bữa tiệc sinh nhật của Lucy.

3. Find the words or phrases from the two parts of the reading text which mean the following.

Tìm các từ hoặc cụm từ từ hai phần của văn bản mà có nghĩa như sau.

1. the money a person earns from work or business [noun]

Tiền của một người kiếm được từ việc làm hoặc kinh doanh

2. an informal meeting [noun]                

Một cuộc gặp không chính thức                                                                                                   

3. fully grown and developed; sensible [adjective]           

Phát triển và phát triển đầy đủ; Hợp lý                                                                    

4. when you see someone for the first time [prepositional phrase]

Khi bạn gặp ai đó lần đầu tiên

5. the power that is believed to control people's life [noun]

sức mạnh được cho là kiểm soát cuộc sống của con người

Đáp án:

1. income                      2. get-together

3. mature                      4. at first sight

5. fate

Page 3

1. Laura is talking about her brother's first date. Choose the sentences [a-e] to complete the conversation. Then practise it with a partner.

Laura đang nói về ngày hẹn hò đầu tiên của anh trai. Chọn câu [a-e] để hoàn thành cuộc trò chuyện. Sau đó thực hành nó với một người bạn.

Ha:                 You look excited, Laura. What's up?

Laura:            [1]__________________

Ha:                 I see ... But why are you so excited?

Laura:            [2]_________________

Ha:                 Wow! How did you do that?

Laura:            [3]_________________

Ha:                 Problem? Are you worried they might not like each other?

Laura:            [4]_________________

Ha:                 Why don't you ask your best friend?

Laura:            [5] ________________

a. I introduced him to Anna, my best friend's sister. But I have a problem now.

Tôi giới thiệu anh với Anna, em gái của người bạn thân nhất của tôi. Nhưng bây giờ tôi có một vấn đề.

b. You're right. I should have thought of that. Thanks.

Bạn nói đúng. Tôi nên nghĩ về điều đó. Cảm ơn.

c. No. I think they have many things in common. But my brother wants to buy a small gift for Anna, and I don't know what she might like.

Không, tôi nghĩ họ có nhiều điểm chung. Nhưng anh trai tôi muốn mua một món quà nhỏ cho Anna, và tôi không biết những gì cô ấy có thể thích.

d. Well, my brother's going out on his first date this weekend.

Ừm, anh trai tôi sẽ ra ngoài vào ngày hẹn hò đầu tiên của mình vào cuối tuần này.

e. It was me that introduced him to his date.

Đó là tôi. người đã giới thiệu anh ấy với người hẹn.

Đáp án:

1.d          2. e            3. a            4. c            5.b

2   Work in pairs. Use the information below to make another conversation.

Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng thông tin bên dưới để tạo một cuộc hội thoại mới

A and B greet each other

A: ask why B looks upset

B: tell A he / she broke up with C, a close friend, because B misunderstood that C lied to him / her

A: show sympathy and ask if B needs help

B: ask A for advice about how to reconcile with C

A: give B some advice

B: thank A

Page 4

1  Write an online posting, using the words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary.

Viết một bài đăng trực tuyến, sử dụng các từ hoặc cụm từ bên dưới để thực hiện các câu hoàn chỉnh. Thêm từ, nếu cần thiết.

Re: I have new friends.

by Susan >> 25 Feb 20_ at 8.30 p.m.

Current mood: happy

My family / moved / town / last week / and today / first day / new school. / Everything / new: / classrooms / teachers / classmates. / At first, / I felt / lonely / knew / nobody. / stood on my own / new classmates / looking / curiously. / didn't know / what / say to break the ice. / felt / miserable.

But / everything changed / teacher / introduced / whole class / asked / monitor / help / get to know / classmates / school rules. / Carol / wonderful / monitor. / She took the initiative / show me / school. / also helped / make friends / other students. / She made sure / never alone / first day / new school.

Although / miss / old friends, / like / new school / classmates. / hope / make / good friends here.

Gợi ý đáp án:

My family moved to a new town last week and today was my first day in my new school. Everything was new: new classrooms, new teachers and new classmates. At first, I felt very lonely because I knew nobody here. I just stood on my own and my new classmates were looking at me curiously. I didn't know what to say to break the ice. I felt miserable.

But then everything changed when the teacher introduced me to the whole class and asked the class monitor to help me to get to know my classmates and the school rules. Carol is a wonderful class monitor. She took the initiative to show me around the school. She also helped me to make friends with other students. She made sure I was never alone on my first day in my new school.

Although I still miss my old friends, I like my new school and classmates. I hope I can make lots of good friends here.

2. Write another online posting, using the information in the conversation in the Speaking section [Activity 2] and your own ideas.

Viết bài đăng trực tuyến khác bằng cách sử dụng thông tin trong cuộc trò chuyện trong phần Nói [Hoạt động 2] và ý tưởng của riêng bạn.

Follow this plan:

- Title of the posting

- The writer's name and posting date

- The writer's current mood

- The writer's description of what happened

- The writer's opinion / feelings

- The writer's hope or wish

Gợi ý trả lời:

Re: I want to apologise.

Posted by Lana » 2 March 20___ at 6 p.m.

Current mood:  regretful

I don't know what to do now. Last week I had an argument with my best friend  because I thought she had lied to me. She tried to explain, but I was so angry that I refused to listen to her explanation.

 Yesterday, I happened to find out that I was wrong. I immediately called her to apologise, but this time it was her that refused to listen to me. I don't want our friendship to come to an end this way. We've been good friends for years. I really hope that she will forgive me for what I have done and said to her.

Page 5

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Page 9

1. Read the advertisement for short training courses provided by the CGC [Centre for Global Citizens]. Then complete the table below with the information you can get from it and any further information you need if you want to take one of the courses. The first one [1 ] has been done for you as an example.

Đọc quảng cáo về các khóa học ngắn do Trung tâm CGC [Citigens Global Citizens] cung cấp. Sau đó hoàn thành bảng dưới đây với các thông tin bạn có thể nhận được từ nó và bất kỳ thông tin thêm bạn cần nếu bạn muốn tham gia một trong các khóa học. Phần đầu tiên [1] đã được thực hiện cho bạn như một ví dụ.

Information from the advertisement

Further information you need to know

- The purpose of the courses


Gợi ý đáp án:

Information from the advertisement

Further information you need to know

- The purpose of the courses

- Tuition fees / how to pay

- The names of the courses

- The levels of the foreign language courses

- How long the courses are

- When the courses start

- The location of the centre & contact person

- Teachers'experience

- Whether certificates are awarded upon course completion

2. Lan Anh is interested in learning about different cultures around the world. Use the words given to make complete sentences in her letter to Ms Jessica Greene. Add more words, if necessary.

Lan Anh rất quan tâm đến việc học hỏi những nền văn hoá khác nhau trên khắp thế giới. Sử dụng những từ được đưa ra để hoàn thành các câu trong bức thư gửi cho cô Jessica Greene. Thêm từ, nếu cần thiết.

June 1st, 20_

Dear Ms Greene,

[1]      1/ 16 years old/and/1/finish/Grade 11/May/.

[2]      I understand / time / acquire / life skills / prepare / the outside world / after /1 / leave / school /

[3]      I would like / work / an international company / meet people / around the world.

[4]      I read / your advertisement / that / you offer courses / world cultures /.

[5]      Could you / advise / which / the culture courses /1 should take / ?

[6]      I / would also like / know / course starts, / how much / tuition fee / how / pay /.

[7]      I hope / your answers / my questions / help me to make / right decision / the course /.

[8]      Thank / very much / your time. I look forward / to hearing / you /.


Lan Anh

Gợi ý trả lời:

June 1st, 20_

Dear Ms Greene,

I  am 16 years old and I have just finished Grade 11 in May. I understand it is time for me to acquire some life skills and prepare for the outside world after I leave school. I would like to work for an international company and meet people from around the world.

I  read in your advertisement that you offer courses on world cultures. Could you advise me which of the culture courses I should take? I would also like to know when each course starts, how much the tuition fee is and how I should pay.

I hope that your answers to my questions will help me to make the right decision about the course.

Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.


Lan Anh

3    You are interested in one of the other courses. Write a letter to CGC to ask for further information about it, using the ideas in 1 and 2. Your letter should include the following parts:

Bạn quan tâm đến một trong các khóa học khác. Viết một lá thư cho CGC để hỏi thêm thông tin về nó, sử dụng các ý tưởng trong bài 1 và 2. Thư của bạn nên bao gồm các phần sau:

Sender's address Recipient's address Date Greeting

Stating the reason for writing the letter and / or giving reference Giving background information

Requesting advice based on the background information

Requesting further information

Expressing hope

Thank-you note


Page 10

1. In each set, find the word in which the underlined vowel can be elided or pronounced differently from the rest.

Trong mỗi bộ câu, tìm từ trong đó nguyên âm được gạch dưới có thể được đọc lướt đi hoặc phát âm khác với phần còn lại.

1. A. rarely                     B. barely

 C.scary                         D. library

2. A history                    B. unforgettable

C. information                D opportunity

3. A. deafening               B. frightening

C gardening                    D encouraging

4. A mobility                   B. family

C. facility                        D disability

5. A. inference                B. prefer

C. underline                    D afternoon

Đáp án:

1. D             2. A              3. D             4. B            5. B

2   Read the following sentences aloud and pay attention to the words with reduced vowels before /l/, /n/ or /r/.

Đọc to các câu sau đây và chú ý đến những từ có nguyên âm giảm trước / l /, / n / hoặc / r /.

1. You can charge your smartphone's battery in this library.

2. Mr Wood, who is an expert on contemporary Thai art, is reading a history book.

3. The police are questioning the family who received the threatening letter yesterday.

4. The cameramen should shoot the scenes separately.                                                      

5. Most teens think reading online is preferable to a visit to the local library.

Page 11

1. Complete the following crossword puzzle.

Hoàn thành câu đố ô chữ dưới đây


1.       the opportunity or right to use something

2.       relating to seeing

3.       sympathy, help or encouragement to someone in a difficult situation

4.       the ability to move easily


5. intended or designed for a particular purpose or person

6. a chair with wheels that someone who cannot walk uses to move around

7. unable to use a part of the body or brain properly

8.       the state in which a part of a person's mind or body is unable to work well

Đáp án:

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the puzzle in 1. Change the word form, if necessary.

Hoàn thành câu với các từ trong câu đố 1. Thay đổi hình thức từ, nếu cần.

1. People with________ impairments have difficulty climbing stairs.

2. This special school helps students with ________ impairments to learn Braille.

3. Electric ________ have been used more widely than manual ones.

4. We have launched various services to ________ people with learning disabilities.

5. We have found ways to make the school building________ to disabled students.

Đáp án:

1. mobility                2. visual

3. wheelchairs          4. support

5. accessible

3  Complete the following sentences with the past simple or present perfect of the verbs in brackets.

Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì quá khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành của các động từ trong ngoặc đơn.

1. We _______ [complete] a voluntary project for our community centre a month ago.

2. Since our last meeting, most of the students _______ [become] more involved in volunteering.

3. Last week, the Youth Union leaders _______ [decide] to launch a campaign to help children with learning disabilities.

4. Many volunteers  _______ [take] part in our programmes since the campaign was launched.

5.  ______ you_______ [ever, help] students with special education needs?

6. Last semester my wheelchair broke down, so my best friend_______ [carry] me on his back to school.

Đáp án:

1.   completed                         2. have become

3. decided                               4. have taken

5. Have you ever helped           6. carried

4. Rewrite these sentences, using the words and phrases given.

Viết lại những câu này, sử dụng các từ và cụm từ cho trước.

1. We have worked on this programme for five years.
started, five years ago

2. Not long ago, teachers at the school for gifted students discovered that some of their students also have learning disabilities.
have recently discovered

3. Our instructors have taught extra classes for students with learning disabilities since 2008.
began, in 2008

4. We created a resource room for talented students with learning disabilities in 2013.
have already created, since

5. Our school has used the same curriculum for both talented and challenged students since January.
started using, January

6. In 2010, our school introduced a special programme for students with disabilities.
have participated in, since

In 2011, we received the UNESCO charity award for the third time.
have won, three times

Đáp án:

1. We started working on this programme five years ago.

2. Teachers at the school for gifted students have recently discovered that some of their students also have learning disabilities.

3. In 2008 our instructors began to teach extra classes for students with learning disabilities.

4. We have already created a resource room for talented students with learning disabilities since 2013.

5. In January our school started using the same curriculum for both talented and challenged students.

6. Students with disabilities in our school have participated in a special programme since 2010.

7. We have won the UNESCO charity award three times [since 2011].

5. There is one verb in each sentence which is in the wrong tense. Find it and correct the mistake.

Có một động từ trong mỗi câu ở thì sai. Tìm và sửa lỗi.

1. So far we received 30 applications for the volunteering job.       

2. Since 1 started working with disabled children, I read a lot about famous people with disabilities.

3. Albert Einstein has not been able to talk when he was two years old.  

4. Beethoven was a famous pianist and has become deaf when he was 28.                  

5. Nguyen Phuong Anh has been honoured by UNICEF as a global oustanding child with a disability in 2013.         

Đáp án:

1. received ⟶ have received

2. read ⟶ have read

3. has not been able ⟶ was not able

4. has become ⟶ became

5. has been ⟶ was

Page 12

1. Read the text and choose the best answer [A, B, C or D] for each blank.

Đọc đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất [A, B, C hoặc D] cho mỗi khoảng trắng.

Viet Nam Assistance for the Handicapped [VNAH] is a non-profit organisation [1] ______ in 1991 to assist people with disabilities in Viet Nam. Its main aim is to help disabled people to overcome their [2]______ . Some of VNAH's programmes [3]______ technical assistance to clinics and wheelchair factories in the [4]______ of high-quality and low-cost wheelchairs.

To [5]______ disadvantaged people, VNAH has set up the Office of Disabilities Technical Assistance [ODTA] in Ha Noi. In addition, VNAH [6]________ a programme to support the government in improving activities benefiting people with disabilities.

In cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development, VNAH is now working to [7]_______ different Vietnamese agencies. Special attention [8]______ to providing disabled people with full access to all facilities and services.

1. A find                           B found

C.funded                          D founded

2. A. disabilities                B. abilities

C. disabled                       D. disablement

3. A. provide                    B. provider

C provision                       D produce 

4. produce                        B product

C. production                    D. productivity

5. A. fund                         B. assist

C donate                          D. care

6. A launches                    B. launched

C. have launched               D. has launched

7. suppose                        B. supply

C. support                         D. suppress

8. was given                      B. is given

C. are given                       D. were given

Đáp án:

1. D

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. B

2 . Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true [T] or false [F].

Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem các câu sau đây là đúng [T] hay sai [F].

A Better Life for People with Disabilities

By KhaiTam Teenagers' Magazine

Last week the Youth Union leaders interviewed some volunteers who have worked with disabled children. They asked them if attitudes and life for these people have changed. Here are some of their responses.

‘I think there is more support for children with disabilities now,’ said Kevin, a grade 11 student. ‘There are more special facilities and devices designed to enable people with mobility impairments to travel around. There are also new forms of Assistive Technology that can help people with visual and hearing impairments. So, I think disabled people can access more places and participate in more activities.’

Hung, the monitor of Class 10A, added, ‘Well, in terms of education, there are more special schools for children with disabilities, even in developing countries. In addition, there are many schools where disabled and non-disabled students are educated together. This has led to many benefits to both groups and has reduced discrimination towards people with disabilities.’

When asked about her volunteer experience, Anna from Class 12B said, ‘My volunteer experience has enabled me to understand children with disabilities and the support they need. It has also made me more confident and helped me to realise the difference

I  can make to other people's lives. I've also met a lot of talented people with disabilities who have fulfilling jobs, live independently and contribute to the community.’

‘The most important thing is that society's attitudes towards people with disabilities have changed,’ Anna emphasised. ‘People can now join or watch events for athletes with disabilities such as the Far East and South Pacific Games for the Disabled [the FESPIC Games], the Paralympics, or ASEAN Para Games. Watching these events is inspirational as their achievements are amazing.’ She really likes the FESPIC Games' motto: ‘Overcoming challenges, inspiring others’.

1. According to Kevin, there are now more ways to support people with mobility impairments.

2. Assistive Technology can only help people with visual impairments.

3. In Hung's opinion, educating disabled and non-disabled students in the same school leads to discrimination against people with disabilities.

4. Anna has met people who have overcome their disabilities and are successful in their jobs and lives.

5. Anna thinks that international events for disabled athletes can make us better people.

Đáp án:

3     Read the text again and choose the best answer for the following questions.

Đọc lại văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất cho các câu hỏi sau.

1. The word ‘devices’ in paragraph 2 refers to___ . 

A equipment

B. methods

C. movements

D transportation

2. The word ‘motto’ in paragraph 5 means a phrase 4. used to             .

warn someone against something

B. advertise something

C. express the aims and beliefs of an event, organisation or person

D. instruct someone to do something

3. What can people learn from volunteering?

A. How to use Assistive Technology.

B. How lucky non-disabled people are.

C. How to make disabled people more confident.

D To understand people with impairments and be more confident.

4. The word ‘together’ in paragraph 3 means

A. in a close relationship

B. with each other

C. at the same time

D. in agreement

5. How can disability discrimination be reduced?

A. By not educating disabled students.

B. By educating disabled children with gifted students.

C. By educating disabled and non-disabled students together.

D. By providing more special schools for disabled students.

Đáp án:

Page 13

1. Put the responses into the appropriate blanks. Then practise the conversation with a partner.

Đặt câu trả lời vào khoảng trống thích hợp. Sau đó, thực hành cuộc trò chuyện với một người bạn.

Beth:  Hello, Kevin. How are you doing?

Kevin: [1]_____________________

Beth: I'm OK. I just got back from theTexas School for students with visual impairments.

Kevin: Oh, what happened?

Beth:   I attended a music class there. They are all very talented and look so happy. I felt ashamed of myself. I often complain about my life while some people don't even have the same opportunities.

Kevin: [2]_____________________

Beth: I didn't know you have volunteered at that school. How often do you go to help?

Kevin: [3]_____________________

Beth:   That'll be great. I'm thinking of making some cakes for the kids. Do you want to help?

Kevin: [4]___________________ . I'll ask her for some.

a. Sure. We can take some cupcakes to the kids. My mum has lots of recipes.

b. l try to do 2-3 days of volunteer work every month. Maybe we can go together next time.

c. Hi, I'm good. Are you OK? Are you crying? Your eyes are all swollen and red.

d. Yes, I felt the same when I first volunteered to help there.

Đáp án:

1.c    2.d    3.b         4.a

2. Work in pairs. Play the roles of Beth and Kevin in Activity 1 and continue the conversation by making plans to help the disabled students. You can use the suggested guidelines below.

Làm việc theo cặp. Đóng vai Beth and Kevin trong Hoạt động 1 và tiếp tục cuộc trò chuyện bằng cách lập kế hoạch để giúp đỡ học sinh khuyết tật. Bạn có thể sử dụng hướng dẫn được đề xuất bên dưới.

 Making cakes           

- Who is going to help to make cakes?

- What cakes are you going to make?

- What ingredients are you going to buy?

- How many cakes are you going to make? 

Reading stories

- What stories are you going to read?

- Who is going to read the stories?

- Do you want to share any storybooks with the students there?

- Do you need to find the storybooks in Braille?

- Do you need sound effects or any musical instruments?

Preparing a game show

- What games are you going to play?

- What kinds of aids do you need to prepare for the games?

- Who is going to run the game show?

- What are the prizes for the winners?

Gợi ý trả lời:

SI: Hey! Do you have a moment? I want to talk to you about our plan next week.

S2: Sure. I was about to call you. Thank you for sending the recipe. I've made a shopping list so we can keep track of what we're going to buy. Here, take a look.

SI: Great. But we don't have to buy flour. There is some leftover at home from the last time my mum made some cakes.

S2: Do you think 20 cupcakes will be enough?

SI: Of course. There are about 10 to 15 students in one class. We can even share some cupcakes with the teachers.

S2: I also want to read some stories to the kids. I've found some interesting ones. Do you think we'll have time?

SI: Yes, we'll have plenty of time. I'm going to bring some Braille storybooks as well.

S2: So let's go shopping on Thursday. You can help me with the cupcakes on Friday morning, then we'll go to school together.

SI: OK. And I'll bring the flour and the books.

S2: That sounds good to me. See you on Thursday.

Page 14

1. Write recommendations to improve accessibility for disabled people, using the words and phrases given. Change the word forms, if necessary.

Viết khuyến nghị để cải thiện khả năng tiếp cận cho người tàn tật, sử dụng các từ và cụm từ được đưa ra. Thay đổi hình thức từ, nếu cần.

1. improve / home safety / provide / friendly environment / disabled people /.

2. consider / ways / make / day-to-day life / easier /.

3. remove / barriers / stop / disabled / contribute / the community /.

4. help / people with disabilities / engage / hobbies / activities /.

5. provide / people / hearing impairments / with / suitable / hearing aids /.

6. change / the way / think / act towards / people in need /.

Gợi ý đáp án:

1. We should improve home safety and provide a friendly environment for disabled people.

2. We ought to consider different ways to make day-to-day life easier for people with disabilities.

3. We ought to remove the barriers that stop disabled people from contributing to the community.

4. We should help people with disabilities [to] engage in hobbies and sports activities.

5. We should provide people with hearing impairments with suitable hearing aids.

6. We need to change the way we think about and act towards people in need.

2     Read Nam's report about his visit to a special school. Identify a problem he mentions and write your recommended solutions to it in the space below.

Đọc báo cáo của Nam về chuyến thăm của cậu đến một trường học đặc biệt. Xác định một vấn đề cậu đề cập và viết các giải pháp được đề xuất của bạn cho nó trong khoảng trống dưới đây.

Yesterday morning, our school went on a visit to Hoang Mai special school in Ho Chi Minh City. When we were there, we had a chance to meet students with different disabilities and join in school activities. First, we talked with people with visual disabilities. Then we observed a class in reading Braille books. We were told that there were not many books written in this system of raised dots. Then we met children with hearing impairments. Their teacher taught us some basic sign language so that we could greet them. We were told that hearing aids are very expensive and some parents can’t afford them. It was a useful visit for our class. We have decided to start volunteering at the school, and I think we can all help these children to learn skills and have a better life.


Solution 1 __________________

Solution 2 __________________


Gợi ý trả lời:

Problem: There were not many books written in Braille

Solution 1: Record some short stories on audio recording devices

Solution 2: Organise story-reading events

Conclusion: Volunteer students can record short stories and read stories for students with visual impairments. This can provide more opportunities for children to enjoy different books.

Page 15

  • Giải bài 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 trang 185, 186 SGK Sinh...
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Page 16

1. Look for the names of five more ASEAN countries in the word puzzle. Write them down in the spaces below.

Hãy tìm tên của năm nước ASEAN khác trong câu đố chữ. Viết chúng xuống trong các không gian dưới đây.

Đáp án:

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp.







1. The _______  of Viet Nam is "Independence - Freedom - Happiness".

2. Being a regional _______ for many years, ASEAN is now striving for greater integration.

3. The ASEAN member states decided to launch its charter when they recognised the need for a ________ .

4. The ASEAN Charter helps to define the bloc's ________ in the region.

5. ASEAN members aim to build a friendly and united community promoting________ , peace and development.

6. There are measures to strengthen economic________between ASEAN member states.

Đáp án:

1. motto           2. association         3. constitution

4. identity         5. stability              6. cooperation

measures to strengthen economic

3. Match 1 -6 with a-f to make meaningful sentences.

Nối 1-6 với a-f để tạo các câu có ý nghĩa.

Đáp án:

1.f                 2.d                  3.b

4. e               5. c                 6. a 

4. Use the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

Sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn của các động từ trong ngoặc đơn để hoàn thành câu.

1. We_______ [have] a good time at the concert to welcome the delegation of ASEAN officials.

2. My classmates________ [want] to participate in the competition on ASEAN held at school.

3. I_______ [love] dancing Lamvong, the national folk dance of Laos.

4. The ASEAN countries________ [wish] to promote economic growth, social progress and cultural development.

5. Look! Lan_______ [smell] the flowers her boyfriend sent her from Da Lat.

6. We_______ [think] of spending our holiday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Đáp án:

1. are having         2.want                    3. love

4. wish                  5. is smelling           6. are thinking

5  Underline the wrong verb tense or form and correct the mistake.

Gạch dưới thì hoặc hình thức động từ sai và sửa lỗi.

1. I like Thai food. It is tasting delicious.

2. The students see their teacher this afternoon to discuss the ASEAN Week at school.

3. Tuan is thinking that being an ASEAN member is important for the development of Viet Nam.

4. Now Nam looks at the documents, trying to find answers to the questions about ASEAN.

5. I'm not sure now. I have second thoughts about studying in Singapore.

6. Two students from our class succeeded in win prizes in the competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter.

Đáp án:

1. is tasting ⟶ tastes

2. see ⟶ are seeing

3. is thinking ⟶ thinks

4. looks ⟶ is looking

5. have ⟶ am having

6. win ⟶ winning

Page 17

1. Read the following text about the ASEAN Para Games. Match each paragraph with its heading.

Đọc các văn bản dưới đây về các Hiệp định Para Games của ASEAN. Nối từng đoạn với tiêu đề của nó.

Paragraph A

Paragraph B

Paragraph C

Paragraph D

Paragraph E

1. The 7th ASEAN Para Games

2. History of the ASEAN Para Games

3. ASEAN and its activities

4. Objectives of the ASEAN Para Games

5. Viet Nam's team at the 7th ASEAN Para Games

A. Formed on August 8th 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN] was originally a group of five countries. Nowadays, ASEAN is a united bloc often countries, which promotes many cultural and sports events besides political and economic cooperation. The ASEAN Para Games for athletes with physical disabilities is a good example.

B. The ASEAN Para Games aims at promoting sports for people with disabilities in the region and increasing public awareness of disabled sports. Regional Para sports events offer opportunities for building friendship and cooperation among disabled people in ASEAN member states.

C. The ASEAN Para Games is held about every two years after the Southeast Asian Games [SEA Games] in an ASEAN member state.The first ASEAN Para Games took place in 2001 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was the first major sports event of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation [APSF]. The second ASEAN Para Games was organised in 2003 in Viet Nam. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ASEAN Para Games were held in the Philippines,Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia respectively.

D. Athletes with disabilities from the ten ASEAN members and East Timor attended the 7th ASEAN Para Games in 2014 in Myanmar. They competed in 12 sports: archery, athletics, boccia, chess, football 5-a-side, football 7-a-side, goalball, powerlifting, swimming, table tennis, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball. Indonesia finished first andThailand, which had dominated the Games for more than a decade, dropped to the second place. Malaysia was third and Viet Nam retained the fourth position.

E. There were about 120 Vietnamese athletes at the 2014 ASEAN Para Games. They took part in six events. Even though the Vietnamese delegation was not among the top three, the 7th ASEAN Para Games could be considered a successful event for Viet Nam. The Vietnamese athletes with disabilities tried very hard and set several ASEAN, Asian and world Para Games records.

Đáp án:

A. 3        B. 4            C. 2         D. 1       E. 5

2      Find the words or expressions in the text that have the following meanings. Write each word or expression next to its meaning.

Tìm các từ hoặc các biểu thức trong văn bản có các ý nghĩa sau. Viết mỗi từ hoặc biểu hiện bên cạnh ý nghĩa của nó.

1. support or encourage actively

2. control or influence someone or something

3. keep or continue to have something

4. go to an event such as a meeting or sports competition

5. a group of people who represent a country, company or organisation

Đáp án:

1. promote               2. dominate                 3. retain

4. attend                  5. delegation

3    Read the text again and answer the questions.

Đọc văn bản lại lần nữa và trả lời các câu hỏi

1. What was ASEAN when it was formed on August 8th 1967?

2. What is ASEAN now?

3. What does the ASEAN Para Games aim at?

4. How often is the ASEAN Para Games held?

5. When and where did the first ASEAN Para Games take place?

6. Why was the 7th ASEAN Para Games a successful event for Viet Nam?

Đáp án:

1. It was originally a group of five countries.

2. It is a united bloc of ten countries, which promotes many cultural and sports events besides politic and economic cooperation.

3. It aims at promoting sports for people with disabilities in the region and increasing public awarene of disabled sports.

4. The Games is held about every two years after the Southeast Asian Games [SEA Games] in an ASE/ member country.

5. The Games took place in 2001 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

6. Because the athletes with disabilities tried hard and set several ASEAN, Asian and world Para Gam records.

4.     Based on the information in the text, decide whether the following statements are true [T], false [F], or not given [NG]. Tick the boxes.

Dựa trên thông tin trong văn bản, hãy quyết định xem các câu sau đây là đúng [T], sai [F], hay không xác định [NG]. Đánh dấu vào các ô.

1. Regional Para sports events offer opportunities for building friendship and cooperation among people with disabilities in ASEAN member countries.

2. Participating in sports events, people with disabilities also have a chance to find their lifetime partners.

3. APSF is in charge of organising the ASEAN Schools Games.

4. The second ASEAN Para Games took place in 2005 in Viet Nam.

5. Disabled athletes from the 11 ASEAN member states attended the 7thASEAN Para Games in 2014 in Myanmar.

6. Archery, athletics, boccia, chess, football 5-a-side, football 7-a-side, goalball, powerlifting, swimming, table tennis, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball were the sports events at the 2014 ASEAN Para Games.

Đáp án:

1.T                     2.NG                  3. F

4. F                    5. F                    6.T

Page 18

1. Complete the following medal table of the ASEAN Para Games, using the appropriate words or numbers.

Hoàn thành bảng huy chương sau của ASEAN Para Games, sử dụng các từ hoặc số thích hợp.

a. Myanmar         b. Thailand [256]       c. [96]   

d. Philippines        e. [126]                     f. Thailand [130]

Đáp án:

1.f                2. d             3. b        

4. e              5. a             6. c

2. Work in pairs. Talk about two ASEAN Para Games, using the information in the medal table in 1.

Làm việc theo cặp. Nói về hai trò chơi Para Games của ASEAN, sử dụng thông tin trong bảng huy chương trong bài 1.


Student A:         When and where did the third ASEAN Para Games take place?

Student B:         It took place in 2005 in Philippines.

Student A:         Which country was first and which country was second?

Student B:         Thailand finished first with 139 gold medals. Viet Nam was second with 80 gold medals.

Page 19

1. Develop the following ideas into a short introduction about studying in Thailand. Add words or make changes, if necessary.

Phát triển những ý tưởng sau đây thành một phần giới thiệu ngắn về việc học tập tại Thái Lan. Thêm từ hoặc thay đổi, nếu cần.


Country and People

1. Known as / 'land of smiles' / Thailand / be / ideal tourist attraction / with / pleasant tropical climate / beautiful beaches/ picturesque mountains /.

2. country / also / attract / foreign students / with / its very high-quality education / safety / very low cost / living /.

3. Foreign students / be made / feel welcome / hospitable locals / many of whom speak English / encourage foreigners / speak Thai /.


4. There / be / more / 20,000 foreign students /Thai higher education institutions / 2011 /.

5. Most / foreign students / be / from Asia / with China, Myanmar / Laos / be / top three countries / send students /Thailand /.

6. International students / travel / Thailand / study ecology / environment / agriculture / economic development/.

Gợi ý trả lời:


Country and People

1. Known as the ‘land of smiles’, Thailand is an ideal tourist attraction with a pleasant tropical clima beautiful beaches and picturesque mountains.

2. The country also attracts many foreign students with its very high-quality education, safety and a v< low cost of living.

3. Foreign students are made to feel welcome by hospitable locals, many of whom speak English a encourage foreigners to speak Thai.


4. There were more than 20,000 foreign students in Thai higher education institutions in 2011.

5. Most of the foreign students are from Asia, with China, Myanmar and Laos being the top three countries sending students to Thailand.

6. International students often travel to Thailand to study ecology, environment, agriculture and economic development.

2. Write a short introduction about studying in Malaysia, using the information below.

Viết một giới thiệu ngắn về việc học tập tại Malaysia, sử dụng thông tin dưới đây.


Country and People

- ranked 10th most-visited country, famous for natural beauty

- friendliness of people, diversity of cultures and languages: attract tourists from around the world

- foreign students say: feel comfortable, peaceful, safe to live and study in Malaysia


- more than 90,000 international students [2011]; country aims: attract at least 200,000 [coming years]

- ranked 11,h [in terms of international students]; top five countries sending students: Iran, Indonesia, China, Nigeria,Yemen

- international students: benefit from Malaysian excellent education system, get qualifications from country's famous universities

Gợi ý trả lời:


Country and People

- Ranked the 10th most-visited country in the world, Malaysia is famous worldwide for its natural beauty.

- The friendliness of the people, and diversity of cultures and languages attract a lot of tourists from around the world.

- Foreign students often say that they feel comfortable, peaceful and safe to live and study in Malaysia. Education

- In 2011, Malaysia had more than 90,000 international students. The country aims to attract at least 200.0  international students in the coming years.

- Malaysia is ranked 11th in terms of international students and the top five countries sending students to Malaysia are Iran, Indonesia, China, Nigeria and Yemen.

- Malaysia is ranked 11th in terms of international students. The top five countries sending students to Malaysia are Iran, Indonesia, China, Nigeria and Yemen.

- International students can benefit from the Malaysian excellent education system and get qualifications from the country's famous universities.

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