Drop a brick nghĩa là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "drop a brick", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ drop a brick, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ drop a brick trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Drop through the false brick under the bar.

2. If Kirov chose, he could drop Vologsky, and Operation Cuckoo, like a hot brick.

3. 29 If Kirov chose, he could drop Vologsky, and Operation Cuckoo, like a hot brick.

4. The commonly brick, semisilica brick , brick, high - alumina brick, chrome brick, magnesia brick, carbon brick, etc.

5. The commonly-used firebricksare silica brick, semisilica brick, fireclay brick , high-alumina brick, chrome brick, magnesia brick, carbon brick, etc.

6. Magnesium-calcium brick, magnesium-calcium carbon brick, electric furnace top brick.

7. You shit a brick.

8. Eng: How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dew - drop could drop dew?

9. Brick Mansions.

10. A brick crashed through the window.

11. He went under a brick arch.

12. Linda' s gonna shit a brick

13. She's built like a brick Kremlin.

14. I was affable, funny, and now, brick by brick, I'm building a wall of contempt.

15. The shelter is a brick construction.

16. The hand and foot moulage decorative brick basically comprises a brick body and moulages on the brick body, and the moulages are fingerprints or footprints.

17. A brick fell on her head.

18. Archaize brick is come from evolution of colour glair brick, it is the porcelain qualitative brick of glaze essentially.

19. Brick by brick, plasterboard by plasterboard ... until all we had left was a pile of rubble.

20. Brick tea is shaped like a brick, and is a favorite of the Mongolian and Tibetan ethnic groups.

21. He was hurt by a falling brick.

22. 23 Brick masonry walls built with a technique known as reinforced grouted brick masonry performed excellently.

23. Howdew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?

24. Purpose-made brick

25. A glazed-brick frieze from ancient Babylon

drop a brick Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

drop a brick

Idiom(s): drop a bomb(shell) AND explode a bombshell; drop a brick

Theme: SHOCK

to announce shocking or startling news. (Informal or slang.)
• They really dropped a bombshell when they announced that the mayor had cancer.
• Friday is a good day to drop a bomb like that. It gives the business world the weekend to recover.
• They must speak very carefully when they explode a bombshell like that.
• They really dropped a brick when they told the cause of her illness.

drop a brick

1. To unintentionally say or do something embarrassing, tactless, or indiscreet; to commit some social faux pas or mistake. Primarily heard in UK. I dropped a brick on our first date by ordering veal, only realizing later that he's a staunch animal rights advocate.2. To announce a particularly surprising, alarming, or upsetting piece of news. An alternative form of "drop a bombshell." Primarily heard in US, South Africa. Mary dropped a brick when she told me she was moving to France next week. I'm about to drop a brick on my parents by telling them that I'm going to quit law school and pursue a career in art.Learn more: brick, drop

drop a brick

Also, drop a clanger. Say something indiscreet, commit a social gaffe. For example, John dropped a brick when he called her by his ex-wife's name. [Slang; 1920s] Learn more: brick, drop

drop a brick

BRITISHIf you drop a brick, you say something which upsets or offends other people. After his comments on the live TV programme, Mr Freeman was immediately aware that he had dropped a political brick of the worst kind.Learn more: brick, drop

drop a brick

make an indiscreet or embarrassing remark. British informalLearn more: brick, drop

drop a ˈbrick/ˈclanger

(British English, informal) say or do something that offends or embarrasses somebody, although you did not intend to: I dropped a real clanger when I mentioned the party. He hadn’t been invited.Learn more: brick, clanger, drop

drop a brick

and drop a bomb(shell) tv. to reveal startling information. Britney came in and dropped a brick that scared us all. She dropped a bombshell when she told us she was married again. Learn more: brick, drop

drop a brick

Informal To make a clumsy social error.Learn more: brick, drop
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“Họa từ miệng mà ra” đó ạ!. Photo by on

“Drop a brick/clanger” có drop là tình cờ thốt ra/nói ra, brick là phạm sai lầm, clanger là sai sót -> cụm từ này nghĩa là vô tư nói gây khó chịu cho người nghe; “thả cục gạch”, “quăng bom”.

Ví dụ 

The boss came in and dropped a brick.

Andre dropped a brick when he called her by his ex-wife’s name.

I went to my friend’s house to drop a brick and I left without flushing (đỏ mặt).

Earlier this week, cabinet office minister Michael Gove dropped a spectacular (ngoạn mục) clanger when he inadvertently (vô tình) revealed (tiết lộ) that the Johnson government’s Brexit dealings are nonsensical (vô nghĩa).

Thùy Dương

Bài trước :

Drop a brick nghĩa là gì

"Họa từ miệng mà ra" đó ạ!. Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

"Drop a brick/clanger" có drop là tình cờ thốt ra/nói ra, brick là phạm sai lầm, clanger là sai sót -> cụm từ này nghĩa là vô tư nói gây khó chịu cho người nghe; "thả cục gạch", "quăng bom".

Ví dụ 

The boss came in and dropped a brick.

Andre dropped a brick when he called her by his ex-wife's name.

I went to my friend's house to drop a brick and I left without flushing (đỏ mặt).

Earlier this week, cabinet office minister Michael Gove dropped a spectacular (ngoạn mục) clanger when he inadvertently (vô tình) revealed (tiết lộ) that the Johnson government’s Brexit dealings are nonsensical (vô nghĩa).

Thùy Dương

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