Bài tập the drink had a strange taste tasted năm 2024

taste verb [T] (FOOD/DRINK)

What is this? I've never tasted anything like it.

Thêm các ví dụBớt các ví dụ

  • Taste the stew to see if it has enough salt.
  • How do you know you don't like it if you won't even taste it?
  • We all tasted the cake.
  • If you've ever tasted Carmen's cooking, you'll know what I mean.
  • She drew off a little of her home-made wine just to taste.

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

taste verb [T] (EXPERIENCE)

(Định nghĩa của tasted từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của tasted


Trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều phân từ quá khứ và hiện tại của một từ có thể được dùng như các tính từ. Các ví dụ này có thể chỉ ra các tính từ sử dụng.

Some bought organic foods because they tasted better.

On the other hand, chlorate and chlorite can be formed, which may be tasted and smelled.

Life can be tasted to the full only when activity and contemplation, doing and not doing, form complementary poles, like those of a magnet.

He said that it smelled fragrant and it tasted pure and sweet.

Music can be tasted, like bread; both are experiences that bind people together as a nation.

When you did attend to these, in off hours, you tasted a pleasure that wasn't guilty exactly but was no longer innocent either.

Healthy-eating exercise - participants attended food interest groups, which tasted healthier options and discussed healthy-eating habits.

Many had made sure that they tasted it when they were there.

For we have tasted our freedom and reason, as well as our own fallibility.

Once you have tasted multilingualism, there is no going back.

Each farmer tasted and evaluated four clones and one control for culinary quality.

Their lives have been destroyed and many are now involved with the courts or have tasted prison as insolvent debtors, and exist in the worst possible conditions.

I have tasted it many times.

Even so, the various omissions are likely to shorten the text's shelf-life and the undergraduates most likely to find this useful are those who have already tasted the subject elsewhere.

Indeed, a few nonorganic participants indicated that they would like to try some organic fruit and vegetables just to see whether they tasted better than conventional food.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.