Why is a holistic approach to mental health important?

Benefits of Holistic Approach to Mental Health

Holistic, Mental Health, Treatment

Table of Contents

  • How a Holistic Approach Aids Mental Health
  • Holistic Actions and They Help Mental Health
  • Mental Health Hope Provides Guidance For Individuals Seeking Treatment

The pathway to mental wellness is not all that clear cut. Timeworn treatment methods still rule the landscape of psychiatry, and for good reason. These are the proven treatments that have withstood trials and research and have been shown to produce the desired effects. These treatments remain central to mental health care today.

But because each person seeking help is unique, using a one-size-fits-all treatment plan is not always the best route. Our DNA, biology, and life story require a more tailored approach.

This is the only way to truly connect with the healing process. This means that treatment for mental health disorders needs to include other types of healing methods.

In recent years, the support for mind-body actions for mental wellness has swelled. There is a shift towards healthy lifestyle choices. This means that diet, fitness, and holistic care factor in the mental health picture. Ancient Eastern healing methods are quickly finding their way into mainstream health care.

How a Holistic Approach Aids Mental Health

Taking a more Easter approach to mental health can help reduce stress. Stress is indeed one of the worst culprits for stealing our mental wellness. By learning how to control stress and induce a relaxed, calm mindset, we can improve mental health.

By blending holistic methods into the larger treatment plan we are able improve the outcome. This is because this approach fosters a mind-body connection. For instance, to achieve wellness, it means all aspects of our being the mind, body, and spirit must be in tune.

Some of the benefits of a holistic approach to mental health and wellness include:

  • All systems are involved in treating the mental health issue, including the health, fitness, lifestyle, social, and spiritual realms.
  • The mind becomes a tool for healing. Training the mind to direct thoughts away from those that cause distress and toward those that induce calm is key.
  • Making core shifts in diet and activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and improve sleep quality.
  • Reducing stress. Learning to relax takes practice but can be very helpful.

Holistic Actions and They Help Mental Health

As a people we may have become a bit lazy about taking care of our mental health. We have become so used to taking a pill for this or that problem. Substances are seen as an easy fix. However, the error in that way of thinking is that mental wellness can be achieved by taking meds. This is a mistake.

The truth is, if they even help at all, they may alter our brains but do not heal us. To shift into wellness, we must address the whole person, and this is where a total approach to mental health comes into play.

Consider these actions and how they help wellness:


Learning to meditate is a quiet way to calm the mind. The practice helps to focus thoughts on the present moment. This can lead to a peaceful and relaxed state.

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There are many forms of meditation. Just sample a few until you find one that fits. There are guided meditation apps that can assist you along the process. Learning how to meditate can become a tool to access when stress is triggered.


Being active 3-5 times per week for 30-60 minutes each time can be great for mental health. Movement and motion provide many mental health benefits.

Sticking with a fitness routine will begin to pay off in about 4 weeks. Exercise helps to balance brain chemistry, which can boost your mood. Other ways fitness helps mental health include better sleep, less time to worry, and improved self-esteem.

Breath work.

When upset or stressed we tend to hold our breath or engage in shallow breathing. This means not enough oxygen is getting to our brains. Rather than starve your brain, why not try deep breathing? Practice focused breathing to quickly reduce stress.

This is an easy technique that can be done any place at any time. Within moments the body and mind will become relaxed. Repeat the pattern 5-10 times. Breathe in slowly to a count of 5; hold the breath for 5; slowly release the breath for 5.


Brain health and mood can be improved through diet. Foods that assist in helping mental health include oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel, fruits and veggies, whole grains. Also add kefir and yogurt, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and low-fat dairy to the diet.

Also, avoid processed, salty, high fat foods, sugar-laden foods and sodas, caffeine.


Yoga combines movement with breath work stretching. Yoga can help mental wellness in many ways. There are several types of yoga to choose from, but they all center on movement and poses. These are said to help connect mind and body, and to a relaxed and calm state.


Essential oils, which are derived from certain parts of plants and flowers, are inhaled for health effects. For mental health, lavender, orange, rose, ylang ylang, bergamot, and chamomile oils are good for lifting mood. These oils can also induce calm and help you relax.

Mental Health Hope Provides Guidance For Individuals Seeking Treatment

Contact the team at Mental Health Hope today for help finding a private mental health retreat. These retreats use the total approach to treating mental health issues. Call us today for more guidance at [877] 967-9274.

June 30, 2020/by
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