Listbox more than 10 columns

The Address Book Userform [Userforms Listbox Contains 12Column]

A follower of the blog wanted this example.

Maximum 10 columns can be added to the listbox with ListBox1.AddItem Method.

To solve this problem, we used an array.


m = m + 1

ReDim Preserve myarr[1 To 12, 1 To m]

For j = 1 To 12

myarr[j, m] = .Cells[k.Row, j + 1].Value

Next j

Set k = .Range[B2:B & Cells[Rows.Count, B].End[xlUp].Row].FindNext[k]

Loop While Not k Is Nothing And k.Address adrs

ListBox1.Column = myarr

Read More Download Userform Example

  • August 31, 2016December 1, 2020
  • excel address book
  • Excel listbox more than 10 column
  • Excel vba fill listbox an array

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