Top tier girl meaning

Top tier girl meaning

Spin off from that top tier men thread & their lack of thirstiness The definition in there for a top tier man was pretty much money or things that had to do with money like a degree & comments were saying a top tier man would only thirst over a top tier woman So what’s your definition of a top tier woman? Is it degreed with money? Because I thought most men who actually had money & means weren’t going after a woman for how much money she has.

& I’m sure most answers will be looks but are looks enough for either gender to be considered top tier

Top tier girl meaning

Top tier girl meaning

Top tier exceeds looks.
top tier to me is self esteem, manners, how one handles situations, etc.

Top tier girl meaning

Top tier girl meaning

As a man my definition of a top tier woman is one that puts top tier amounts of money in my bank account.

Top tier girl meaning

Every man probably has his own definition of what a top tier woman is. For example, the MAFS experts matched Chris with someone who is sweet, patient, graceful, caring, moral, cute, careered and educated. However, he simply wanted someone he could tote around as a trophy wife. Nevertheless, below is what I'd consider universal traits of a top tier woman. (1) Tender, nurturing and caring. When you speak to her, you feel heard, understood and validated. Thus, your conversations with her are satisfying and being with her brings you warmth. (2) Compatibility. You guys share interests, hobbies, humor, values and goals. Thus, being with each doesn't feel forced or awkward. The relationship flows naturally for the most part. (3) She has her own identity. There's things about her that make her distinguishably her whether it be her career, her business or a hardcore hobby. (4) She's attractive, well put together or polished to your liking.

(5) She knows how to make a home.

Top tier girl meaning

This would be what I consider a top tier woman.

Top tier girl meaning

Top tier girl meaning

Looks. Manners. Intelligence. Independence. Sense of style & always well kept. Can make a home. Great with children.
This is my version & ideal.

Last edited: Jun 3, 2021

Looks. Manners. Intelligence. Independence. Sense of style & always well kept. Can make a home. Great with children.
This is my version & ideal.

So far you all have missed it. A top tier women is a moral and spiritual woman, with great energy presence. She is so strong but also very relational; assertive but so loving. Average looks will do because her inner very attractive self is projected to her outside self through outstanding dressing. She is a knock out.

Top tier girl meaning

If i could snowball on to that and add “sensible”

Top tier girl meaning
Top tier girl meaning