TeamViewer vs Chrome remote desktop Reddit

Difference Between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer

The following article provides an outline for Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer. An extension of Chrome desktop view from a remote center and controlling it instead of the person in front of the desktop is called Chrome remote desktop view. This can also be used to access the system from any other place via mobile phone or tablet through Chrome remote desktop application. To maintain the computer and any other systems, Teamviewer is used that remotely access and control computer software for any of the activities. The free software that was released in 2005 works in all the operating systems. It works with the help of the internet and can be used for conferencing and file sharing as well.

Head to Head Comparison Between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer [Infographics]

Below are the top 5 differences between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer:

Key Difference Between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer

Let us discuss some of the major key differences between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer:

  • We can see the user the problem of the desktop while managing the system via remote access with the help of Whiteboards in Teamviewer. Also, we can copy the files using the drag and drop feature where file-sharing will not take much time. Whiteboards are not available on Chrome desktop making it difficult to make users understand the issue. Also, in chrome desktop, the screen appears little lagging for the other end users for them to figure out the issue.
  • Monitoring different screens are made easy is Chrome desktop by sharing all the screens at a time and multitasking the same via the application. We can do the same even with mobile devices. This helps to know the status of all the systems being managed via Chrome desktop. Monitoring is available in Teamviewer as well but not efficient as Chrome desktop. Alerts are not provided as Chrome desktop making the users check the application in between to know the status of the systems being managed by Teamviewer.
  • Teamviewer is easy to do remote administration and helps in file transfer even for big files. Also, we can manage remote servers via Teamviewer with multiplatform remote control and a centralized dashboard. Screen sharing and instant messaging services make Teamviewer more appealing among users. With Chrome remote desktop, we cannot manage the servers, and transfer of big files is not possible. But we can authenticate via smart cards and also we can access power off or sleeping computers and manage them easily. Active Directory is available for Chrome remote desktop making it easy for customers to know all the features available.
  • Chrome remote desktop is simple to use with a google account alone. Any prior training is not needed as it is easy for a beginner to understand and manage the desktops at any distance. Licensing is not required for chrome desktop and it can be managed without any complexities in the system. Teamviewer is useful for devices with a large geographical footprint. Cost can be reduced in case of travel and users can manage the mobile phones even from any geographical location.
  • Anyone with a Google account can use Google chrome remote desktop as it requires only an account in Google. Teamviewer is offered for free and with a subscription. We have a business plan, corporate plan, and premium plan where Teamviewer can be used to control up to 500 devices with a single software. The price ranges from $50 to $200 and the number of users can be a maximum of 300.

Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer Comparison Table

Let’s discuss the top comparison between Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer:

Chrome Remote Desktop Teamviewer
This is built to remotely control the desktop and hence the computer systems. We cannot use chrome remote desktop to control mobile or any other systems. Flexibility is less for changing to other systems. Teamviewer is built to control any systems, be it computers or mobiles or any others, remotely and do the maintenance as per the systems’ requirement. This flexibility makes Teamviewer popular among its users.
We can control 100 devices with Chrome remote desktop so that users who need to manage more devices with single software can make use of this. Also, if a more secure connection is needed, PIN can be used to secure the connection and make less interruption for the connection. The number of devices to be controlled by Teamviewer is less than 100 but any type of device can be controlled here. Also, Teamviewer does not have a PIN to secure the connection and thus interruptions may happen during the remote connection.
Technical support is not good in Chrome remote desktop where we need to get help from Google help or contact the support team directly. We don’t have any SOS buttons to contact the customer support team and the application is not specialized to solve customer issues. The technical support team is good for Teamviewer with experienced professionals to support the customers with live chat or file-sharing or installation support. SOS buttons are also offered to the customers so that they can contact customer support with a single click.
If we need to use Chrome desktop, we should have an active Google account and the initial setup is done via Google account settings. There are issues with RAM storage and monitor setups in the system which the support team is not actively looking into right now. We can do installation of Teamviewer directly and accounts in any other application is not required. The storage and monitor setups are meant to be easily understood by the user where customer support is always available to help.
Features are less in Chrome desktop when compared to Teamviewer but it is easy to manage different devices even with various versions of the desktop. The application works well with all the versions and subscriptions of the software and does not create any issues if we want to switch from one or the other. More features are offered in Teamviewer and users can connect any type of device for remote connection. The problem arises if the user has different versions of the same software on different devices. It is difficult to manage via remote connection.


Both the application has its own pros and cons but the free subscription of Chrome desktop and numerous features of Teamviewer makes them attractive to users. When the requirement is simple, Chrome desktop will serve the purpose and if it is a huge requirement with more users, Teamviewer is a go-to solution.

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This is a guide to Chrome Remote Desktop vs Teamviewer. Here we discuss key differences with infographics and comparison table respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

Being able to remotely access computers and other devices is becoming increasingly more important for businesses, particularly as people are working from home more than ever before and distributed teams become more common.

In this article, we’ll compare Splashtop, TeamViewer, and Chrome Remote Desktop to help determine which is the best remote desktop software for businesses. We’ll look at features, performance, ease of use, support, and pricing. 


Because Chrome Remote Desktop is a free product offered by Google, it’s limited in the features it offers. You’ll be able to access files and applications on remote computers, but not much else. Splashtop and TeamViewer have more advanced features like remote printing, chat, and session recording.

Cross Platform support
Chrome Remote Desktop will work anywhere you can install the Chrome browser, and there are also separate apps for iOS and Android. Splashtop and TeamViewer also support Windows, Mac, and Linux for desktops, and iOS and Android for mobiles.

TeamViewer will support connecting from any device to any other device, i.e. desktop to desktop, desktop to mobile, mobile to desktop, and mobile to mobile. Splashtop’s remote access software and Chrome Remote Desktop can connect to desktop computers from mobile devices, but not the other way around.

Collaboration tools are important for businesses that operate in different locations. Splashtop and TeamViewer both support text chat and session recording of the remote computer, but TeamViewer goes further with voice and video conferencing. Chrome Remote Desktop doesn’t have this type of functionality.

Splashtop and TeamViewer both have web consoles where you can manage users, connections, and permissions. But TeamViewer’s feature list is more extensive, including things like custom branding, its own ticketing system, and integrations with external helpdesk and CRM platforms.

As a free product intended for personal use, Chrome Remote Desktop doesn’t have any administration features.

Both Splashtop and TeamViewer have a long list of security features including encryption and device authentication. But TeamViewer stands out by including a series of features that Splashtop doesn’t provide, like malware protection, remote data backup, and remote device monitoring for websites, servers, and networks.

Some of Splashtop’s security features. [Image credit:]

Chrome Remote Desktop can’t compete with Splashtop and TeamViewer in terms of features. Splashtop has an impressive list of features, but TeamViewer offers even more.


All three apps feature easy-to-use, responsive interfaces. Chrome Remote Desktop and Splashtop have quite simple interfaces, but Splashtop provides access to more functions, with Chrome Remote Desktop having very few menu options. 

Splashtop’s interface also changes depending on the plan to which you’ve subscribed, so if you’re on a plan with more features, you’ll have more menu options.

Splashtop’s user interface is simple and easy to use. [Image credit: Splashtop]

Meanwhile, TeamViewer’s interface, while also being quite simple, offers a range of insights into the device to which you’re connecting.

All three apps performed well in terms of responsiveness, i.e., how quickly changes on the remote device were mirrored on the host computer. 

Chrome Remote Desktop was consistently within 0.25 seconds of the remote device. With both Splashtop and TeamViewer, mouse tracking and clicks were always registered straight away, and transferring files was also fast. Splashtop did sometimes have a slight lag when screen sharing, though.

TeamViewer’s interface offers the most features, and the app performed better than the others in terms of responsiveness, so it takes the points in the Performance category.


As it’s a free product, Chrome Remote Desktop doesn’t come with any support other than a link to a help document.

Splashtop and TeamViewer offer technical support by help desk tickets and limited-hours telephone support. Splashtop’s telephone support hours run from 7:30 AM to 5 PM [PST] and TeamViewer’s during local business hours across a wide range of countries. Both companies also have a knowledge base and FAQ sections.

Splashtop offers support by ticket, chat, or phone. [Image credit:]

Splashtop also offers 24/7 live chat support, so for that reason, it comes out ahead in this department. 

Pricing and plans

As a free product, Chrome Remote Desktop only comes in a single version. 

TeamViewer is also free for personal use, but for commercial use, it has plans for single users and teams. The single-user plan is $49/month for three devices. The Multi User plan is $99.00/month, with up to 50 users licensed to create a single session, and the For Teams plan is $169.90/month for up to 200 users, three of whom can be be using the service at the same time. If you require concurrent access for 200 users, for example, then you'll need TeamViewer Tensor for enterprise businesses, which would cost somewhere in the region of $500,000 per year.

Splashtop has three separate plans for its remote access product, with the Solo plan costing $5/month and allowing an individual access to up to two computers. Meanwhile, the Pro plan is $8.25/month per user, with each user able to access up to ten computers. There are also Pro volume licenses costing $4.54/month/user for up to 50 users, and $4.13/month/user for more than 50, which would mean concurrent access for 200 users would cost in the region of $10,000, making it a significantly cheaper option than TeamViewer.

Splashtop’s range of plans and prices for its remote access product. [Image credit: Splashtop]

TeamViewer is the best option for personal use. While Chrome Remote Desktop is also free, TeamViewer has more features. 

For commercial use, Splashtop offers cheaper prices for single users and small teams. If you have a large team and the maximum number of users allowed per license, Teamviewer’s prices are better. For instance, 200 users would cost $199/month with Teamviewer but $826/month with Splashtop.


Chrome Remote Desktop isn’t really in the same league as Splashtop or TeamViewer, and it’s not intended for business use. That said, it will be fine for people who are after a free solution and don’t need many features.

For businesses, Splashtop has better single-user and small team pricing and slightly better support options. But TeamViewer has more features and better performance.

So if your business requires a fully-featured, high-performance product, Teamviewer would be the better choice. Small to medium-sized businesses—and even some enterprise businesses—would be better served by Splashtop. 

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