IELTS writing Task 2 opinion essay topics

Here you will find IELTS Sample Essays for a variety of common topics that appear in the writing exam.

The model answers all have tips and strategies for how you may approach the question and comments on the sample answer.

Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is a great way to help you to prepare for the test. 

These IELTS sample essays have been categorised in a way that makes it easy for you to see how certain essay question types require you to provide certain responses to ensure the question is fully answered. 

Specifically these are:

  • Agree / Disagree
  • Discuss Two Opinions
  • Causes
  • Problems and Solutions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Other Types

Agree / Disagree Type Questions

In these types of question you are given one opinion and you then have to state the extent to which you agree or disagree with that opinion:

Discuss Two Opinions Type Questions

In this essay question type you are given two opinions, and you have to discuss both of these and then give your own view:

Cause Type Questions

There are a variety of 'cause type' essay questions. In these you first have to give the reasons why something has happened, in other words the causes, but then discuss a different aspect of it, such as the effects, solutions or the extent to whether it is a positive or negative development:

Causes & Effects:

Causes and Solutions:

Causes, Pros & Cons:

  • Family Closeness
  • Living Alone
  • Rural to Urban Migration

In these type of questions, instead of discussing the causes of a problem, you need to discuss the problems related to a particular issue in society, and then suggest what can be to solve these problems:

  • Overpopulation
  • Competing for Jobs 
  • Professionals Immigrating

Advantage & Disadvantages Type Questions

In these type of questions you are asked to discuss the positive and negative sides of a particular topic. You will usually be asked this in the context of giving an opinion [e.g. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?]: 

Other Types of Question

There are sometimes questions that don't fit easily into a particular category as above. You can view some IELTS sample essays for these here:

Student Sample Essays

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IELTS opinion essays are very common in the exam.

It can be a bit confusing, especially if you are new to IELTS, to work out the different types of essay.

Some people talk about 'argumentative essays', 'thesis-led essays', 'discussion essays', which can get quite confusing and it is usually not necessary to know this.

The important thing is to analyze each question as you see it and answer it.

The aim of this lesson is to give you a brief overview of the common types of essay that ask for your opinion.

Of course not everything will fit this pattern as there are a variety of ways a question can be worded, but the types below are common ways to be asked about your opinion in the test.

Task 2 IELTS Opinion Essays can broadly be put into three types:

1. Discuss ONE opinion

Advances in technology and automation have reduced the need for manual labour. [opinion] Therefore, working hours should be reduced.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With these essays you are normally given ONE opinion, and then asked specifically if you agree or disagree with it, or to what extent you agree or disagree. You must make it clear whether you agree, disagree or partly agree and give your reasons why.

2. Discuss TWO OPPOSING opinions

[opinion one] A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, [opposing opinion] while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

With these essays you have TWO opinions that oppose each other. You have to discuss BOTH of them and also give your opinion. Your essay will get a lower mark for 'task response' if you don’t discuss both of the opinions or you don’t make your opinion clear.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages

The number of old people around the world is increasing dramatically.

Could this have more positive or negative effects on society?


Do the advantages of the trend outweigh the disadvantages? or…

Is this a positive development?

In these questions you are given a fact or facts and then you have to look at the positive and negative sides of this. They are all asking for your opinion so you must state this. In the first two you will need to look at both sides as the question is clearly implying there are both positive and negative impacts.

Don't mix this up with a basic advantage and disadvantage essay like this:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Although your organization, ideas and body paragraphs may be similar, this one is not asking for your opinion so you don't need to give it. It is simply asking you to present both sides of the issue.

This has been a quick and broad overview of some common IELTS opinion essay question types and it should be particularly helpful if you are fairly new to IELTS or if you have been studying for a while but are still unclear about the various types of essay.

Take a look at the model essays page and you can browse through some examples of these types of essays and how they can be answered by clicking on the links on the right of the page.

Look for these types of IELTS opinion essay:

  1. agree / disagree
  2. discuss two opinions
  3. advantages and disadvantages

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