Schindlers List school version

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Schindler's List is a true story about a factory owner named Oskar Schindler who realized he would make the best profit by employing Jews in his factory. He later finds out about the tragic fate of all the Jews in the concentration camps and decides to save as many Jews as he can. I liked how this movie accurately portrays the situations of the Jews, making the movie even more realistic. One of the only inaccuracies was that in the movie Schindler starts off by hiring Jews, while in real life he started with hiring Poles. Overall, I think the film is worth watching if you are looking for well-made historic movie.

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Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

This film shows the true nature of man. it is violent and sexual with plenty of swearing, but its overlying message and plot overshadows the violence. Totally reccomend,

This title has:

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

Steven Spielberg really outdid himself with Schindler's List being one of the greatest films ever made. The plot is based off of a true story. Oskar Schindler[who was real] finds a new way to make money off of Jews making pots and pans for him to sell. Then, Oskar sees a little girl in red which symbolizes the innocence of Jews. After he sees Jews die every day, he realizes he has to save them[because of his business], creating a list of people to be employed hence the name: Schindler's List. The violence is more gory than The Pianist. The nudity is probably why this movie is rated R but most of it is non-sexual. The language is not too bad. Overall, please watch this if you can.

I feel like showing this to your kids at 10 is gonna be to much for them, but 17 is the perfect age that both the parents and the teen can watch and then have a good discussion about this real world stuff

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The main thing to know about this movie will be horribly saddened or stunned by the time it's over, it's inevitable. This movie is not for the faint of heart in any way.

Upon release on VHS in 1994, Schindler's List was too long to place on one VHS tape, so it was split onto two VHS tapes [marked by an 'end of cassette one' card about two hours and ten minutes into the movie on VHS]. This is an ideal place to split the movie as it is a very long, emotion-stirring watch. I will consequently split the movie into two parts for my review.

Part I - Five Stars
The more violent part of the two, this part highlights the sentiment of the movie, with points that you forget it was made in 1993 due to its black-and-white setting. This 130 minute portion of the movie is a brutal watch, from the infamous liquidation sequence of the Krakow ghetto to several point-blank shootings by Schindler himself. At this point in the movie, Schindler has no sympathy for the Jews, he just wants them as workhorses. Sexual content is also fairly high in this part too. Schindler has sentiment towards his productions, even if they are just fake products. By the time you witness the departure and hosing of the trains, you are emotionally drained. It is almost mandatory to split the movie in two for your own emotional well-being.

Part Two - Four 1/2 Stars

This part is much shorter than the first part, but is just as brutal as the first part. You feel sympathy for the women whose train gets derailed to Auschwitz, especially if you understand the horrors of Auschwitz. Nudity is prevalent as the women are strip-searched and showered in Auschwitz, although it is not sexual in nature. You feel the terror as you witness the women's despair - is it gas or water? It tends to calm down near the end of the movie as we see Schindler feel sympathy for the Jews, but we also feel pain as he feels regret for not saving more. In the end, our Schindlerjuden see color again and the ending is somewhere near a happy ending, but not joyous.

This movie is a must-watch for anyone interested in the Holocaust and is definitely one of the best movies ever made.

This title has:

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

This title has:

There is sex and nudity in this movie, but as long as you have your kid look away and mute, you should be good. And there is a few F words in it, but in school, kids usually hear MUCH worse.

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