sách mềm.vn lớp 6 sách mới review 2


1 Listen and circle the word with the different underlined sound.

sách mềm.vn lớp 6 sách mới review 2


1 Read these tongue twisters.

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2 Find in the box the opposites of the words. Write them in the spaces provided.

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3 Choose the correct word for each of the definitions.

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5 Rewrite the sentences, using the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in 2 above, without changing the meaning.

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6 These are some tips from CEOP, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, a UK police agency (www.ceop.police.uk), about Internet safety. Choose should or shouldn’t to complete the sentences.

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7 Complete the text with will/won’t.

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Everyday english

8 Choose the best replies for the questions.

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1 Read the website about Singapore and find the names of:

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2 Read the website again. Match the paragraphs with four of the headings.

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1 class=index-number>

1 ng-bind-html=((sentence.index_number) + '.') | to_trusted class=index-number index-number-auto>

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4 Work in pairs. Ask your friend if she/he has a chance to go to Singapore, which place he/she wants to go to and why?

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1 class=index-number>

1 ng-bind-html=((sentence.index_number) + '.') | to_trusted class=index-number index-number-auto>

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6 Listen again. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

0 ? 'url(https://s.sachmem.vn/public/icons/widgets/checkbox-default-cross-v2.png)' : 'url(https://s.sachmem.vn/public/icons/widgets/checkbox-default-v2.png)'}};>

0 ? 'url(https://s.sachmem.vn/public/icons/widgets/checkbox-default-active-v2.png)' : 'url(https://s.sachmem.vn/public/icons/widgets/checkbox-default-v2.png)'}};>

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7 Write the contents of a website introducing the city/town where you live or the nearest city/town to where you live. Choose four of these headings to include in your writing: