Remote Desktop error 0x9 Mac

  • I haven't touched Windows 11 but my own past experience, error 0x904 usually refers to a dodgy connection. I would suggest ensuring that the internet on both ends have sufficient speed. Double check the vpn connection and if everything is looking good on that front. Ensure that ms remote desktop connection version  1.2.2130 is installed on both machines.

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  • I know it won't be helpful, but I can connect via RDP internally on our network with no problem and exactly the same experience as before the upgrade.

    Do you have an option of getting physically inside the network to see if it is a VPN bandwidth issue as Henry suggested? What kind of ping response are you seeing from your network when you ping the server you are trying to connect with?

  • Actually i have tried with other machine with Windows 10 , it's working fine without any issues , Only machine with Windows 11 is having the issue , So i don't think bandwidth would be an issue here . With the same machine before upgrade it was working fine , After upgrade it stopped completely. Secondly if it's a bandwidth issue , it wouldn't pop to enter the credentials , once i enter the credentials , the error pop's up.

    let me check with internal network if it's working fine , or my suspect would be the VPN client software isn't supporting Windows 11 .

  • The RDP is working fine in Local LAN , The moment i rdp via VPN , the VPN get's disconnected . Might be compatibility issues. 

  • Could this be a firewall issue??

  • I'm also with same problems. Only works at local lan. 

  • I'm having the same issue, it was working before. But stopped working all of a sudden. 

    Windows 11 connecting through Cisco AnyConnect. 

    No luck. :[

  • After some testing, it turns out that the Bitdefender Security started blocking the connection. 

    Adding rdp.exe to the exception list allowed it to reconnect. 

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  • Interestingly only get that error message when using hostname, using IP address works fine.

  • I was having the same issue and tried to download RDP from Microsoft Store and it works.

  • Thanks for posting this. This was my problem as well. 

  • Hey Ricard

    Are they using VPN?

    What RDP program are they using? Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 is the one I use.

    On the Windows 10, have you unchecked "Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication" ?

    Hope it gets you in the right direction.

  • There is no VPN service at the moment. 

    We are using Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 as well.

    Yes we have "Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication" off

  • Do you use a VPN when doing Windows to Windows?
    Have you tried from a Windows PC to the PC in question?

    May be silly questions but getting stuff out of the way will help narrow it down.

  • We do not have a VPN service at the moment thats why were using RDP to have remote access.

    Hopefully we can get one soon and then just use that to connect to the network and remote in just using static ip.

    And yes, pc to pc on the same network works fine.

    Let me know if you need anymore info! Thanks

  • Having the same problem here, maybe we can work on it together. My problem happens locally or over VPN.  VPN isn't the issue.

    Confirmed " Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication " is off

    Firewall had to be manually set to allow Remote Desktop.

    Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 on Mac returns error 0x4e.

  • Hey Collin, 

    Have you checked your logs to see what is propagating when you have those errors? 

    I've had a friend tell me with that error it was because the number of maximum connections was reached.

    Not sure if that will help you but that might be something? You could change the value here:  Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\MaxOutstandingConnections

    Let me know if that helps!

  • Interesting. I just tested this. I immediately found a registry script dedicated to this on GitHub:


    My test computer had no entry for MaxOutstandingConnections, so I added the value

    MaxOutstandingConnections = dword: 00000bb8 


    If you're still having the problem, and you can RDP internally from Mac to Windows, then the problem must lie at the gateway. Firewall rules are the first place I'd look. NATing the second.

    Also, what kind of firewall do you have? Sounds like it doesn't support SSL VPN without additional licensing. Is that the case?

  •  Collin,

     We checked every possible scenario. We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS and when we downloaded it again it worked. So something was wrong, we honestly just don't know what it is.

    Thanks everyone for your help!

  • I'm glad you found a solution - as frustrating as it is not to have a nice entry in the event viewer explaining the problem.

  • Richardq23 wrote:


     We checked every possible scenario. We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS and when we downloaded it again it worked. So something was wrong, we honestly just don't know what it is.

    Thanks everyone for your help!

    Richardq23​,Regarding your " We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS" comment, which OS did you reinstall? I think you mean that you reinstalled the Mac OS.

    I just ran across a Mac user who can click Get, then Install, on the App Store for the Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 app, but it never downloads. I ended up finding and using the beta version [// ].

    EDIT: I found production version downloads listed in this post // : "It can be downloaded from // [an official MS site that links to the domain for all downloads]. The direct download link is: //". Thank you to kevinmcox​ !


  • Hey Gregg,

    So yes, I was referring to the Mac OS install. Before reinstalling the OS, we had tried the beta for Win10 and the production app. We would still get the same error after configuring the application. We could install it and run it, but after adding the gateway we could not connect.

    After doing a fresh install of Mac OSX Catalina and redownloading the app we were able to get it to work. It could honestly have been something that was configured in the system preferences prior but I might have missed it.

    Thanks for your response!

  • I am using the same app that you are and it worked for my iPhone 8. I just upgraded to iPhone 11 and that app will not connect along with a few other apps.


  • Has anyone found a root cause to this issue? This just started happening and I can't find any solution or work around.

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