Put food on the table là gì

put food on the table

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "put food on the table", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ put food on the table, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ put food on the table trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Worked hard to put food on the table.

2. I put food on the table for you and your child.

3. For most, that means working or having someone in the family work to put food on the table.

4. Most of us are not striving to get rich, but like the widow of Zarephath, we do want to put food on the table.

5. At the same time, all infrastructure projects, industries and employment-generation projects have come to a grinding halt because of the repressive and unlawful measures imposed by the occupying Power, which have turned the Palestinian people from a people seeking development towards the birth of their future State to a population sinking into abject poverty and struggling to put food on the table and barely survive.

put food on the table Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

at table

having a meal在吃饭
They were at table when I called.我拜访时,他们正在吃饭。

at the table|at table|table

adv. phr. At a meal; at the dinner table. The telephone call came while they were all at table.

Bring to the table

If you bring something to the table, you make a contribution or an offer in a discussion or negotiation..

clear the table

Idiom[s]: clear the table


to remove the dishes and other eating utensils from the table after a meal.
• Will you please help clear the table?
• After you clear the table, we'll play cards.

Close the stable door after the horse has bolted

If people try to fix something after the problem has occurred, they are trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. 'Close the barn door after the horse has bolted' is alternative, often used in American English.

coffee table|coffee|table

n. A low table used in a living room. There were several magazines on the coffee table.

comfortable as an old shoe

Idiom[s]: [as] comfortable as an old shoe


Very comfortable; very comforting and familiar.
• This old house is fine. It's as comfortable as an old shoe.
• That's a great tradition—comfortable as an old shoe.

comfortable as an old shoe, as

comfortable as an old shoe, as
Familiar and very much at ease, as in Kathy's really enjoying her third summer at the same camp—for her it's comfortable as an old shoe. This simile was once put as easy as an old shoe, first recorded in J. T. Brockett's North Country Glossary [1825]. It was most often applied to friends, as in the proverb Old shoes are easy, old friends are best, but today it is used more broadly for easy familiarity in any situation.

comfortable as an old shoe|comfortable|old shoe|sh

adj. phr., informal Pleasant and relaxed; not stiff, strict or too polite; easy to talk and work with. The stranger was as comfortable as an old shoe, and we soon were talking like old friends.

drink you under the table

drink more liquor than you, drink and not pass out, put you away After three glasses of beer, you're nearly drunk. I bet I can drink you under the table!

It is too late to lock the stable when the horse h

It is useless taking precautions after something has happened.

kep a good table

always have good food served at one's table and have it in abundance 常有可口和丰盛的食物
All her neighbours abmitted that she kept a good table.所有的邻居都公认她常有丰盛的食物。

lay down one's cards on the table

let sb. know your position and interest openly; act without trickery or secrets公开表明态度或意愿;行为光明正大
In talking about buying the property Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans.彼得逊在购买那份产业时,明白说清了他置产的计划。

lay down/put one's cards on the table

let sb. know your position and interest openly; act without trickery or secrets公开表明态度或意愿;行为光明正大
In talking about buying the property Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans.彼得逊在购买那份产业时,明白说清了他置产的计划。

lay one's cards on the table

let someone know one's position openly, deal honestly He laid his cards on the table during the meeting to dispose of the excess inventory.

lay put one's cards on the table

let sb. know your position and interest openly; act without trickery or secrets公开表明态度或意愿;行为光明正大
In talking about buying the property Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans.彼得逊在购买那份产业时,明白说清了他置产的计划。

Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted

If someone takes action too late, they do this; there is no reason to lock an empty stable.

on the table

offered, proposed Our offer is on the table: a 7% increase in salary for the clerks.

put one's cards on the table

let someone know one's position openly, deal honestly It looked as if the meeting was going to fail so we put our cards on the table to give it one last try.

put one's cards on the table|cards|lay down|lay do

v. phr., informal To let someone know your position and interest openly; deal honestly; act without trickery or secrets. In talking about buying the property, Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans for it. Some of the graduates of the school were unfriendly toward the new superintendent, but he put his cards on the table and won their support.

Put your cards on the table

If you put your cards on the table, you make your thoughts or ideas perfectly clear.

set the table

set plates and cutlery on the table If you will set the table, I won't ask you to wash the dishes.


see lock the barn door after the horse has bolted.


see clear out; lay one's cards on the table; on the table; set the table; turn the tables; under the table; wait at table.

Tables are turned

When the tables are turned, the situation has changed giving the advantage to the party who had previously been at a disadvantage.

turn the tables

reverse the situation The opposing team were able to finally turn the tables and won the game.

turn the tables on

begin to defeat the person who was defeating you, mount a comeback When I learned how to return his serve, I turned the tables on him and won the set.

turn the tables|table|tables|turn

v. phr. To make something happen just the opposite of how it is supposed to happen. The boys turned the tables on John when they took his squirt gun away and squirted him.

under the table

Idiom[s]: under the table


in secret, as with the giving of a bribe. [Informal.]
• The mayor had been paying money to the construction company under the table.
• Tom transferred the deed to the property to his wife under the table.

upon the table

known to everyone;being a matter of public discussion大家都知道;成为公开谈论的事情
The facts are,so to speak,all upon the table.这些事实可以说人人皆知。

wait at table

serve food侍候开饭;端菜送饭;(在餐馆)当服务员
The girl earns her pocket money by waiting at table in a restaurant.这女孩在一家餐馆当服务员以挣些零花钱。

wait at table|table|wait|wait on table|wait table

v. phr. To serve food. Mrs. Lake had to teach her new maid to wait on table properly. The girls earn spending money by waiting at table in the school dining rooms.

wait at/on table

serve food侍候开饭;端菜送饭;(在餐馆)当服务员
The girl earns her pocket money by waiting at table in a restaurant.这女孩在一家餐馆当服务员以挣些零花钱。

wait on table

serve food侍候开饭;端菜送饭;(在餐馆)当服务员
The girl earns her pocket money by waiting at table in a restaurant.这女孩在一家餐馆当服务员以挣些零花钱。

wait on tables

[See wait on customers]

put food on the table

To earn enough money to provide the basic necessities for oneself and [often] one's family. With my hours at work being cut so dramatically, I just don't know how I'll be able to put food on the table. At the end of the day, as long as I'm putting food on the table, I don't care what kind of career I have.Learn more: food, on, put, table
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