League of legends top support list 9.13

Below, you’ll find our two League of Legends champion tier lists, one for general ELO (Bronze up to high Plat/low Diamond) and one for high ELO (high diamond up).

Latest Champion

Top (God Tier)

Jungle (God Tier)

Mid Lane (God Tier)

ADC (God Tier)

Support (God Tier)

For everybody else, we have prepared much more:

League of legends top support list 9.13

If you have any questions about our choices or process, ask us on Discord!

Now that you know the best champions for LoL, get the best champions for Teamfight Tactics with our TFT tier list or Wild Rift with our Wild Rift tier list.

We also have a best decks tier list for LoR and an agent tier list for Valorant.

Methodology TLDR:

  • Our first tier list aimed at lower ELO, specifically Bronze up to high Plat/low Diamond. Our second tier list is for high ELO, aimed at Diamond 2 and above.
  • Our experts curate these picks and are an indicator of the champion’s inherent strength when played at the highest level. For many of the user base, this information isn’t super relevant for their games but provides invaluable insight into the game itself.

Let’s say you’re debating between learning and climbing with Jax (A-tier | Simple) or Rengar (A-tier | Severe) – you’re going to want to go with Jax. Why? This is because Jax has a lower skill floor and would require less games to play at an A-Tier level in solo Queue. If you tried to pick up Rengar, you wouldn’t get the full value of A-tier until after about 15 matches of practice whereas with Jax, you would get that full 15 every time you play him.

General LoL Tier List for Patch 13.24

League of legends top support list 9.13

Best Top Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Akshan, Camille, Fiora, Illaoi, Jax, Olaf, Ornn, Poppy, Riven Great (A-tier) Aatrox, Darius, Garen, Irelia, Kayle, Kled, Malphite, Nasus, Quinn, Rengar, Shen, Singed, Sylas, Tryndamere, Urgot, Vayne Good (B-tier) Cho’Gath, Dr Mundo, Gangplank, Gnar, Gwen, K’Sante, Kennen, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Renekton, Sett, Tahm Kench, Teemo, Warwick, Yone, Gragas

Best Junglers for Low Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Briar, Fiddlesticks, Graves, Ivern, Kha’zix, Master Yi, Nocturne, Rammus Great (A-tier) Bel’Veth, Brand, Ekko, Evelynn, Hecarim, Jarvan, Jax, Karthus, Kayn, Lee Sin, Rengar, Shaco, Taliyah, Trundle, Viego Good (B-tier) Zac, Amumu, Diana, Elise, Gragas, Kindred, Lillia, Maokai, Nidalee, Nunu, Poppy, Rek’sai, Talon, Udyr, Vi, Warwick, Xin Zhao

Best Mid Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Akshan, Neeko, Orianna, Swain, Sylas, Syndra, Talon, Twisted Fate, Xerath Great (A-tier) Akali, Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Cassiopeia, Ekko, Fizz, Kassadin, Lissandra, Lux, Pantheon, Taliyah, Vex, Vladimir Good (B-tier) Ahri, Annie, Diana, Galio, Irelia, Katarina, Malzahar, Naafiri, Qiyana, Tristana, Veigar, Vel’koz, Viktor, Yasuo, Zed, Zoe

Best ADC for Low Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Ashe, Ezreal, Jinx, Vayne Great (A-tier) Caitlyn, Draven, Jhin, Karthus, Miss Fortune, Nilah, Samira, Seraphine, Swain, Twitch, Xayah, Ziggs Good (B-tier) Aphelios, Kai’sa, Kalista, Kog’maw, Lucian, Sivir, Tristana, Varus, Yasuo, Zeri

Best Supports for Low Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Blitzcrank, Janna, Maokai, Rakan, Senna, Soraka, Xerath Great (A-tier) Alistar, Bard, Braum, Leona, Lux, Milio, Nami, Nautilus, Pyke, Rell, Sona, Taric, Thresh, Zyra Good (B-tier) Heimerdinger, Karma, Brand, Lulu, Morgana, Neeko, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Swain, Vel’koz, Zilean

Expert pick commentary

To see all the explanations for our expert picks and more, head to our tier list feature!

League of legends top support list 9.13

Top – Jax

  • Jax is back in the top tiers again and proving he’s not to be underestimated. He’s a split pushing monster with fantastic damage, snowball potential and the ability to carry games without too many champions being able to answer him.
  • So if you like pushing your limits and taking on teams by yourself?

Jungle – Rammus

  • Rammus has flown up the jungle tier list in recent weeks and is proving how scary he can be in the right games.
  • He has amazing ganks, fantastic map mobility and can facetank everything once he gets a lead. If you’re lucky enough to pick Rammus into full AD enemy teams, they will literally kill themselves whilst attacking you, and the best part is, they won’t have a choice because of your point-and-click taunt!

Mid – Twisted Fate

  • Twisted Fate has well and truly arrived into the mid lane meta and is now super popular and performing incredibly well across all ranks.
  • He’s got waveclear, he’s got point & click CC and he’s got an amazing way to impact and carry games with his Ultimate!
  • You do have to be careful of mobile assassins or long range burst when playing TF, but as long as you’ve got those happy feet, he’s a fantastic choice.

Bottom – Vayne

  • Vayne has been running riot in the bot lane in recent weeks and this doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon!
  • She takes a bit of skill to play consistently but she’s in a great spot, so now is the best time to pick her back up again!

Support – Soraka

  • Soraka is the queen of sustain and she is thriving right now at every single rank!
  • She can heal her way through the lane phase making it super hard to punish her and her AD Carry, and then she scales into the rest of the game like a monster, with constant heals, silences and even cross-map ultimates to save allies in need.

High-ELO LoL Tier List for Patch 13.24

League of legends top support list 9.13

Best Top Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Camille, Fiora, Irelia, Jax, Olaf, Poppy, Rengar, Riven, Tryndamere Great (A-tier) Aatrox, Akshan, Darius, Gangplank, Gwen, Illaoi, K’Sante, Kayle, Ornn, Quinn, Singed, Sylas, Vayne Good (B-tier) Garen, Gnar, Gragas, Jayce, Kennen, Kled, Malphite, Nasus, Pantheon, Renekton, Sett, Shen, Urgot, Warwick, Yone

Best Junglers for High Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Bel’Veth, Graves, Hecarim, Kindred, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Rengar, Taliyah Great (A-tier) Briar, Ekko, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Ivern, Karthus, Kha’zix, Master Yi, Nocturne, Rammus, Rek’sai, Shaco, Talon, Viego Good (B-tier) Zac, Brand, Diana, Elise, Jarvan, Kayn, Lillia, Maokai, Nunu, Poppy, Qiyana, Udyr, Xin Zhao

Best Mid Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Akshan, Neeko, Orianna, Sylas, Syndra, Taliyah, Talon, Twisted Fate, Zoe Great (A-tier) Akali, Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Cassiopeia, Ekko, Fizz, Irelia, Kassadin, Katarina, Leblanc, Qiyana, Swain, Vex, Vladimir, Xerath Good (B-tier) Ahri, Azir, Diana, Galio, Lissandra, Lux, Pantheon, Tristana, Vel’koz, Viktor, Yasuo, Zed, Zilean

Best ADC for High Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Ashe, Draven, Ezreal, Vayne Great (A-tier) Caitlyn, Jhin, Jinx, Kalista, Karthus, Samira, Seraphine, Twitch, Xayah Good (B-tier) Aphelios, Kai’sa, Kog’maw, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Nilah, Sivir, Tristana, Varus, Yasuo, Zeri, Ziggs

Best Supports for High Elo:

Tier Champions Optimal (S-tier) Bard, Blitzcrank, Janna, Pyke, Rakan, Senna, Soraka, Thresh Great (A-tier) Alistar, Braum, Maokai, Nami, Nautilus, Neeko, Rell, Renata Glasc, Sona, Taric, Xerath, Zilean, Zyra Good (B-tier) Karma, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Milio, Morgana, Seraphine, Vel’koz

Top – Riven

  • Riven has been buffed which means those high elo one tricks are going to be some of the scariest opponents in the game to come up against! She does take some time and practice to play optimally, but when you get the hang of her mechanics and animation canceling combos, there really are not many other champions with a similar ceiling and skill expression.
  • Start learning Riven if you like putting time into champions and seeing the rewards!

Jungle – Kindred

  • Kindred has always been a favorite in high elo for as long as we can remember, and now she’s starting to really get back into gear again!
  • She offers some solid early game damage, she can invade and stomp enemy junglers, all whilst collecting marks, snowballing hard, and scaling into the late game like an absolute machine.

Mid – Orianna

  • Orianna is the queen of the control mages and that’s what the mid lane meta is all about right now, especially so at high elo.
  • She’s just got everything you need to pop off in the current game state, waveclear, poke, scaling, utility and of course AoE devastation that can carry ANY teamfight.

Bottom – Draven

  • Draven has always been a terrifying AD Carry to play against when he’s in the right hands and in high elo those one tricks are once again proving just how strong he can be.
  • There really isn’t many other champions in the game that can solo carry like a good Draven does and if he gets too far ahead early, cashing in on that snowballing passive, he runs away with games so quickly and deals insane amounts of damage!

Support – Rakan

  • Rakan has been one of the most consistent supports to pick all season and he’s still maintaining a seriously impressive success rate at all ranks coming up to the end of this year.
  • Rakan just has everything you need to carry from that support role. He’s got mobility, engage, peel, utility and AoE CC, all of which comes together to really prove how strong he can be in the right hands, and towards higher ranks, he just looks unstoppable and will almost defintely finish this season as well as he started it.


1: If a champion isn’t on our LoL Tier List, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t climb with them. You’ll just have to put in more effort to get similar results as our Optimal, Great, and Good choices for climbing.


2: This list is meant to evaluate the champions that we believe are best for climbing Solo Queue. Although there can certainly be some overlap, we are NOT looking to name the champions that are the best in pro-play or organized, competitive 5-on-5. This is why champs that require a ton of team coordination such as Ryze, may not be included or ranked highly.

As always, we welcome all discussion and feedback. If you have any questions about picks that we didn’t expand on or would like to let us know how you feel about Patch 13.24 and our predictions in general, join us in our Discord! If you’re wondering how we make our tier list, check out our video explanation.

What is the best tier list for League of Legends?

Best ADC for High Elo:.

What are the support types in League of Legends?

Support Champion Types.