jennifer lopez là gì - Nghĩa của từ jennifer lopez

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

A huge pair of buttcheeks with a highly coveted asshole. These enormous asscheeks rose to superstardom by teasing guys worldwide with the fantasy of fucking them.


After years as a struggling actor, Tony finally landed a small part in a major Hollywood movie. He says if he makes it big, he's gonna try to fuck Jennifer Lopez.

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

Jennifer Lopoez also known as JLO,is a succesful puerto rican "superstar" singer/actress/and business woman.She's is hated by many people because of her many failed relationships. A lot of people say she isnt a good singer or actress but shes is making millions and is known worldwide.Shes has her own production company called 'Nuyorican Productions' & clothing line company 'JLE'[Jennifer Lopez Enterprise]by the way her clothing is line is one of the most succesful clothing line if history of celebrity clothing lines and her perfumes sale really well all over the world. This days JLO is one of the most famous and richest women in entertainment and richest latina in hollywood according to Forbes magazine.

accomplishments :

-most famous hispanic person in the world

-richest latina in Hollywood

-one of the richest women in entertaiment

-Lopez is the first actress and singer to have a film [The Wedding Planner] and an album [J. Lo] at number one in the same week.

-Lopez's perfume, "Glow", made history in 2001, by being the number-one perfume in more than nine countries in less than four months.

-Lopez has five number-one hits in the U.S. and a combined twenty weeks at number one.

-Lopez appeared on the 2007 Guinness World Records as the most powerful actress.

and has many more accomplishments although a lot of haters deny or accept it.


bob: jennifer lopez isnt talented shes got a big ass! bla bla

randy: well then i dont know whats going on because she is making millions and is famous worldwide and youre just hating and are a nobody just hating like people on*smiles*

bob:.......*keeps hating*

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

a hot latino singer who comes from Bronx, she is very talented and has the nicest ass you could ever see


girl: hey aint that jennifer lopez?
boy: yeah i can see by the ass, i wouldn't mind hiting her from the back
girl: you b*stard, you had anal sex with me yesterday now you see a bitch from TV and diss me?!

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

A no talented souless greedy celebrity who only cares about herself and her money and does nothing to help poor hispanic communities in America


I am jennifer lopez and i am going to join scientology only for my career and to have an alien baby

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

A heartless person who wears fur and even made her own fur clothe collection!!She'd deserve to get skinned alive like those poor animals!!


jennifer lopez wears fur while she knows those animals are tortured to death.How can someone be that cruel?

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

shallow dumb woman. doesnt give much to charity keeps it all to herself. why cant she be happy with a normal house why does she have to have a million dollar mansion. She could have given away thousands to charity and bought a house for a quarter of the amount. she wears fur you have to be dumb to wear fur. a animal will endure a most intese
painful death becuase of her.


im not afraid to wear a big fur. oh how brave of you jennifer lopez. just because an animal is a little less smart than us doesnt mean it should be subjected to intense pain.

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

A dumb puerto rican chick who trys hard to act black, she can act a lil and maybe even dance [woo-hoo] but she can't sing for sh!t, she has this annoying limp voice that makes me want to gauge my own eyeball out whenever I hear her crappy/trendy music on the radio. Makes stinky perfume & cheap/tacky clothes.

She became famous for that fat, wide fanny of hers which looks like she either was a hump on her back or is wearing some Depends. Cindy Crawford [a real natural beauty] was seen on tv saying that if she had jlo's ass she wouldn't even go out in public. *too much butt and no boobies, me no likey*


If she's so "real" then why did she get her nose and lips resized and why does she wear all that fake bronzer?

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

An overrated washed-up limp voiced "artist" who really isn't good at anything except dancing. her clothes are cheap and tacky, her perfumes smell like the cheap stuff you can get at any drugstore, her acting is barely average, plus she tries to act black but really only looks like a trendy fool.

So why exactly is she famous? her huge wide ass which makes her look like shes wearing depends and/or has a limp on her back which might be in at the moment because it's something new, but still is a lame reason to make her a multi-millionaire.


She's so two years ago, next!

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

a famous actress and a hand puppet from south park that slept with ben aflec


[high pitch]
me:i am jennifer lopez
chelsea:i give taco flavored kisses
both:don't be fooled by all my money i still like to eat tacos honey so crispy on the outside so super good and yummy.

jennifer lopez có nghĩa là

Jennifer Lopez


Jennifer Lopez a beautiful woman nicknamed jlo that was once homeless who started as a dancer for new kids on the block Janet Jackson & in living color to becoming one of the most successful triple threat entertainers/performers in Hollywood

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