hoochie là gì - Nghĩa của từ hoochie

hoochie có nghĩa là

a female who appears to match a set of characteristics including: trashy, often inappropriately tight dress [with or without pudge overflowing waistband]; eyebrows shaved and penciled back on in dramatic fashion; heavy, mostly monotonic makeup with dark lipstick; large, gaudy, costume-grade jewlery. Frequently accompanied by multiple children from different fathers [see baby-daddy].


"Damn, did you Estela's sister at the sideshow last night? Sportin' a camel toe through her jeans, cornrows, you know she's a straight-up hoochie"

hoochie có nghĩa là

A woman usually defined as being a promiscuous or other wise a slut. To be a true hoochie, a woman must be labled by a collection of other jealous females.


Did you see what Yolanda was wearing. All the guys were staring at her ass hanging out of those dukes. She is such a hoochie.

hoochie có nghĩa là

a woman who dresses in tight clothes and wears a large amount of makeup


Damn! Did you see Mindy with her titty hanging out on the dance floor? What a hoochie...

hoochie có nghĩa là

a girl/woman who advertises herself in such ways: small, tight clothes, sometimes no clothes, has a lot of public sex, slutty, too flirtatious, or a prostitution. Most of the time, has a negative reputation.


There was a hoochie walking down the hallway at school today.

hoochie có nghĩa là

a low down skanky ass beeotch whose coochie is straight dangling from being bang by every guy from east coast to west coast...she is a ho of the utmost


that ho over there on the corner with her ass hanging to the ground is a stone cold skanked out hoochie!

hoochie có nghĩa là

a female who seems to be a `dog`, `ho` or `slut` because she can be seen with many men at one time or because she wear less then un approprete clothing...
may also be a `video ho` [dances in the back of video clips]


she was a hoochie!!! bouncin her bootie on that video! what a slut!!!

hoochie có nghĩa là

A deceivingly titillating woman with a festering pussy, usually African American but occasionally White. They can dress well but often times they take fashion to several levels beyond ridiculous and spend 85% of their measly income [or government checks] on clothes and personal accessories. The Hoochie population is concentrated in the Dirty South.

They are gold digging robots with several high priority life objectives which are; to get fucked by Negroes with the biggest dick and highest social status [they prefer dope boys with lots of money to spend on them]. Small dicked dudes are exceptional as long as they are caked up. They drive economy cars, entry level luxury sedans, or affordable [Kia, Hyundai, Toyota] mid sized sedans painted in loud colors with at least 20" chrome [sometimes rented] wheels on them. More and more hoochies are being seen driving cars on the LX platform like Chrysler 300's, Chargers and Magnums.

Very nice clothes, shoes and personal accessories are the second most extremely important things in their lives, if they can't have this, they feel that there is absolutely no purpose in life and become depressed.

They treat their children [minimum - two] like neglected pets and tickets to free money from the government in the form of welfare checks and child support.

Personal hygiene is of low priority to a hoochie. She showers everyday but can't wash away the bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, chamydia, ghonareah, HIV/AIDS[occasionally], and the dank, rank smell between their legs. So they use lots of fragrances and body wash to mask their coochie odor.

A hoochie's vaginal canal is the largest, deepest orifice on their body. It can accommodate a watermelon and two baseball bats without lube or effort.

Hoochies are very dangerous and will most likely cause a nigga to end up shot into a holey bloody heap of dead dumb nigga.


Toya: I heard Taytay still fuckin wit dat hoochie bitch Porsha from Sistrunk. She is suckin the money straight outta that nigga.

Lameisha: I heard Taytay got beat to death wit Churches chicken drumsticks last night! Real fucked up, all cause of Porsha stank pussy ass.

Toya: For real?!! Damn and last month she got Latavius shanked 21 times by T-Bird soon as he got outta prison. And Rodrod.... somebody raped the poor boy wit a corn on a cob from churches chicken!!!

Lameisha: Might be the same nigga dat beat Taytay to death girl!

Toya: Oo damn you smart.

hoochie có nghĩa là

a female from the 'hood that is generally known for smokin weed, drinkin 40's, and givin up that pussy. [could sometimes be a thug bitch as well, usually unemployed and "on the county"]


Damn, them hoochies aint about shit. Let's just get 'em fucked up and FUCK!
Damn, I'd sho' love to fuck that hoochie!

hoochie có nghĩa là

see slut, whore


Wow look at what that hoochie is wearing! Slut!

hoochie có nghĩa là

a young woman who has many casual sexual partners or who dresses or behaves in a sexually provocative way.


"I'm not going to become a hoochie or anything, but I don't know if I'm going to wait for a ring on my finger."

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