holcombe là gì - Nghĩa của từ holcombe

holcombe có nghĩa là

holcomb is an alien creature. it is a person with no sense of style or hairstyles. they drive a prius while drag racing in it. holcomb represents a bumble bee with a dagger through it while bleeding. he has a dog usually named kara not always though. josh holcomb is a usual name for the creature because that is their leader.

Thí dụ

holcomb is driving his prius to meet his dog an alien tribe.

holcombe có nghĩa là

A sadist with the looks of a pedophile. Somehow, it's a person, but not human. They can often be symbolized by a swollen phallus. He doesn't ever seem happy, but has the fattest ego around usually, and wants to raise a superior race. Somehow securing a high position of sorts. jeremy holcomb is a generic name for this animal.

Thí dụ

holcomb is driving his prius to meet his dog an alien tribe.

holcombe có nghĩa là

A sadist with the looks of a pedophile. Somehow, it's a person, but not human. They can often be symbolized by a swollen phallus. He doesn't ever seem happy, but has the fattest ego around usually, and wants to raise a superior race. Somehow securing a high position of sorts. jeremy holcomb is a generic name for this animal.

Thí dụ

holcomb is driving his prius to meet his dog an alien tribe.

holcombe có nghĩa là

A sadist with the looks of a pedophile. Somehow, it's a person, but not human. They can often be symbolized by a swollen phallus. He doesn't ever seem happy, but has the fattest ego around usually, and wants to raise a superior race. Somehow securing a high position of sorts. jeremy holcomb is a generic name for this animal.

Thí dụ

holcomb is driving his prius to meet his dog an alien tribe. A sadist with the looks of a pedophile. Somehow, it's a person, but not human. They can often be symbolized by a swollen phallus. He doesn't ever seem happy, but has the fattest ego around usually, and wants to raise a superior race. Somehow securing a high position of sorts. jeremy holcomb is a generic name for this animal.

holcombe có nghĩa là

"Holcomb, damn. That guy. My gf was shook after her meeting with him. It was just a field trip to college! We're not even 15 yet. He's a dIrEctOr??? Looks more like a pedophile to me. Oh wait - actually he's probably a Dicktator. Makes sense."

Thí dụ

It is a person who lacks common-sense.

holcombe có nghĩa là

Taylor is a holcombe! An extremely poor school in Chatham, Kent. Such a bad reputation as well hahaha. Only rude boys go to this school. Ym are actually so frickin rude and most you already know but you don't change!! Shame on you boys,, Girl 1: Ooooh that boys leng,, what school does he go to?

Thí dụ

Girl 2: Bby, hes a Holcombe boy don't even try it!

holcombe có nghĩa là

A shit hole that everyone thinks is ghetto but if you go there you’ll realize that only the bathrooms are ghetto.

Thí dụ

She goes to Holcomb Bridge middle school? Ew that place is ghetto

holcombe có nghĩa là

When your have less then 1 second to cum. In fact you estimate you have .6 seconds to cum and you shoot all over her.

Thí dụ

Named after Sergeant Holcomb who shot a 14 year old boy who was playing with a BB gun in an abandoned houses backyard. Oh baby I'm so close... keep going... Holcomb *then you jizz all over her* A really unfucking funny dude who’s ugly as shit.Nobody gives a shit about this dude.If he’s not single he’s dead or something like that.He’s fat as shit and overall a terrible person Dude did you see Peyton Holcomb?He ugly as shit💀

holcombe có nghĩa là

Bailey Holcombe is an alpha specimen who has a cock the size of Russia and that can ejaculate so hard, his penis is technically a weapon of war. Bailey is the most fucking fit boy in the universe period. Bailey has a heart almost the size of his cock, leagally people has to wear glasses to look at him or they might go in a state of pure orgasmic glory that the rest of there life will be pure agony and it will almost make any girl commit suicide. Bailey runs a small drug trade of 1200000 women and no men and he earns bare bank on the daily and plays Fortnite on the daily

Thí dụ

My name is Bailey Holcombe. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Bath, where all the rich kid house are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Mr. Gills department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink.

holcombe có nghĩa là

The best small town in Chippewa county. The bars out-number the people!

Thí dụ

I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up.

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