Google reviews badge WordPress

Reviews can make or break your business. A few good reviews that go viral can turn your company into an overnight sensation.

People trust the opinions of others, whether they know them personally or not, so many people read online reviews before trying out a new restaurant or hairdresser.

Reviews are one of the best ways for people to find out about your services, and this guide created by our team at wpDataTables will help you find the best WordPress google reviews plugins.

WordPress Google Reviews plugin options

Adding your Google business reviews to your site is a good way for people to see how amazing your business is.

The following plugins enable you to quickly and easily embed Google reviews onto your website.

Google Reviews Pro WordPress Plugin

Google reviews badge WordPress

This Google widget keeps reviews in the database and creates tables with information and reviews for businesses. It provides Google snippets to advertise on Google people’s opinions about you.

You can choose from 5 formats for displaying the plugin, in a grid, list or slider, amongst other options.

Everest Google Places Reviews

Google reviews badge WordPress

Even the default options are stunning for the Google review widget, Everest, but of course, you can easily customize to suit your website and theme. Everest is versatile and packed with features.

Use a floating layout to highlight your very best reviews, with five template display options. All of these can be shown as a slider or simple list format. If you select the slider, you will be able to customize the navigation and animation.

The badge designs come with 5 different options for your featured reviews.

Google Places Reviews

Google reviews badge WordPress

Google Places Reviews is a WordPress plugin that displays your amazing Google reviews.

It suits a wide range of industries, such as retail, real estate, travel, or hospitality who may want reviews displayed on their site. You can increase brand awareness and credibility, by showcasing people’s opinions of your business.

Google Places Reviews offers many great features:

  • Widget themes
  • Autocomplete for Google Places
  • Business information
  • Google Business Reviews

WP Business Reviews

Google reviews badge WordPress

WP Business Reviews gathers and compiles all your reviews from Yelp, Facebook, and Google, so they can be displayed collectively anywhere on your website.

The background color can be customized to your preferences. Selecting the transparent option will definitely showcase your theme.

WP Review Pro

Google reviews badge WordPress

Many bloggers enjoy using WP Review Pro on their sites to appraise or rate products on their websites because it does not slow down the speed of the website. It features an incredible 16 templates which can be completely customized. This Google reviewer makes posting reviews very simple.

You can also change your chosen template to match your site. Choose from any color and select between 5 rating systems.

It also integrates with many other platforms, such as Yelp, Facebook and Google reviews. If you have an eCommerce store, integrate with WooCommerce to show what people think of your products.

Google Places Review Pro WordPress Plugin

Google reviews badge WordPress

This product will help to improve your Google rankings, by embedding Google reviews on WordPress, either on the body of your site or as a widget.

It ensures that the most recent reviews displayed are always positive, which avoids bad publicity.

Pages containing reviews tend to perform better than pages without, because people like to read about the opinions of others. If these opinions are positive, this is great for your business.

WooCommmerce Google Customer Reviews

Google reviews badge WordPress

This plugin is excellent for your WooCommerce store, by combining your Google reviews and WooCommerce.

It is an easy way of showing your rating on every page, which comes with the Google review badge, so people know it is legitimate and  trustworthy.


Google reviews badge WordPress

Taqyeem’s schema markup enables you to access Google Rich Snippets. Its endless color options allow you to customize this WordPress review plugin, by editing style, font, pictures and more. You can also add ratings and reviews to pages and posts.

The features include different review styles, points, percentage, stars as well as more than 500 Google fonts.

You can also use the right to left feature so your page is readable when translated into other languages.

Reviews and Rating

Google reviews badge WordPress

If you have a Google Business Account this plugin will provide lots of impressive feedback in ratings and reviews, so you can show off to the world. It is very intuitive and easy to set up and encourages consumers to leave a review with Google for you.

It includes 28 designs, customization options, live previews, widgets, and shortcodes. You can even hide particular reviews if you don’t want them shown to your visitors. The review layouts are completely mobile-friendly and responsive and can be viewed on any device.

Google Reviews Widget

Google reviews badge WordPress

The Google Reviews Widget is the most popular free option for WordPress Google reviews plugins. It stores and showcases up to 5 reviews for any amount of businesses.

It will pare down overly long reviews and keep all reviews in your WordPress database, which results in improved performance and won’t slow down your site. You can also add a photo for your business or upload a custom one.

The business version offers more extended features, such as claiming a Google Trust Badge, using the collection builder and Google Rich Snippets.

Google Reviews Slider

Google reviews badge WordPress

The WP Google Review Slider plugin will increase customer opinion and provide excellent SEO. You can create many templates to use in the widgets, pages, and posts of your site. The Google Reviews Slider is one of the very best free plugins for Google reviews, requiring only WordPress version 4.6.

It is easy to use and install and features a slider format which gives all reviews a sleek and polished style.

Ending thoughts on the best WordPress Google reviews plugin

The point of reviews is for others to see them and act accordingly, which is why you should consider adding a WordPress Google reviews plugin to your site. You will increase brand awareness and improve the perception of your business.

A reviews plugin will build trust while increasing your Google ranking and profits. The above-mentioned plugins are all completely reliable, offer many customization features. They will completely transform the look of your reviews, so simply choose the one that suits you.

If you enjoyed reading this article on WordPress google reviews plugins, you should check out this one about WordPress news plugins.

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