Good dystopian books for 15 year olds

15 YA dystopian books for teens who loved Hunger Games and Divergent

| best books for teens

Golden Shears has been giving me grief but Im getting closer to the end however Im really excited about my next three projects, which are all dystopians.

Taste: kind of Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Hunger Games
Selfie: an apocalyptic thriller where an smart phone app can alter our appearance [and melt flesh off bones]
Prescient: a time travel, post apocalyptic adventure with zombies [part one is out already but I need to finish it].

Those will all be series, and I actually have THREE MORE dystopian series mapped out for later. I also want to write some more mainstream vampire/werewolf stuff but I think all my stories will have world-ending consequences, so maybe thats why this genre appeals to me most [plus, revolution!].

Anyway, in the meantime, I made a list of 14 other dystopian novels from friends of mine a bunch of them are on sale for 99cents today, so check them out!

Exciting! Captivating! Couldnt put it down!

If you could manipulate reality, would you?

Seventeen-year-old Kaylin has been on the run, hiding her untapped abilities for six years, but rescuing a mysterious guy risks exposing the depths of her power. The manipulative sector groups hunt her kind. Life has never been easy, but resisting is even harder. This harsh, new world will no longer allow her to remain hidden.

In a future where greed and corruption has torn society apart; these relentless sector groups prey on powerful youths to mold the populace to expand their reach. Young people with the ability to shift the mindset of others are high-value targets. War is waging to expand and control this new world. Influencers, as theyre called, hold the key to humanitys future.

Will fighting back cost Kaylin everything?

Get Influence on Amazon now!

On the brink of extinction, being human means more than just surviving.

In Libs world, its dangerous to deviate from the norm. In fact, for someone who doesnt live up to the Artificial Intelligences standards, its practically a death sentence. Lib learns this the hard way when she wakes up in a barren wasteland, with her memories erased, and only one thought lodged in her mind:

Its all my fault.

Lib is a Glitchan imperfect human component of the utopian world called the Norm. Now shes thrown out, Lib will be forced to team up with another Glitch, Raj, and the mysterious Rogue Wolf and his clan to survive. Wolf only cares about the survival of his group, but Raj thinks they can hack the A.I. and change the Norm for the better.

Now, Lib will have to decide which path to choosewhether to go with striking loner Raj or stay with Wolf and his tight-knit group. Her heart is drawn to both, but shes carrying a deadly secret that could jeopardize them all. Will she be able to sa

Get Glitch on Amazon now!

Block out thoughts.
Talia Lyons has one goal at the McDonough School for the Talented: learn to use her Talent as a Mental Manipulator to kill the man who murdered her parents.
Block out pain.
Shell deal with anything. The brutal physical demands. The emotional toll. Whatever it takes to reach her objective.
Block out friendship.
With only one year left in the program, though, seventeen-year-old Talia is suddenly finding it harder than ever to ignore the rest of her life.
Block out love.
Even worse, she cant seem to turn off her psychic connection to her first loveor quit thinking about her fascinating new teammate.
Feel only vengeance.
Ian Crane. The man who destroyed Talias life. The one shes determined to eradicate.
Now focus.
Its time to kill.

Get Talented on Amazon now!

There will come a day when love will mark you as a traitor.
In a society where emotions are nothing and function is everything, Avlyn Lark is just trying to blend in. Shes lucky to be alive, unlike her twin brother Ben who died when they were four. And shes lucky to have been taken from her biological parents and assigned to a Level Two family. But mastering her emotions? Thats a problem, especially when a rebel bomb blows up a building right in front of her.

Then on Configuration Day, Avlyns official transition to adulthood, she starts seeing strange visions. And instead of being placed with a low-level tech company where she could hide away, shes hired by Genesis Technologies the government firm that monitors every citizen. Now, instead of blending in, Avlyn fears shell be exposed for what she really is. If Gen Tech finds out how deeply she feels, it will ruin her life. And if they find out about her secret meetings with a mysterious but handsome member of the rebel forces, her life will be more than ruined. It will be over.

Fans of Divergent, Matched, and the Maze Runner will love this world of dark secrets, intrigue and thirst for a better tomorrow.

Get Configured on Amazon now!

War is coming between humans and Arvies, leaving me trapped between two enemies. This time, I dont think Ill survive.
The government will stop at nothing to get me back in their clutches. They want whats inside mea power I call Vengeand will use my greatest weakness to bring me to my knees.
The Arvies know of my gift, and use my telepathy and their numbers, in an effort to take me out.
My name is Abigail Park, and I promise retribution against those whove wronged me, even if its the last thing I do.

Get Retribution on Amazon!

Sixteen year-old Jinxy James spends her days trapped at home immersed in virtual reality, worrying about the plague and longing for freedom. Then she wins a war simulation game and is recruited into a top-secret organisation where talented teenagers are trained to become agents in the war on terror. Eager to escape her mothers over-protectiveness and to serve her country, Jinxy enlists and becomes an expert sniper of infected mutant rats.

Shes immediately drawn to Quinn ORiley, a charming and subversive intelligence analyst who knows more about the new order of government and society than he is telling. Then a shocking revelation forces Jinxy to make an impossible decision, and she risks losing everything.

Get Recoil on Amazon!

2081 and England is broken.

Civil society has collapsed and in the place of government, wannabe warlords and criminal gangs are taking control.

Among the few survivors, Edie and Robin live within a tiny community at the edges of a dying town, struggling to survive, desperate to stay hidden from prying eyes.

Edies determination to provide for her family takes her deep inside the forbidden parts of town where disease still lingers and the Snatchers sit in wait.

What she discovers there is a threat far worse. One that will rob her of freedom and the man she loves.

Get Burning on Amazon!

Youd think time-travel would be a useful gift. For cheating on tests and winning the lottery stuff like that. I might have even enjoyed it if I hadnt discovered humanity only had a few more years on earth. Now Im torn between my present-day crush, whose father might accidentally destroy civilization, and my mysterious savior from the future, who wont exist if I succeed in saving the world from a zombie apocalypse.
Only I have the power to stop whats going to happen. But I might need to kill someone to do it. Can I do what it takes to save the world and do I even want to, if it means losing the one thing I want most?

Get Prescient on Amazon [its FREE right now].

In a world where addiction is encouraged, one girl must fight to stay clean

As one of the last Untamed humans left in the world, Sevens life has always been controlled by tight rules. Stay away from the Enhanced. Dont question your leader. And, most importantly, never switch sidesbecause once youre Enhanced theres no going back. Even if you have become the perfect human being.

But after a disastrous raid on an Enhanced city, Seven soon finds herself in her enemys power. Realizing its only a matter of time before she too develops a taste for the chemical augmenters responsible for the erosion of humanity, Seven knows she must act quickly if shes to escape and save her family from the same fate.

Get Untamed on Amazon!

ORIGIN. DESTINY. FATE. How far would you go to unravel the truth?

Trattora is the adopted daughter of the Chieftain on a primitive frontier planet. Velkan is an indentured serf who has never known a day of freedom. Forced to flee a terrifying invasion by Galactic Pirates, they find themselves thrown together on a ramshackle mining vessel that harbors more than one dark secret. Fate and chemistry combine when the pairs matching birth bracelets lead them to a shocking discovery about their true lineage. Stakes rise when they uncover the classified Expulsion Project, and the devastating sacrifice their birth families made to spare their lives. Determined to save them from liquidation, Trattora and Velkan plunge headlong into a frantic race against time and space to take down the genocidal self-actualizing software that now controls large swathes of their home planet.

But will they navigate the treacherous dealings of the seedy Galactic underworld in time to rescue the families who loved them enough to let them go?

Get Girl of Fire on Amazon!

200 years after the world ends, their future begins.

In 2157, a mysterious gasknown as Variant spreads across the globe, killing or mutating most organic life. The surviving humans take refuge in an underground city, determined to return home. But after generations of failures and botched attempts, hope is beginning to dwindle. That is, until a young scientist makes a unique discoveryand everything changes. Suddenly, theres reason to hope again, and it rests within a group of genetically engineered children that are both human and Variant.

Terry is one of these children, modified and trained to endure the harsh conditions of a planet he cannot begin to understand. After years of preparation, Terry thinks he knows what to expect. But the reality is far stranger than anything he can imagineand what he will become is far more dangerous.

Get The Amber Project on Amazon!

Not Every Girl Can Be Katniss Everdeen

Her father never taught her to hunt or survive in the wild.

No. Her dad was a scientist.

Her battle is with a parasitic virus and its good that she knows a thing or two about labs.

The world needs her data before its too late. Theres just one problem

shes three hundred miles away from the people that can do something about it and in the post-crisis world getting there is harder than youd think.

Get The Girl Who Shot First on Amazon!

How far would you go to save your friends?

When Chase finds survival gear hidden in the attic of his boarding school, he realizes Ashwood Prep isnt what it seems. Thrust into a conspiracy that is centuries old, he can choose to run or stand up and fight.

After an earthquake cuts the school off from the rest of the world, Chase has to figure out whos a friend, whos an enemy, and if theres really any difference at all. As the world starts to collapse, trusting the wrong person can have deadly consequences. Caught between his classmates and the professors schemes, he cant afford to choose wrong. It would all be a lot easier if Taylor and Maya werent pulling him in opposite directions.

Is it really the apocalypse? Or is it something much worse?

Get Collapse on Amazon!

A sensible young nobleman, Leaf Watson, and his sister, Willow Oak, live a rustic medieval life rich in traditions and chivalry. Sealed inside an experimental biodome since infancy, they have been groomed by The Code to build a sustainable community devoid of Outsider interference.

They are unwitting pioneers on a path toward confined interplanetary homesteading.

Life within their walled garden is predictable and peaceful until the unthinkable happens. With his dying breath, Leaf and Willows noble father bequeaths a family secret, placing an invisible crown of power on Leafs head. Grief-stricken and afraid for their lives, the siblings defy their upbringing by connecting with Fillion Nichols, a punk hacker who, unbeknownst to them, is linked to their lives in shocking ways. Their encounter launches Fillion into a battle with his turbulent past as he urgently decodes the many secrets that bind them together, a necessity for each to survive.

Get Legacy on Amazon!

Stay on guard. Be aware of your surroundings. Notice the nuances. Cover your tracks. Always be prepared. Question everything. This is how you stay alive, Joy. This is how you keep the ones you love alive.

The words of sixteen-year-old Joy Montgomerys late father, Zephyr the Magnificent, urge her onward in this quest for truth and freedom, with the allusion that all is not as it seems in Bygonne.

Faced with the exhausting task of building mechanical trees that produce the precious oxygen they breathe, the Greenleigh orphan slaves piece together clues about the existence of a possible forbidden paradise beyond The Wall. To find the truth, shatter the illusions, and free the children, Joy must entrust the aid of an unlikely ally who harbors dangerous secrets.

Get The Treemakers on Amazon!

Eighteen-year-old Blanca has lived a sheltered life. Her entire childhood has been spent at Tabula Rasa School where shes been protected from the Internet. Blanca has never been online and doesnt even know how to text. Her lack of a virtual footprint has made her extremely valuable and upon graduation Blanca, and those like her, are sold to the highest bidders.

Blanca is purchased by Cal McNeal, who uses her to achieve personal gain. But the McNeals are soon horrified by just how obedient and non-defiant Blanca is. All those mind-numbing years locked away from society have made her mind almost impenetrable. By the time Blanca is ready to think for herself, she is trapped. Her only chance of escape is to go online.

GetGenesis Girl on Amazon

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Throne of vampire
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Book 3 of the Thirst for Vampire series - dystopian fantasy.

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