Can i stop windows update in progress

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How to stop Windows 10 update in progress and turn off Windows 10 update permanently? Windows updates bring bug fixes, new features, and better security patches for your Windows. However, there are times when you do not want the update immediately.

Often you prefer to wait for a better and stable release, and other times you do not want the update due to any other reason. If your Windows 10 computer has already started the updates and you wish to cancel it, do not worry, we have got you covered in this article.

If you also want to turn off the Windows 10 automatic update feature for future updates, we have also provided some ways to achieve that.

In case your computer has downloaded the update and begun installing it, it is not a good idea to cancel or hinder the installation process. In such cases, you would see a blue screen with the installation progress with a warning that states, Please do not turn off your computer.

You can stop the progress by pressing the power button on your computer, but it may corrupt the windows installation or make it unusable. If the system has already initiated installing, let it complete and restart your computer. You can uninstall the update later by using the Windows 10 rollback feature.

How to stop Windows 10 Update in progress

There are different methods to stop Windows 10 update in progress. Below are some of the ways you can use:

The battery saver trick

If you change the battery saver settings in your computer, Windows 10 update in progress will automatically pause:

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  • Go to the bottom right corner of your laptop where you will see a battery icon;

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