crop-growing skyscrapers là gì

[noun]. khái niệm, ý tưởng

Ex: Students must be able to apply classroom concepts to practical situations.

[noun]. sản vật, sản phẩm

Ex: The shop sells only fresh local produce.

[noun]. Thịnh hành

Ex: Sixties music has come back into vogue.

[verb]. bao gồm

Ex: The bill includes tax and service.

[adj]. Thuộc về khu vực thành thị

Ex: Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas.

[adj]. thẳng đứng, đứng

Ex: The cliff was almost vertical.

[verb]. đặt vào vị trí

Ex: They located their headquarters in Swindon.

[verb]. đặt vị trí

Ex: The restaurant is situated near the Hudson River.

[verb]. tiêu thụ

Ex: The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.

[noun]. mạng lưới điện

Ex: Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.

[preposition]. thông qua

Ex: The news programme came to us via satellite.



[noun]. sự phát điện

Ex: We rely very heavily on fossil fuel generation of electricity.

[verb]. ủ phân

Ex: Restaurants should compost food waste whenever possible.

[adj]. ăn được

Ex: The vegetables were old but still looked edible.

[noun]. Hoá thạch

Ex: Very few dinosaur fossils are actually found near this boundary.

[noun]. nhiên liệu

Ex: Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of fuel.

[noun]. sự tiêu thụ

Ex: Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.



[adj]. thuộc nông nghiệp

Ex: The world's supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast.



[adj]. không cần thiết

Ex: Don't take any unnecessary risks.



[adv]. đầy kịch tính

Ex: Prices have increased dramatically in the last few years.

[noun]. cái cày

Ex: Oxen were used to pull ploughs.

[adj]. Nhân tạo

Ex: artifical flowers Ex: Her skin glowed in the artificial light.

[adj]. chủ yếu, quan trọng

Ex: He played a major role in setting up the system.

[noun]. điểm hạn chế

Ex: This is the one major drawback of the new system.

[verb]. cần, yêu cầu

Ex: These pets require a lot of care and attention.

[verb]. liên quan, bao hàm

Ex: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.

[adj]. cố định

Ex: Older people living on fixed incomes are especially vulnerable to energy cost increases.

[noun]. biến thể

Ex: Further analysis revealed significant regional variations in the results.

[adj]. có khả năng xảy ra, chắc hẳn

Ex: The probable cause of the fire was an electrical fault.

[adj]. có sẵn

Ex: We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available.

[noun]. Phương pháp

Ex: Which method is the most effective?

[verb]. Dự đoán

Ex: Nobody could predict the outcome.



[noun]. Dân số

Ex:The country has a total population of 65 million.

[adv]. gần đây

Ex: She recently completed a follow-up study of participants.

[noun]. tình trạng bị tàn phá, tình trạng bị tiêu diệt

Ex: Children will quickly test their toys to destruction.

[noun]. sự trông nom, sự quản lý

Ex: Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease.



[adj]. chịu trách nhiệm

Ex: Who's responsible for this mess?

[noun]. cây trồng

Ex: The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.

[verb]. Cung cấp

Ex: The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.

[noun]. sự đổi mới, sự tái sinh

Ex: They felt the need to bring about a renewal of society.



[adj]. Có thể duy trì lâu dài; Thân thiện với môi trường

Ex: This type of farming is simply not sustainable any more.

[adj]. gồm nhiều loại khác nhau

Ex: They stock a wide and varied selection of cheeses.

[noun]. nguồn cung cấp

Ex: Advances in agriculture increased the food supply.

[noun]. tổn hại

Ex: The fire has caused severe damage to the building.

[adj]. to lớn

Ex: The government put massive amounts of money into the health service.

[noun]. Hạn hán

Ex: England has had several summer droughts in recent years.

[noun]. bão, cơn cuồng phong

Ex: A powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast.

[adj]. nghiêm trọng

Ex: The fire has caused severe damage to the building.

[noun]. Mùa mưa

Ex: Travelling is much more difficult during the monsoon.

[verb]. phá hủy

Ex: The building was completely destroyed by fire.

[adj]. quý giá

Ex: You should gain some valuable insights into the world of business.



[noun]. Phân bón

Ex: Fertilizer helps to enrich the soil.

[adj]. nhất định, nào đó

Ex: You can choose to only watch certain kinds of movies.

[adv]. một cách hữu cơ

Ex: The wine is made from organically grown grapes.

[verb]. loại bỏ

Ex: This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.

[noun]. thuốc diệt cỏ

Ex: In general, herbicides and fungicides are less toxic than many of the other types of pesticides.

[noun]. thuốc trừ sâu

Ex: Do not pour pesticides or herbicides down sinks, drains or toilets.

[verb]. ảnh hưởng

Ex: Your opinion will not affect my decision.

[adj]. truyền nhiễm

Ex: Flu is highly infectious.

[noun]. Căn bệnh, dịch bệnh

Ex: Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.

[noun]. phạm vi ảnh hưởng, phạm vi tác động

Ex: The lack of vitamins may explain the higher incidence of heart disease.

[noun]. sự ước lượng

Ex: What is the latest estimate of the number of chimpanzees in the wild?

[adj]. hiện tại

Ex: Oil prices are expected to remain at current levels.



[noun]. sự thống kê nhân khẩu

Ex: The products are designed to appeal to a young demographic.

[verb]. Đảm bảo

Ex: We are working to ensure the safety of people in the city.

[adj]. khẩn cấp

Ex: The law is in urgent need of reform.

[verb]. chứa được, đựng được

Ex: The garage can accommodate three cars.

[adv]. hoàn toàn

Ex: The experience was entirely new to me.

[noun]. cách tiếp cận, phương pháp

Ex: The approach they were using no longer seemed to work.

[verb]. sử dụng

Ex: The police had to employ force to enter the building.


/ˌkʌtɪŋ ˈedʒ/

[adj]. tiên tiến

Ex: What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.

[noun]. đề nghị, đề xuất

Ex: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected.

[adv]. quyết liệt

Ex: "We must learn to love our bodies," said the actress, shortly before having herself drastically remade by the cosmetic surgeon.

[noun]. Người tiêu dùng

Ex: Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy.

[adj]. Hiệu quả

Ex: We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service.

[verb]. xây dựng

Ex: You must learn how to construct a logical argument.

[verb]. Vận hành

Ex: Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.

[verb]. thi hành, thực hiện

Ex: A new work programme for young people will be implemented.

[noun]. người ủng hộ

Ex: She is among the most outspoken proponents of the plan.

[verb]. tuyên bố, cho là

Ex: She's not the saint that many have claimed her to be.

[adj]. cuối cùng, rốt cuộc

Ex: It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome will be.

[noun]. hệ sinh thái

Ex: Islands often support delicate ecosystems that evolved without any need for defence.

[verb]. hy sinh

Ex: Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl?

[adj]. theo phương ngang

Ex: Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.

take something for granted

/teɪk fə[r] ˈɡrɑːntɪd/

[verb]. coi việc có cái gì như một điều hiển nhiên nên không trân trọng

Ex: Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.

[verb]. tước đoạt, chiếm đoạt; bóc lột

Ex: The thief despoiled the old man of his belongings.

[adj]. xanh tươi [cỏ, cây cối, ruộng đồng..]

Ex: Much of the region's verdant countryside has been destroyed in the hurricane.

[verb]. Tiến hoá

Ex: The three species evolved from a single ancestor.

[noun]. giống loài

Ex: Most of the known rhino species are West African.

[noun]. Nơi trú ẩn

Ex: Human beings need food, clothing and shelter.

[noun]. Yếu tố

Ex: There are three important elements to consider.

subject to

/səbˈdʒekt tu/

[verb]. phải chịu, phải bị

Ex: The city was subjected to heavy bombing.

[noun]. tính nghiêm ngặt, tính khắc nghiệt

Ex: The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.

[adv]. 1 cách nhanh chóng

Ex: Crime figures are rising rapidly.

[adj]. Tiềm năng

Ex: We have compiled a list of 10 potential candidates.

[adj]. tối ưu

Ex: The optimum storage temperature is 60℉.

[noun]. Sâu hại

Ex: These birds provide a useful function in controlling pests.

[verb]. nhận được, đạt được

Ex: She has acquired a good knowledge of English.

[verb]. tiếp xúc với

Ex: Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.

[noun]. Cơ sở vật chất

Ex: The school is upgrading its outdoor play facilities.



[adv]. cao đến mức không thể mua được [về giá]

Ex: Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.

[verb]. dường như, có vẻ như

Ex: The couple appeared to have nothing in common.

[noun]. khát vọng

Ex: I've never had any political aspirations.

[adj]. nhất định, chắc chắn

Ex: I think it was him, but I can't be certain.

[noun]. lần thử, nỗ lực

Ex: Ex: Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools.

[verb]. giải quyết

Ex: The policy fails to address the needs of the poor.

[adj]. rõ ràng, chắc chắn, không thể tranh cãi được

Ex: The event was an undoubted success.



[adj]. có hại

Ex: Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.

[noun]. tác động

Ex: Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.

[noun]. Chuyên gia

Ex: According to our panel of leading industry experts, a downturn is inevitable.

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