atheism là gì - Nghĩa của từ atheism

atheism có nghĩa là

Atheism is simply the opposite of theism. The prefix A means "without" or "not", so Atheism is simply a lack of belief in god[s]. It is not a religion, just like theism is not a religion. Atheists are usually quite fond of life, since it is the only one we have.Theists if you think about it, need a god to make their existance make sense and to make them respect life.


That dog is an atheist. A new-born baby is an atheist. Most of the smartest people in the world are atheists. Coincidence?

atheism có nghĩa là

Atheism, in fact, has NOTHING to do with Satanism. We do not all hate Christians. We're not all evil.

Besides, just by being intolerant and judgemental of Atheists, you are sinning. :]


" 'To be godless is probably the first step towards innocence,' he said, 'to lose the sense of sin and subordination, the false grief for things supposed to be lost.'
'So by innocence you mean not an absense of experience, but an absense of illusions.'
'An absense of need for illusions,' he said. 'A love of and respect for what is right before your eyes.' "
-Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat.

atheism có nghĩa là

- Free on Sunday!
- Get to focus on the now.
- No guilt!
- Can claim full responsibility for life's achievments.
- No afterlife. :[
- Must take responsibility for life's failures. Dang!


Dang, it was a tough choice. I mean, I like the idea of the afterlife. But I really wanted to free up my Sunday's, so I chose atheism. And, the best part is, I still get presents on Christmas! Yeah, beeyatch, atheism is the shiznit!

atheism có nghĩa là

A lack of beleif in God.


"I am an atheist because I do not beleive any gods exist. That's all that makes me an atheist."

atheism có nghĩa là

the arrogant belief that the entire universe was not created for our benefit


Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color

atheism có nghĩa là

1] Non-theism, NOT anti-theism.

2] Not believing in a god, and often, the divine and supernatural in general.

Atheism's followers are called "Atheists"; many ignorant rednecks, however, mistake them for anti-chrisians, satanists, et cetera. Many atheists be that way secretly, to avoid persecution, they are called "closet atheists".

Atheism is bases upon the fact that there is absolutely no solid evidence to show that gods exist. Primitave humans invented gods to explain things they were not advanced enough to explain themselves. Once civiliation was secured, philosophy and science could really start. Parent-to-child indocterination, mostly, has kept religion alive this far.

A word for the western world... They say that atheists single-out chrisitans, never bothering jews, muslums, hindus, etc. Sometimes, that's true in countries where christians are the majority. And when that's the case, they tend to make life hard for minorities. In America, most persecution against atheists comes from christians; so, contempt for christians is developed.

Foolish persons blame the death of over 100 million on the atheism of Stalin and Mao. To assume anyone would base EVERY action on their religion, or lack of one, is uterly irrational. Stalin was paranoid, he killed anyone he had the slightest bad feeling about. His perscution of the orthodox church was not for the sake of atheism, but punishment for supporting the czars. He spared muslums not because of hate for just jews, christians, and such; he was building relationships with middle-eastern countries. Mao killed mostly to conquer the Chinese government and to secure communism's power. Oh, and the holocaust? That was borderline judeophibic anti-semitism, not atheism.

To counter the preveous, think... the crusades, think of witch hunts, of 9/11, gay-bashing, violent jihad, the KKK, the Westboro Baptis Church, the inquisition, jewish segregation, to name a few...

They say atheists have no morals, ethics, values... nothing holding them back. Simply put, that's bullshit. They're no less moral than theists. And truely, you must question the sanity of someone who behaves himself ONLY out of fear of eternal torment.

Roughly 75% of Americans are christians, and at least 10% are atheists.

Now, let's check American prisons...

Roughly 80% of inmates are christians, and less than 0.5% are atheists.


Christian: You're going to hell, atheist!
Atheist: Heh, alright... how about you wait for me to die, come find me in hell, record it on camera, and come back in time to show me some evidece... then, maybe, I'll take you seriously.

It's confusing, how a christian can ridicule atheism, and just feel soooooo sure that there is a god. No egyptian god, norse god, gaillic god, jewish god, greek god, roman god, zoronastrian god, islamic god, or any other god but his specific idea of his ONE, christian god could ever be real, oooh no...

Even IF there are gods, how the fuck could he KNOW he's wasting his life over a real god, or the right god, or if he's actually worshiping him/her/it properly. How does he KNOW this god has some sort of eternal punishment or reward. Has he MET Jesus or Satan!? Has he BEEN to heaven or hell!?

...didn't think so...

atheism có nghĩa là

Thinking for oneself, exercising common sense; being brave enough to follow one's heart without fear of the "power" of a "higher being".


There is a common belief that atheism is evil; this is a big mistake. Atheists don't believe there is a god, therefore they don't believe in the devil; so, atheists cannot be satanic because they don't recognize satan as a god counterpart. These intelligent people, usually highly educated, may be among the most spiritual, self sufficient, and grouded people in the world.

atheism có nghĩa là

A lack of belief or faith in the existence of a god or gods, especcially, a belief that there is no god. Atheism is a belief which is often insulted unjustly by its opponents. Atheists are also often called Satanists by Christian fundamentalists who do not understand the beliefs of Satanism. Believers in atheism have been blamed for events such as the 9/11 suicide attacks on the "Twin Towers" in New York, New York, United States of America by such people as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.


Atheism is not Satanism.

atheism có nghĩa là

Quite simply put; someone who lacks a god belief. This could be the absence of said god in mind, or lack of faith. Just like members of any group, some of us are overzealous or so ignorant we fail to realize the purpose of any source of morales. Do not judge eachother based on prejudice. Do not seek to find flaws in eachother's beliefs but instead seek enlightenment through yours. Love everything.


I follow Gandhi and Gora's positive atheism. I am not a satanist.
I see everyone here in ignorant conflict, and it's just sad. We're here to define words and not start bitter arguements.

atheism có nghĩa là

Oh, jeez. What is it with you people?

Atheism [the REAL definition] - A belief centered around a person not believing in a God or "blind faith". That's it. This doesn't mean they are immoral, pessimistic, evil, Christ-haters, Christian-haters, gamblers, racist, slutty, Bible-destroyers, demons, ignorant or whatever.

Just because they have different beliefs than some doesn't make them wrong OR right. Nobody in this world is wrong OR right about their religion or lack thereof, because there is no proof for ANY of it. People believe what they believe, end of story.

Now, SOME atheists may be evil and argumentative as fuck, but that doesn't mean they all are. And it doesn't mean that some don't like the IDEA of an afterlife, they just can't comprehend that there would be one. This is just how their brain works. To those who believe, God created us all, right? He created those who would follow a religion that's been around since people believed the sun rotated around the earth, and he created those who wouldn't believe in such an idea.

Also, atheists ARE real, and their belief isn't necessarily a phase, or coming from angsty teenagers. The most optimistic, intelligent and helpful adult I know happens to be an atheist.

I just think you Bible-thumpers are being silly and childish. If people want to believe in God, or don't want to believe in God, it's really nobody else's buisiness.

Rant over.


Atheist one: I love life! I may have to die someday and afterlife seems unlikely to me, but I have come to terms with that and I'm determined to enjoy the time I have left.

Atheist two: I hate Christians, grr. They are incorrect and I will get constipated if I don't correct every theist I see. I burn Bibles in my front lawn and I point and laugh at nuns.

Atheist three: I'm just an average Joe. I don't care if you believe in atheism or theism, I'm just living my life.

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