a jessica là gì - Nghĩa của từ a jessica

a jessica có nghĩa là

A friendly, funny, kind person who likes to joke around. Everybody likes her and wants to be around her. She's the weirdest person you will ever meet but that makes her herself. She's really easy to talk to. She's the bestest friend you will find


Hey do you know that Jessica girl?
Ya she's really nice and super weird.
Yeah I really want to be her friend.

a jessica có nghĩa là

Jessica is by far the most beautiful girl to walk the face of the planet. An angel sent from above. Perfectly imperfect. She is the girl of any mans dreams. She is indescribably gorgeous and the legality of her beauty is questionable. She is by far the fairest in the land. She is exceptionally punny and incredibly smart. She is extremely down to earth. So down to earth that she cannot accept compliments based on her beauty. She will reject and turn down any compliments that revolve around her. It is mind boggling to see how someone so special doesn't even know just how much they mean to people. She is poetry in a world still learning the alphabet. Her beauty is unfathomable and uncomprehending. The mere fact she turns the complintents down makes her even more attractive if that's even possible. So to summarize, Jessica is an Angel and a modern day princess and any man to be in her life should be extremely lucky.


Damn that guy is lucky Why? Nah, his girl is Jessica Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit man

a jessica có nghĩa là

Jessica is an amazing friend, one of the best you’ll come across. A Jessica is brave, smart, loyal, kind, awesome and the coolest person you will probably meet. They are always there when you need them most and try to help you at stuff you struggle at. Jessica’s are very extroverted and aren’t afraid to speak their mind but they are also very humorous and are always laughing. They are very outgoing and are always ready to embarrass a friend. To people that have not gotten to know a Jessica, they may come across as really out there. But when you get to know them, you see their sweeter side and are quickly find comfort in their company. Jessica is an amazing friend who will stick with you and won’t leave you for stupid little things. Jessica’s is a truely awesome person


1: woah who is that awesome person over there!
2: oh that’s Jessica
1: she’s so awesome

a jessica có nghĩa là

Jessica is the best friend EVER. She is kind, athletic, smart, and beautiful. She lights up the world with happiness when she smiles. She has long, brown, wavy hair that sways when she walks. If you ever meet a Jessica, never let her leave your life, because hd is the most loyal, amazing, loving friend you will EVER have!!!


Lola: That girl is so nice Lucas: I want to date her. What's her name Isabela: She is totally a Jessica

a jessica có nghĩa là

There is more to her name than the popularity of it. The most incredible woman in the world. Her smile can light up a room. She is also brilliantly beautiful and intelligent. She can be very witty and sassy.


Who is that girl? That girl is Jessica.

a jessica có nghĩa là

The most awe-inspiring person who has walked the earth. She is radiant, beautiful, kind and intelligent. She cares about others before herself. She will make you laugh and smile until inevitably, you'll fall head over heels in love with her. She will not admit to any of this, but it's 100% accurate!


Man, someday I will marry my Jessica... Sexy unicorn mermaid

a jessica có nghĩa là

An extremely beautiful girl that is super smart, funny and classy ,but is never too classy to roast your ass when needed be. If you do something shady to a Jessica she will remember you and will get your shady ass back when you least expect it and call it even. They are very sweet loving individuals to a certain extent. They know which ones that deserve their sweet side and they know which ones deserve their dark side. Don't take a Jessica for granted! You will regret it. If you date a Jessica your family will forever remember her and ask and talk to you and your new wife daily about her. Karma is Jessica's best friend, they get lit together, so again beware what you do to a Jessica!


Damn! That girl is so gorgeous, smart, and funny , she must be a Jessica. My bro just got his tires slashed last week because he cheated on his now ex girlfriend, his ex must be a Jessica because she's a savage! She just roasted your ass, that girl is a savage, she must be a Jessica!

a jessica có nghĩa là

The most fantastic woman in the world. Sexy, intelligent, and entirely irresistible . She knows she is worth it. And she is. She will embrace you for who you are and look out you. She is the best person you could possibly choose to be your friend or partner in life. Also see: sexy, beautiful, amazing


Jessica is amazing in every way.

a jessica có nghĩa là

A brilliant, beautiful and vivacious girl with a love for life and beauty. A girl who likes to talk and make new friends. A girl with 100 different laughs. A sassy and independent girl who wants to live life on her terms. Lover of animals, small children and old peoples


Did you see Jessica, she just helped that old man cross the road, while walking 3 dogs and carrying a baby!

a jessica có nghĩa là

Jessica is a very independent girl. She is well rounded and involves herself in many activities with many people. Although she is independent she is a reliable and loyal friend when it comes down to it. Jessica’s weakness is her short temper. It’s easy to get on her nerves, but if you’re careful enough, she’s always a joy to be around. Jessica also typically has a loving family, that will always be there for her. Other than entertaining herself with countless clubs, she loves hanging out with them as well as her closest friends. Jessica is also known to be a scholar, trying her best in school. She is almost always involved in some sort of learning experience, but also typically has a well paying job. Juggling all her activities may also stress her out at times, but she is committed and says it is well worth it.


Jessica is an individual but enjoys time spent with friends, and is involved in many activities, including schooling and clubs.