YouTube playlist API

Good news: There's an easy way to use YouTube to grow your business without creating videos. You can embed existing YouTube content on your site using the YouTube API.

No scripting, no story boarding, and no filming required. Just use the content that has already been created. Lets take a look at what the YouTube API is, how you can get an API key, and how you can use it for your brand.

What is the YouTube API?

The YouTube API is an application programming interface that allows you to embed videos, curate playlists, and offer other YouTube functionalities on your website.

The YouTube Data API is valuable because it allows you to curate YouTube videos on your website. Additionally, it has a wide selection of features and functionalities that make it accessible to developers and valuable to businesses.

Not sure what an API is? Lets take a look at the definition.

Whats an API?

An API [Application Programming Interface] is the connecting link between two applications that communicate with each other.

An API makes a programmers work easier by skipping the drudgery of writing every single line of code every time users need to access data. Instead, programmers can use predefined functions and protocols to quickly surface the information they need.

Benefits of Using the YouTube API

Many marketers and business owners are missing out on the benefits of incorporating YouTube into their digital marketing strategy. Usually, it's a question of how much time it takes to create high-quality video content.

In a typical YouTube marketing strategy, you would consistently publish video content every week with the hopes of generating likes and subscribers a portion of which youd hope would convert into customers. Luckily, this is no longer the only way to use YouTube for your business. YouTube has created an API that allows you to integrate your website with the social platform.

Here are some of the greatest benefits of using the YouTube API.

1. You can take advantage of existing content.

With the YouTube API, you dont have to spend valuable time and resources creating content. Instead, you can take advantage of the content that has already been published to increase user engagement on your site.

2. YouTube is one of the top social media platforms.

YouTube is no run-of-the-mill platform with a dwindling user base. It boasts more than two billion active users and has some impressive stats to support that number. The social search engine is:

  • available in more than 100 countries
  • the second-largest search engine
  • the second most popular social platform
  • the top video streaming app
  • the second most visited site on the internet

3. Featuring YouTubes content can increase your dwell time.

Because the YouTube API can help you add YouTube content to your website, it will help users stay on the page for longer as they watch the content that youve specifically curated for them. This increase in dwell time signals to search engines that your content is valuable, boosting your rankings for target keywords.

4. Using the API can help you convert more website visitors.

Using the API is also valuable from a conversion rate and revenue standpoint. Prospects who engage with your content and stay on your website are more likely than not to make a purchase.

What kind of data can you feature using the YouTube API? Lets take a look.

YouTube API Data

The YouTube API gives you access to YouTubes data in a more comprehensive, scalable way than standalone YouTube embed codes would. You can retrieve entire playlists, users uploads, and even search results using the YouTube API. You can also add YouTube functionalities to your website so that users can upload videos and manage channel subscriptions straight from your website or app.

Using the YouTube API is a no-brainer for many marketers, but YouTube doesn't allow just anyone to access this valuable tool or its data. To prevent potential abuse, YouTube grants each user a unique API key that allows them to connect their website or app to the platform.

Each API key is designated for an individual project. If youre using the API on two different websites, you should create two different API keys.

Now, lets go over how to get a YouTube API key step-by-step.

How to Get a YouTube API Key

  1. Log in to Google Developers Console.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. On the new project dashboard, click Explore & Enable APIs.
  4. In the library, navigate to YouTube Data API v3 under YouTube APIs.
  5. Enable the API.
  6. Create a credential.
  7. A screen will appear with the API key.

1. Log in to Google Developers Console.

You can log in to Google Developers Console using your Google account. If you dont yet have one, youll need to create one.

2. Create a new project.

Once you log in, youll automatically be taken to an empty dashboard. On the upper right-hand corner, click Create Project.

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Youll be taken to a screen where you can add a project name, select your organization, and select a location [URL].

You can create a project without an organization. If you dont have an organization, you wont be prompted to select a location.

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Once you create a project, everything you do from here onwards, including creating the API key, will apply to that specific project. If you have multiple projects going at the same time, ensure that the correct one is selected by double-checking that the project is listed on the top navigation bar.

3. On the new project dashboard, click Explore & Enable APIs.

After creating a project, youll be taken to a brand new dashboard with different cards: Project Info, Resources, and so on.

Navigate to the Getting Started card and click on Explore & Enable APIs.

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Alternatively, on the sidebar, navigate to APIs & Services > Library.

4. In the library, navigate to YouTube Data API v3 under YouTube APIs.

Once youve reached the library, youll see a page divided into sections. Navigate to the section titled YouTube APIs and select YouTube Data API v3.

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Alternatively, you can search for the YouTube Data API on the search bar.

5. Enable the API.

After you arrive at the YouTube Data API page, click a blue button with the word Enable.

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6. Create a credential.

After clicking Enable, youll be taken to an overview page.

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On the top right corner, click Create Credentials.

On the Credentials window, select YouTube Data API v3 for the first blank space, Web server [e.g. node js. Tomcat] for the second, and check the Public data box on the third prompt.

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Right below that, click on the blue button titled What credentials do I need?

After that, your API key will automatically load.

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Click Done.

7. A screen will appear with the API key.

Finished! Youve got your API key. Its saved in your credentials for easy retrieval.

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YouTube API Key FAQs

Still have questions about using the YouTube API? We have answers below.

Is the YouTube API Free?

The YouTube API is free if you dont exceed your daily API request quota. Each request costs a predetermined amount of points. You get 10,000 points per day.

How Much Does the YouTube API Cost?

The charge for accessing the YouTube Data API is based on quota usage. For each project, you're given 10,000 free points per day and all requests cost at least one point.

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You can estimate your quota costs using the Quota Calculator, and if you need more queries, you can apply for higher quotas. The pricing may not remain the same.

Where is My YouTube API Key?

Have you created an API key but dont know how to find it? Well walk you through the process of finding it step-by-step.

    • Step 1: Log in to Google Developers Console.
    • Step 2: Youll automatically be taken to your project dashboard, where youll see a series of cards. Under the APIs card, click Go to APIs overview.

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  • Step 3: Youll be taken to a dashboard with a sidebar. On this sidebar, click Credentials.

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    • Step 4: All done! Youll find the YouTube API key you created.

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My YouTube API Key is Not Working

Glitches happen all the time, especially when it comes to APIs.

Your API key may not be working because youre using it for the wrong project. Be sure youre using the key for the project that you created it for, especially if you created multiple projects at the same time.

If its still not working, consider creating a new API key entirely.

How to Use the YouTube API on Your WordPress Website

One of the most effective ways to promote your business through video marketing, without creating the videos yourself, is to curate YouTube content. With so much content already being created on YouTube [300 hours of video per minute], browsing on the platform can get overwhelming for the user.

Using a plugin and a YouTube API key, you can step in and develop standalone content or lists of videos about specific subjects within your industry. This will make it easier for your audience to discover quality YouTube content while promoting the content creator for free. Your payment comes about in the form of growing website traffic.

Video is also a great way to illustrate your points when writing blog posts. It delivers the message faster, can cover more depth, and is the preferred content consumption method for many.

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Here are some WordPress plugins you can use to engage your visitors on your WordPress website. For each of these plugins, youll need a YouTube API key.

1. WonderPlugin

WonderPlugin lets you embed a playlist gallery on your website using a YouTube API key. You can also embed YouTube carousels.

2. VideographyWP

VideographyWP is a handy plugin that allows you to replace featured images with featured videos. After you input a YouTube API key into the plugins settings, the plugin retrieves the video for you without you needing to code it into the theme or page.

3. Automatic YouTube Gallery

Automatic YouTube Gallery is as automatic as it sounds. To create a video gallery on your WP website, simply input the name of the channel, user, search term, or playlist into the plugins settings. Youll need a YouTube API key for this plugin to automatically retrieve the data.

4. WP YouTube Lite

WP YouTube Lite allows you to embed videos on your site without slowing down your page speed. Using the YouTube API, it loads YouTube videos into a much lighter video player that will keep your pages loading time fast.

5. Feed Them Social

The Feed Them Social plugin allows you to create and embed social media feeds on your website. It interfaces with the YouTube API to retrieve all of YouTubes data and create a custom feed. To activate a YouTube feed, youll navigate to the YouTube Options page on your plugin settings and enter your API key.

YouTube API Examples

What are some other ways you can use the YouTube API on your website or app? Below, youll find useful code samples for common YouTube API use cases.

1. Retrieving Your Uploads

The following code samples allow you to retrieve your own or another users uploads. Choose the one that aligns with the coding language or platform youre using.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Retrieving Uploads by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Retrieving Uploads [Go] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Retrieving Uploads [.NET] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Retrieving Uploads [Ruby] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.

2. Retrieving Search Results for a Certain Keyword

You can use the YouTube API to retrieve search results for a certain keyword. Use the code samples below to do so.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Search [AppsScript] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Search [Go] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Search [.NET] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.


See the Pen YouTube API Example: Search [Ruby] by Christina Perricone [@hubspot] on CodePen.

For more AppsScript, Go, .NET, and Ruby code samples, click here.

Custom YouTube API Code Samples

If youre using Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, or curl to connect your website or app to the YouTube API, click here to access code samples you can customize.

To create a code sample for your specific use case, take the following steps.

  1. Choose a resource. This refers to the data you want to retrieve using the API. For example, you can choose channels, videos, playlists, and search.
  2. Choose a method that aligns with what youre generally looking to do. For videos, for example, you can choose list, getRating, or insert.
  3. Find the use case that aligns with what you specifically want to do. For instance, after choosing videos as your resource and list as your method, you can either get a code sample for listing YouTubes most popular videos or listing your liked videos.
  4. Click the next to the use case. This will open up a Try this API window where you can customize the request parameters, such as the videoCategoryId and regionCode.
  5. After youre finished customizing, click Execute. Youll be prompted to log in and provide access to the API Explorer. Youll then be taken back to the previous window, where your code snippet has been generated.

Use the YouTube API to Grow Better

YouTube can help you reach a larger audience and grow your customer base. It has an established user base, providing the perfect environment for businesses, marketers, creatives, and virtually anyone who wants to reach the public to do so easily.

Consistently creating high quality, original content can be difficult to incorporate into most marketing strategies. But with access to the YouTube Data API, you can take the second-best route to use YouTube for marketing: sharing video on your website.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


Application Programming Interface [API]

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