Which command displays a the names of the files in a folder in reverse order quizlet?

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quiz questions 1-31

Terms in this set [31]

Which of the following commands switches to another user?


Which of the following will change your current working directory to the home directory

cd $HOME

Which of the following is the Linux command to view all switches associated with a command?


Which of the following displays users currently on the system, assuming a multi-user environment, including load average on CPU?


Which of the following symbols does the file definition switch appended to the name of a symbolic link?


Which of the following is the alias for the system root directory?


Which of the following is the alias for the current directory?


Which of the following will change your current working directory to the home directory

cd ~

Which of the following is the command to display the directory listing showing file permissions?

ls -l

Which of the following will display the last 100 commands executed?

history 100

Which of the following commands sets or changes the password for a user


Which of the following displays the contents of the environment variable for the path?

echo $PATH

Which of the following symbols does the file definition switch append to the name of an executable file?


Which of the following is the alias for the parent directory?


In which of the following locations do you find the history list of commands that you have executed

home directory

Which of the following displays a list of the environment variable?


Which of the following is the command to change to the system root directory

cd /

which of the following displays the user identification, including user and group IDs [uid and gid] of the current user


Which of the following will list directory contents sorted in reverse order?

ls -r

Which of the following will use gedit to modify a file name mytest and keep the command line open at the same time

gedit mytest &

Which of the following variables contains formatting characters that determine the appearance of the linux prompt?


Which of the following creates an empty file


Which of the following will display the list of all commands in the history file

cat .bash_history

Which of the following displays the directory listing of the system root without changing into it?

ls /

Which of the following enables you to find the directory where the help executable is found?

whereis help

Which of the following displays the date in universal format [Greenwich Mean Time]?

date -u

Which of the following commands creates an alias for displaying the calendar for 2019?

alias cy='cal 2019'

Which of the following symbols does the file definition switch append to the name of a directory?


Which of the following displays only a brief description of the ls command

whatis ls

Which of the following displays users currently on the system, assuming a multi-user environment


Which of the following executes a command with elevated privileges?


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Which command gives you a full list of files reverse ordered by time?

If you want to get the results in the reverse sort order, use the -r option. It's worth mentioning that the ls command does not show the total space occupied by the directory contents. To get the size of a directory , use the du command.

Which command displays the contents of files on screen in descending order?

List files and sort by file size. Type the ls -S [the S is uppercase] command to list files or directories and sort by size in descending order [biggest to smallest].

Which command displays the names of all the files present in current directory?

To list all files in the current directory, type the following: ls -a This lists all files, including. dot [.] ... .
To display detailed information, type the following: ls -l chap1 .profile. ... .
To display detailed information about a directory, type the following: ls -d -l ..

What does the ls command do quizlet?

The ls command displays the names of files in a directory.

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