The reason why là gì

Reason là danh từ có nghĩa: lý do. Ta cần chú ý đến những từ theo sau reason (xem thêm mục từ cause, reason và motive).

  • Reason có thể được theo sau bằng “why…” hoặc “that…”
  • The reason why I’m late is that I missed the train.

Lý do tại sao tôi đến trễ là do tôi lỡ chuyến tàu.

  • Do you know the reason that he had been underpaid?

Anh có biết lý do mà cô ấy bị trả lương thấp không?

  • Trong đàm thoại thông tục, why và that trong những câu như trên thường bị lược bỏ.
  • The main reason he lost his job was that he drank.

Lý do chính khiến anh ta bị mất việc là do say sưa rượu chè.

  • Cụm từ “reason for something” thông dụng để giải thích tại sao một sự việc xảy ra, tồn tại hay đã được tiến hành.
  • She asked the reason for the decision.

Cô ta hỏi lý do vì sao có quyết định đó.

Lưu ý:

Trong những câu sau reason có mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng that, thay vì dùng “that-clause”, một số người lại dừng because thay cho that.

– Sorry I’m late, the reason is because I overslept.

Xin lỗi đã đến trễ, lý do là vì tôi đã ngủ quên.

Cách dùng because như thếkhá thông dụng trong đàm thoại ở Anh. Tuy nhiên, nhiều người cho rầng, dùng như thế là sai (incorrect) và ta nên tránh.

Động từ

Sự suy luận, suy lý, lý luận
to reason on (about) at subjectsuy luận về một vấn đề

Tranh luận, cãi lý, cãi lẽ
to reason with someonetranh luận với ai, cãi lý với ai

Dùng lý lẽ để thuyết phục
to reason someone into doing somethingdùng lý lẽ để thuyết phục ai làm gì

( + out) suy ra, luận ra, nghĩ ra
to reason out the answers to a questionsuy ra câu trả lời của câu hỏi

Trình bày mạch lạc, trình bày với lý lẽ

Bản dịch

Khả năng suy diễn, luận

I believe that there are several reasons. Firstly,… Secondly…

Tôi tin rằng có một số nguyên nhân dẫn tới sự việc/hiện tượng này. Thứ nhất là...

Ví dụ về cách dùng

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

Major reasons for population decline include habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation and poaching.

The reasons for this latitude and seasonal dependence are complicated, involving atmospheric circulation patterns as well as solar intensity.

Rand defined reason as the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man's senses.

He had previously requested a multi-year contract with the team, but was deferred due to financial reasons.

Mining ceased in 1845 for reasons of economy and geology.

He takes great pains to appear normal, and is greatly offended at the suggestion that his motives are anything but reasonable and genuine.

New and fashionable clothes can be found here with reasonable price.

It would be reasonable to assume that some types would have been brought with the press.

The court, then, is not bound by the choice made by the reasonable employer.

If it is too high, the rent officer will set a reasonable figure.

Landlords undoubtedly have the right to increase rent, subject to the test of reasonability.

Hockey, of course, isn't always a bastion of reasonability.

The most important point regarding the acceptability of a method is its reasonability to adjust targets in a truncated match, and here my system is far ahead.

Therefore, reasonability of restriction shall have to be determined by the higher courts on a case-to-case basis.

We need to examine the reasonability and weight of the reason for the rejection.

The reasoning behind the change is to eliminate teams having to play four games in five nights.

Through reasoning, the court stated that the military has rights to restrict access to government controlled institutions like prisons and military bases.

Reasoning that the birds were unlikely to fly up a blocked valley, he followed them up and discovered the pass.

Rather, they are conceptualized as fragments of reasoning, to which respondents must project meaning.

He published other books which showed a strong vein of wit, as well as great powers of reasoning.

For that reason, soon after came the series, and now the adaptation.

It was for that reason they had to implement "floor nursing" when necessary.

For that reason alone, the game was special to the province, the players and to the sport in general.

I love living here for that reason -- because it makes those few hours when it is asleep that much more meaningful.

Perhaps, for that reason, the company's range is not vast, (there are only four turntables and three arms available), but distinctly exotic-looking in design.


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