the greta là gì - Nghĩa của từ the greta

the greta có nghĩa là

[n.] A classy, beautiful, well-dressed, artistic woman with a down-to-earth nature. She may or not possess physical traits of red hair, pleasant eyes, delicate bone structure, and full lips. A Greta tends to be a perfectionist, often holding herself to very high standards. This woman is very responsible, self aware, intelligent, logical, conscientious, and determined. Often guarded upon meeting new people, she is likely to assess you accurately and get to know you better if she finds you worthy of her time. Greta's tend to be kind, sensitive, caring, and loyal within close relationships.


I wish I was a Greta! Of course I'm bringing Greta home to meet my parents. Why would I want to marry her if she's not a Greta??

the greta có nghĩa là

Greta is the best friend you could have. She says she has a ton of acne but she doesn’t. Greta is so sweet even though she can be stubborn sometimes but she always comes around. If you have a Greta keep her she is the best. She is the most beautiful,amazing,nice,enthusiastic person you will ever meet. She says she is ugly but she isn’t! So if you get a Greta keep her !!!


“Greta your the best and I love you.”
No I am not

the greta có nghĩa là

A fun, stunningly beautiful, sarcastic girl. She is super nice and fiercely loyal to her closest friends. Though somewhat shy at first once she gits to know you her personality blossoms in front of you. Gretas look quiet and innocent from the outside but have a vivacious sexual appetites.


Wow! who is that?
That is Greta, the hardest and best get in the whole school.

the greta có nghĩa là

Greta is....god there are no words to describe how amazing she is. She is very cute, very stubborn, short tempered and a little psycho. Greta is also sweet, kind, soft hearted, crazy and outgoing. Greta tends to be hyper and annoying at times, cute, sweet, kind and helpful at times, but then there is Greta’s bad side...she is psycho, crazy, and a total bitch. Trust me you don't want to get on Greta’s bad side. Greta is a fun person to date. She has many different personalities but in a good way. Everyone wants to date an Greta. She will brighten your day. Greta also is very sexy, although she usually dresses lazily, when she tries it's amazing, there are no words to describe it. If you get a good Greta, in a relationship, she will give you her everything. Once she gets attached to you, she is attached to you, well probably for life


Greta is amazing Greta is so cool Greta is so fun to hang out with

the greta có nghĩa là

Usually a Brunette and has beautiful eyes. She is very talented, athletic and artsy. Loves nature and animals. Very kind, sweet and loyal. She is average height. Made fun of but stays strong. Greta has many friends and does well in school. She is a Great secret keeper.


Greta will try her hardest and loves animals especially horses!

the greta có nghĩa là

A greta is someone who is easy to get a long with and doesn't gossip. A Greta is usually Brunette with a tinge of red and is a really tallented, intelegent, Beautiful Girl. A Greta enjoys music and cooking and loves animals, she is very sporty and always has friends around her to support her


Georgia: Hey, How are you?
Greta: I am really good and how are you?
Georgia: I am really good aswell [geez Greta is nice!]

the greta có nghĩa là

Greta is...god there are no words to describe how AMAZING she is, she wasn’t born to flex and is the most amazing person you’ll ever meet. She’s basically the life of the party and will brighten up your day in seconds! Not to mention she’s super cute and really nice a Greta is the definition of someone you’d want as a best friend or a girlfriend


Greta is soo cool Yup she looks like a Greta to me! Damn Greta’s hot asf

the greta có nghĩa là

A German girl who never looks up to someone else. Greta can be extremely stubborn and unforgiving but she is also the sweetest and most caring person some will ever meet. Greta doesn't need a lot to be happy but she often struggles with self- loving and excepting herself. Greta loves people that take the time to get to know her and look after her. Greta gets very mad when people correct her on her grammar, problems. Greta is very independent and likes to figure things out herself. If you correct and greta she will try to find any possible way she could be right. A greta is also someone that gets sad very easily. Greta may seem like a person who stubborn and tough to get to know but once she knows that you care about her she loves you to no extent. Greta could sometimes be blinded when a person like a fake friend pays attention to her.


"Yes I know Greta, she's the one in our class that always thinks she is right, but she is so cute"

the greta có nghĩa là

Derives either from the Scandinavian version of the name Margaret [short for Greta], or the German names like Grete,Gretchen,Gretel and Gretah. Originally indicated the pearl,symbol of purity and kindness,which then came to denote the flower considered the symbol of these virtues.It could also mean,by the Finnish "Snow Queen" or,from the Gaelic,and the meaning would be "Fallen angel" or "Godsend".All the Gretas I know are the kindest and most honest people I've ever met.They're fun to be around and very witty.


Greta is my favourite person.I'd love to be with Greta right now.

the greta có nghĩa là

A famous Norwegian sandwich. GRETA: Guacamole, Ranch, Eggs, Tomato, and Applesauce.


WOW I've really got a hankerin for Greta right now. I could eat all of Greta at this very moment. I feel lost whenever I'm without Greta.

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