Stack danh sách liên kết đơn

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* File: khoa.cpp
* Author: KHOA
* Created on August 26, 2016, 9:16 AM

using namespace std;

struct Node {
int data;
Node *next;

struct List {
Node *head;
Node *tail;

// khoi tao stack

void Init[List &s] {
s.head = s.tail = NULL;

// kiem tra stack co rong khong

bool isEmpty[List &s] {
if [s.head == NULL] return true;
else return false;

// tao Node

Node *creat_Node[int x] {
Node *p = new Node;
if [p != NULL] {
p->data = x;
p->next = NULL;
} else return NULL;

// Push vao stack

void push[List &s, int x] {
Node *p = creat_Node[x];
if [isEmpty[s]] {
s.head = s.tail = p; // neu stack rong thi ta gan p la phan tu dau va cuoi
} else {
p->next = s.head; // cho phan tu ke tiep bang phan tu dau
s.head = p; // cap nhat phan tu dau la phan tu moi them vao

// Pop phan tu ra khoi stack

void pop[List &s] {
Node *p = s.head;
if [!isEmpty[s]] {
s.head = p->next;
delete p;
} else {
cout data == x] {
return q;
} else {
q = q->next;
return NULL;
// Nhap du lieu cho Stack

void nhap[List &s] {
int n;
cout >n;
for [int i = 1; i

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